Friday Focus

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:36 pm

I didn't realize that was a link, LadyM. Seriously?!!! I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that. Do they have someone to hire for help? I can't imagine living any sort of life AND being responsible for the running of such a home. I have enough trouble keeping 3 bathrooms clean. They will have over 3x my square footage and almost 3x my bathrooms. Not to mention grounds.

I'm now s2s, the packing pile has been put aside neatly in the bedroom, I've done the load of laundry, I've washed my mop head, done all the kitchen chores for the week (skipped last week and late this week so this was urgent) and scrubbed down and re-waxed my butcher block surface. The washer is running on clean mode now. Takes forever (I think it has been going for an hour.)

I took down the cans & bottle recycle and there was room for that but I noted the paper bin has no room so I won't go back with that. I need to empty out all the garbage cans. And work on the balcony a bit cleaning up the tomato plants. Dgs had me put out all my 'flowers' (plastic) so they could be seen from inside. I had them tucked under the coffee table during the tornado storm day and hadn't pulled them out again. There's still a live plant that will last until heavy frost (we had a light frost last night but probably not on my balcony.) I need to by a tarp for the new wooden tables since they can't over-winter without protection. I'll be putting my butcher block wax on them before covering them up.

I also should eat some lunch although I have been eating junk food all along.

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:14 pm

((Cathy's dh!))

... .. thoughts spin way out of control to supersize emotions/ feelings

Lynlee, you have such a gift for expressing ideas. I've thought this exact thought, but never in words I could share. "supersize" - ideal way of envisioning what can happen in my thinking sometimes.

Errands had to continue today, and I'm just back from the bank and several other spots. Bought a lunch meal of Pad Thai from a Thai place for HRH and asked, "vegetarian". He just showed it to me. There are noodles and nothing else. No plant of any kind, whether bean, green or otherwise. How bewildering. Perhaps someone thought the word was negative, as in no veggies, please?

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:35 pm

Yes, that is an amazing home, LadyM, I would not want to be the one cleaning it! That house is seriously huge! I am thinking of you and RR with the aging mothers. I have been there, and still there. For so long dbro didn't want to admit he couldn't do it and dmom didn't want to admit that it was time. It took her losing a lot of weight and developing a bedsore (from sitting) to get the move.

Congrats to Kathryn's family and the DFS family, also.

And congrats to RR for her facebook news, will let her share when she's ready here!

I may have figured out another plan. I don't have a strong proof right now but hopefully with some research can get there and then I can still use the second and third generation that I've already planned.

I had to uninstall and reinstall Evernote to get it working right.
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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:02 pm

LadyM, that isn't a home. It's a CASTLE! My first thought was "all those bathrooms to clean". I sometimes wonder why we built 3 into our place here. Thank goodness 1 is barely used. You have a big decision to make regarding your DMom. Having her there will add a whole 'nother level to your caregiving.

I hope CathyS's DH is healing. Scary accident. Saws. Could have lost a finger or more.

Dee how is your knee today?

I have done a big pupa around here and dusted / wiped surfaces.

I have someone coming for a check. Waiting on him now. Yesterday he called and said he had old invoices not paid. Yes he neglected to bill us and those jobs are finished, billed, reconciled, etc. So DH and I went back over old records and he is miffed about this old stuff. One we had specifically called and asked about... so I was a little reluctant to even handle this myself. It is hard to go back to customers weeks or months after they've paid us and ask for more money. Easy to send a check to someone and give them money back, if things go that way, but embarrassing to be the other way.

However, this morning I had an attitude change and new thoughts. This guy called and said my DH had said to call me and I told him to come over anytime today, that I'd be here. He sounded totally shy about whole thing and I got the impression he is as embarrassed about this whole thing as we were annoyed. So, when he comes I will just request that he send things more timely and explain why... after complimenting him on the last job he did for us to put him at ease... and I am no longer dreading this visit from him.

Sometimes a night's sleep puts one in a different frame of mind, I guess.

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:16 pm

I am back from town, had lunch saw two friends while I was out and about. I put purchases away. Went to Joann's did not buy anything.

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:36 pm

I had eggs and bacon for lunch. Darn near killed me to dirty the kitchen after getting it clean!

I hadn't looked at the price of the house LadyM's son is buying. Here's a link to a house in my neighbourhood. This house is a little bit more expensive than the one he's buying when you account for the exchange rate. Note: it is a semi-detached so sharing a wall with the neighbours, not a private mansion on over four acres! ... tboro-West

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:45 pm

skippable but interesting, to keep on top of the new thinking

Dd38 was a speaker at a symposium Wednesday and yesterday. She took these notes while listening to the keynote speaker, who is an inventor of many things we all know - battery powered wheelchair, the Segway, stair-climbing wheelchair, low-energy water-purifying system for underdeveloped countries, many medical devices. It applies to the futures of so many people in dd38's life, or anyone's, really.

Dean Kamen was the keynote speaker at the Future of Manufacturing Symposium in Worcester, MA. He spoke about the future of manufacturing being the future of medicine and his desires to move beyond treatment to cures for many long-term and costly diseases. The cures, he says, are organ replacements. Moving away from insulin pumps and dialysis pumps (that are part of his own invention/manufacturing past) and into the manufacturing of tissue and organs.

[paraphrasing here]"Why have (keep) long-term patients living through low quality of life treatments like dialysis, costing billions of dollars on a national level (US) each year?"
"Why join over 40,000 on a kidney transplant list? There are only a small fraction of that number of kidneys available from cadavers."
"Medical companies would rather see the profits from the high cost/long-term treatment than mass produce the cure...Thy are willing to see many go for the no-cost option and die"
"Researchers have proven they can grow tissue. Researchers can grow organs. Why, then are they doing it only in research labs at a cost of millions for so few."
"Medicine needs to move into manufacturing."
"Manufactured kidneys can end dialysis. Manufactured pancreases can cure diabetes...the future of manufacturing is high quality of life cures."

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:18 pm

DSon/DDIL custom built a house a couple years ago. They live in a very nice large home now and they were preparing to do some additions/renovations to it that would cost more than the price of this "new to them" house. DDIL is very good at making real estate deals and she got a deal on this home. They decided instead of building onto their existing home, they would move to this one that had the things they were going to add onto their existing home.

DSon/DDIL were raised in similar backgrounds. Neither of them was raised in this type of lifestyle. It is a foreign lifestyle to me and I am constantly surprised at something or another they do that has become normal to them. DGS11 and DGD7 have opportunities that very few children have. I just hope and pray they keep their feet in reality and remember their roots.

DDIL mother lives with them 90% of the time. She still owns her own home about 20 miles from me but rarely comes here. DDIL mother is single and DDIL is her only child. DDIL mother has her own separate area in their current home and will have a similar area in the new-to-them home. Separate kitchen, living room, bedroom area, etc. She maintains a separate life than DSon/DDIL but is almost always available to help with the children. DDIL mother does not do any housework or cooking,...that is not her purpose for being there. She is the most amazing talented creative Grandmother in the world. I could go on and on in describing the gifts of time & knowledge that she is giving to DGS11 and DGD7. I admire her greatly and am thankful for what she does. Her presence in their home gives an opportunity for DDIL to travel with DSon as often as possible.

Do they have someone to hire for help?

DDIL manages everything and makes it possible for DSon to focus on family/friends when he isn't working. DDIL does hire people to do some things but she does a lot of it herself. About the only thing she doesn't ever do is yard work. She is very capable person and enjoys challenges. She recently built DGS11 and DGD7 bedroom furniture. Really. She built a raised bed and desk in each of their bedrooms. My jaw dropped when i saw what she had done. It turned out amazing.... to say the least. She could have hired it done but she wanted the challenge of doing it herself. I really don't know of anything she won't tackle.

p.s. Sorry for writing so much. I removed the link to their new-to-them home.
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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:54 pm

LadyM: thanks for sharing. We have old friends from the village who moved to southern Ontario. They bought a century old home that seems huge to me (only about 3500 square feet plus a basement apartment.) It is surprising it was still mostly a single family home, and not converted to apartments over the decades. Her mother lives in a basement apartment to help out with the grandchildren since both of them work in their business (like us, just the 2 of them but she contributes to the technology as well.) He travels constantly (consults in Hollywood on the tech end of things) so having someone there is very practical.

I managed to get a walk over to the store and picked up the ingredients to make up a pseudo shepherd's pie to be made from the leftovers. Now to actually make it.

Dfs has been sending me pictures. Iris has been asleep on him for the past 45 minutes. She's so tiny and perfect!

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:56 pm

Researchers can grow organs.

This is the truth that has been proven over and over for years. They can clone people. This technology opens doors that many are wary of doing. I suspect our grandchildren will have much different medical care options than we currently do.
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