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Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:13 pm

I think I am more crabby than tenacious.

This is a thing I am fighting back, too, yes. Most crabbiness is not because of my housemates, though. A little.

I also feel as blessed does about poor food choices, but these are the ones being brought into the house. It's not sabotage, because there is no malice aforethought, but the results are the same.

Dee, I'm so grateful that they double-check in whatever ways they can to make sure they are doing procedures that actually help. I'm irritated that this double-check is one that could only be at the last minute. And after all the prep, the time, and probably $.

Desk Day for our household this a.m. was helped when dd was leaving at the same moment I finished, and so I didn't have to go out into the rain.

Our weather is not bad yet, just dreary. I think they are saying Thursday will be our lousy, sopping-wet day.

Am dreading a call I expect to nag me to go to a church thing tonight (and also Wed nite). I don't go to things held at homes because they become rotations of "shoulds" and "oughts". For the summer, Wed nights came back to the church (yay) and I attended, but they switched it again. Counter-productive carpooling and worry about space to park and sit, while our church is dark. Now Sun night is on something mandatory-wonderful (not) for everyone with a position, so for me that takes the place of other night's chances to do things anyhow.

I have a bit of success I can post in A, C and N, so will go do that.

Extra laundry is my "Next Up".

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:05 pm

home from a nice but unhealthy lunch with dh.

I have been having the same thing d harriet - I kind of let it happen because they (d family) were unaware and it built and built until now where it is my weakness with ben and jerry's ice cream and lots of other things... dh has always been an unhealthy eater but he has wonderful cholesterol and blood pressure - genetics!

Hope you don't have to go tonight d harriet! . it's okay to say no for your own well being. our local church does a wednesday night big program and bible study. it is also the night for youth in other churches in our area.
yay on success

next take timer and see how long it will take to put the laundry away at the bottom of the stair that I left before our trip. no one else takes it upon themselves to to it upstairs :shock: :roll:

dd younger is slipping on things that I ask her to do... I think I am going to have to be insistent. Dd older found a new apartment so we are moving her stuff on Saturday. She is moving in slowly to get paint on the wall etc.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:05 pm

hi d elizabeth... glad your list doesn't look so bad this morning.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Elizabeth » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:13 pm

I am having to be tenacious about PAYING MY X! He sent me a list of DD's medical expenses with no proof. He has sent me screen shots from the insurance company that show what THEY paid the provider. Those do line up with the numbers in the spreadsheet. There is still NO PROOF WHATSOEVER of what he actually paid as copays and patient responsibility. I have the money. I would like to get it transferred to him as soon as I possibly can. I refuse to do so without proof. He claims the spreadsheet was downloaded directly from the insurance company. But if it was, it would not have "Elizabeth's responsibility" listed because the insurance company has no way of knowing details of child support agreements or even if they exist.

Am I going to have to get a lawyer to allow me to pay my debts?

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Postby Harmony » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:22 pm

(Elizabeth) I suppose the drs. themselves or whoever he paid would give you receipts? I'm thinking they didn't keep the receipts or don't know where to find them...so gave you this instead.

I'm being tenacious with a project that's needing a lot of attention. I've gone to county office, did some computer work about it all and have made a lot of phone calls. Customer is really testy about how long this is all taking, but he's not on our end and does not know the process. He doesn't need to take it out on us, we are doing the very best we can.

Grey and windy here. We will get smatterings of rain as this thing goes by. I am feeling blessed this is all we are getting from this.

Hung up LOL, used pins on the rack so they didn't all blow away.

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:35 pm

(((d elizabeth))) I think you can ask for the insurance papers xeroxes - will it be more expensive to pay an attorney? I know it is a matter of principle.

hi d harmony best wishes on project
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Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:46 pm

I have been in the sewing room again made great progress on the other sewing project. I headed outside and fetch mail, brought in the bin from the curb. Then headed to the back yard dug out a dead rose bush moved another small one. The big one I wanted to move did not happen. We had rain but it was not the soaking I hoped. So had to water it more. I had lunch, summer stuff is downstairs now.
I worked on the creativity room this morning.
H. Is on his way home now bc of the rain. Going to try to see if I can vacuum before h arrives just a little game to give me some mojo. :roll: Poof. Did it.
Laundry is going.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby BookSaver » Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:11 pm

Hello, villagers ~
I hope all of our Canadian friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday yesterday.

I've had a split-shift start to the day. I woke up at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up to do a few easy chores and cook breakfast. After DH left for work, I went back to bed and slept another 4+ hours with the calico cat. I guess I was tired after all!

Yesterday our TinyTown kids were out of school because of teacher in-service day, so the library was a happenin' place. I was absolutely exhausted last night after I locked the building and drove home.

Since my nap I've
* cooked soup for my lunch
* cleaned in the kitchen
* answered emails
* watched a video of tiny kittens
Before supper I'm going to
* vacuum high-traffic areas
* process a stack of mail and other paper
* declutter 15 minutes
* write a groceries and errands list for tomorrow

Oh my, I just heard loud thunder. I'll put a little flashlight in my apron pocket for insurance.

Tonight I want to sew and I need to watch a movie that is due back at the library on Thursday. I'm glad i can do both of those tasks at the same time.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:03 pm

Long day.

The joy - getting to meet Iris. Both dfs and dfsw look good but are in 'coping' mode. They appear to be coping quite well. Iris is precious. She was sleeping and not holding her suited me fine. Staring worked just fine! I stayed at the house less than 30 minutes and set a timer to not stay in the room with Iris more than 15 minutes since I had promised a quick visit.

I went for a long 'not drowning' session at the pool with my sister after I got back and then showered and prepared for the afternoon. She spent over an hour in the water, I just spent 35 minutes.

We left and I suggested lunch next door to the funeral home but she felt I could do without lunch since I had eaten so much for breakfast so took me away from there on the guise of telling me stories about the neighbourhood and waiting for our cousin.. She was wrong. I ended up with a headache from low blood sugar and used one of my 2 emergency protein bars.

There was 2 hours between visitations and she flat out refused to let me go where I wanted to go. We ended up at a perfectly fine restaurant but I had wanted to go to my favourite fish and chip place and she didn't want to go there but she didn't want to eat alone. Her incredible selfishness on this point upsets me practically to tears. Remember, at that point, I was also extremely hungry and didn't have the strength to fight with her.

After I finished eating, I did walk out on her since she refused to accept that the water problems in my apartment are caused by leaking windows. "Windows don't leak unless the glass is broken." My head was hurting from trying to deal with the nonsense she was spouting along with the non-stop talking. So I left the restaurant and went for a walk.

The evening visitation was even busier than the afternoon visitation. The lineup was snaked through the chapel of the funeral home, across the hall and then through 3 rooms.

My cousin and his wife are along for the circus ride being put forth by the deceased's mother. Tomorrow is going to be even more of a zoo and there is no time for our lunch in there either. The funeral is 10, we have to be there for 9. There is a reception after. The interment is at 2:30. The issue is it will take 2 hours to get to the town with the grave and a very long funeral will create issues.

My cousin intends to skip the reception and I think I agree with that idea. We can then drive down the shore, stopping for a quick, quiet, lunch after we are well on the road. They offered to drive us but my sister immediately refused the offer. She ISN'T doing the driving, especially after dark on the way back. So I'm upset about that selfishness too, refusing offers to help.

We have Ontario cousins who arrived here today so are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow. That will be tomorrow's joy.

That's about it. We were back in the hotel at 8:15 and I'm out of my clothes and winding down for bed even though it is just past 9. My head is buzzing.

Ds wrote to ask something about the house (he wants to put in an offer) so I answered him. I wrote dh before visitations so I'll write him again tomorrow night, or from my phone while waiting for the service to start.

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Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:08 pm

Kathryn, that's a lot to have to put up with. This too will pass. Rest well.

Iris is a pretty name.

I've spent some time trying to help a cousin with a 1922 photo of all the children at a family reunion, for which the "key" of names has been lost. Obviously, there is no one qualified to recognize faces. But I am one who saw this photo decades ago and have a memory of that moment at least, when there were others with me who did have recognition. I remember being quizzed, making mistakes, and being corrected with more accurate info, so I'm helpful now.

Extra laundry through to drip dry.

Fielded a phone call from a church friend. I'm so glad it came after the time for this evening's event, and was about something different.

Going around with a bandaid on my right pointer finger indefinitely - how could a broken nail be at a worse spot. Really needs protecting too - ouch. Dd20 washed the dishes tonight. Maybe I'll get better at it but tonight I was awkward, lol.

Got a new quilt block pattern ready for tomorrow. Almost decided on fabrics.

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