Thursday Thimbles and Mending

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:30 pm

OK, my final hotel is now booked.

My sister really wanted me to stay at the same hotel as her but I didn't want to pay the extra $$$ so we negotiated. I think I'm ahead now. She'll pay all my parking fees and I'll pick her up from the airport.

I couldn't find the rate she had and I called the hotel who dumped me through to reservations. They wouldn't price match the hotel I was staying in (same chain) so suggested I stay at my original hotel.

I called my sister to confirm her rate and realized she was staying one day less. Sure enough by booking 3 days instead of 4, I saved $18 per night. And then I added the 4th night and saved $11, for a total of $67. Since the other hotel was more (but included breakfast and parking), my total savings including taxes are $95. I'll have to pay my breakfast ($60 if I eat at the hotel, less if I go to a greasy spoon) but I get the $40 from my sister for the parking so I'm ahead of the game.

Plus, since my sister is there, I can go swimming each day. I don't like to swim alone in unsupervised pools.

Another plus, I know this neighbourhood well for driving.

I have the funeral details now. Funeral is at 10 but we'll have to be there by 9 since it is a full honour guard funeral. Firemen lining the route, a piper to bring him into the church. (Dee and Harriet will know this well.) Reception to follow, then we drive down the South Shore to where my aunt is buried and we'll bury Uncle and my cousin's son at the same time later in the afternoon. I'm not keen on driving back in the dark (it will be about 70 minutes, plus through a strange city and over the harbour bridge) but I expect we'll have to.

I've explained to my sister that I can't drive while someone is talking. There's no way she'll shut up though. She said she fully understood, she'd been on the phone all day and was so tired of being on the phone. Please note: she called me back after we had ended our call, and then complained about being on the phone all day another 20 minutes into that call!

She complained about how late she got dinner. I pointed out I had not eaten yet (it was 8:30.) I've now had a sandwich.

Dd has written asking for babysitting days so that's my next to-do. I think there's a conflict with another todo.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby CathyS » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:45 pm

HI!! I'm back!!

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes!!

I have been offline here and all of my other sites other than FB because I consider this "my" computer. The lap top is for business and dh had already put his FB and Gameroom on the business computer. My FB and Gameroom are there, but nothing else.

We knew that today was the day we expected me to be back in the renovated/beautified pantry/office. Now we have wood paneled walls, a solid wood desk and a Persian/Chinese type carpet. Somewhat of a hideous design, but on the other hand, very classic. Cream background with brown and rust in the design. I also plugged in a beautiful lamp that has an antique look to it. Dark brass base with a glass dome with flower designs in the glass.

Now for the bad news. Dh hurt his left hand today and needed 13 stitches. It was a very short battle against a table saw. At our local hospital it took less than 4 hours from the time the incident happened in out garage to being home again. That included an x ray and a tetnus (SP?) shot. He will be on antibiotics for 3 days and he can't get the left thumb wet.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Lynlee » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:55 pm

I've added some weeding to my tadas in recent days.
not much else for wins

Hugs for Kathryn. I'm so sorry for your losses.
Prayers for you as you go through this next phase.
Prayers for dsis that she is able to be quiet when its time to be quiet.

I've been thinking heaps about feelings and attitude.
Its been interesting reading different thoughts.
(The following does not relate to any fore-mentioned village situation.)
I do think that discipline and self discipline is a whole thing that could be mixed up in there too.
No(not) feeling ones feelings / emotions is a whole other thing to not acting on them, nor is letting ones thoughts spin way out of control to supersize emotions/ feelings. That can be nightmare stuff when left to stew.
Not feeling feelings is not a good way to go. imo. I think MH experts would back that up.

Ouch Cathy and DH. Prayers for rapid healing.

edit for typo.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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