Saturday Circles

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Saturday Circles

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:15 am

Hurricanes and tornadoes tend to move in circles. Do you find yourself going in circles?

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:26 am

Sometimes I feel like I'm traveling in circles. It seems like I just finished doing an activity and then SNAP! it has made the weekly circle and has returned again. I told DH last night that I feel the need to get off the whirlwind of activities for a couple of days and just have some downtime. I don't see that happening anytime soon but it is nice to think about.

DSon and family will be arriving about noon today. They will leave tomorrow after church & lunch. I have some plans made for the 5 Grandkids to do this afternoon/evening. I have meal plans put together to serve that can easily expand to include other family members. Sleeping places are ready for everyone. The house is in fairly good shape and only needs a couple minutes of PUPA. I am looking forward to this time together.

2pm - Lego competition
3pm - Bicycle contest
4pm - Pet show
then walk through our small town fall festival
7pm - Street dance with live band
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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby lucylee » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:33 am

DEFINITELY can relate to “going in circles.”
Ha! We keep circling back to College Town.
I woke up with an upset stomach so I’m not feeling my best... and dh is grouchy bc his knee and hip hurt... and of course, none of us got much sleep, waking up at 6:30...sheesh.
But we’re here — y’all wish us luck. ;)

Sounds like a full day for LadyM and family — but I know you’ll have fun with all the grands together!

Hope you all have a fun day!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:46 am

Yep going around cleaning again happening g soon for my circle, pick up the yard, help h with faucet install. Head to town possibly, or tomorrow. Waving to everyone.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Harmony » Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:35 pm

Yep. Everything around here gets done. Then needs done again. And again.

Today I've just been going around catching up on stuff. Cleaned off counters and tables. Washed and changed a set of sheets, hung up the laundered ones. Folded another LOL. Took care of my desk which was piled up. Answered two letters long over-due.

Fun thing: as I took the last letter out to the mailbox, I startled a young bobcat up at our shop door. It wasn't a baby tiny thing, about half grown. It trotted off to the oak trees out front. DH says he's seen it around, saw it just last week. I wonder where the Mother and Father are.

Beautiful blue sky today and lower humidity. Time for a break.
Last edited by Harmony on Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:46 pm

good day to you!!!!

I have been out of the house and my house shows it.
I am enjoying the cold weather but it's so funny that people can't understand I don't get cold like other people - this is heaven for me. I wore shorts and a sweater for shorts or jeans and I was so comfortable. everyone else were freezing.
it was 34 when I woke up and yesterday it was a beautiful 47 degrees and fall. my kind of weather and where I feel the most comfortable. no headaches in this type of weather.

dd's are off working on dd olders apartment. her work is an hour away and there were gun shots outside of their office ... this neighbourhood is supposed to be safe - mmm. she gets home so late from work and I know I will worry. It is not like she would not get hurt in the family suburb. her furniture came in and they are cleaning the apartment.

I spent 2 hours on paperwork - how do people do it if they don't work on things daily. today was ordering things, card file, spending listed from this week. geesh.

my d brothers present came in
found two socks (cute) for both girls christmas stockings.

I hope you all have been well.

I am with d lucy going in circles :D :D :D
what a fun day for your ds d lady!
hi d nancy!
Hi d harmony! glad you have a beautiful sky!

have a wonderful day!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:38 pm

To go in a circle, one must leave the spot one is at.

I haven't really done that today. I'm in full-on slug mode.

I did just sign dh up for an access code so we can apply for his government pension. Not sure we'll do so (you can apply any time between 60 and 70 getting less per month if you apply early) but at least we need to be able to make the financial decision. Currently the 'breakeven' age for dh is 75. If he lives past 75 he will get less over his lifetime than if he waited until age 65 to draw the government pension. His parents both died at 72. His grandparents died around age 72. He does have some aunts and uncles who have beaten those numbers, specifically those who didn't smoke or quit early.

Since dh never smoke or drank, that might change his life expectancy. On the other hand, he has a very dodgy heart valve and spends long times away from medical care (i.e. Africa or long cruises) so if the valve gives out while he's away, he will not survive. And some other issues that are starting to show up. So that's why I'm thinking of taking the pension early.

Aside from that, I've done nothing productive today except make the bed and empty the dish drainer. I'm still not s2s.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:40 pm

i like that d kathryn! wishing you a wonderful day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:48 pm

Been trying to convince dd to have dsonil take his social security early instead of several more years down the road. Will they ever make up the difference? I doubt it. Besides he's not in the greatest of health and absolutely ignores taking care of himself. So can understand your quandry, Kathryn. We took our SS at 62 as we never figured we'd outlive the later years. It's been good for us.
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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby helia » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:01 pm

Peeking in. . .
I like the cooler weather too, blessed.
Well, thinking all that through is something, Kathryn. And maybe a pajama day is in order!
Oh, wow, a baby bobcat, Harmony. Just keep safe. . . I guess that's not the same as a mountain lion? I think one of those cats(?) killed a biker in WA state last spring? or so.
Hi nancy, lucylee, and LadyM. And that's as far back as I can go!
And there's Dee.

Wow, you're all causing me to feel grateful that dh is quite diligent about taking care of himself and his health. I try to as well. It might help that our dear friend R is a physician. And so are 3 other members of our small group. They are all slightly younger than us and do keep tabs on us a bit. Because of our small group MDs, I (1) went to the Dr. and got my anemia diagnosed a couple years ago and (2) was strongly encouraged to get my first colonoscopy done at age 50 after my own GP didn't order one. (2 of the docs are GI docs.)

I try not to run in circles, but it happens anyway.

With my lighter work schedule, I'm starting to make headway on my backlogged list of todos. Last week, I was able to. . . .
(1) Make plans and reservations to go visit dd20 in NYC - next weekend. It worked out! Plane seats will be awful on an airline we don't use regularly, so there will be no special treatment. But it's only a 1:30 flight.
(2) Get all the forms filled out and notarized and submitted to order recent copies of kids' official birth certificates + our marriage certificate in order for the kids to apply for Dutch passports, which is dd20's brainchild. She's the one who did the research to (a) figure out that this was possible and (b) figure out how to do it.
(3) Deposit a collection of checks, some of which have been sitting around our house since July.

Today, I'm hoping to put our extended tax forms in the mail. We got them back from our CPA this week. Then, that will be another thing done.

Besides the regular daily stuff, today I have:
- done all the clothes laundry. Dh left for Calif. 20 minutes ago, and it needed to be done before he left.
- taken Pepper to the vet; she had an odd wet looking spot on her back. Turns out, it was evidence of a significant oozing skin infection which we couldn't see b/c she has the thickest coat of fur I've ever seen on a dog. And as a lab, she's not bothered too much by pain. She'll be on topical and oral antibiotics for 2 weeks.
- made our laundry facilities available to S who has done all their laundry here too. LOL! Their machine will be fixed on Wed.

Next - errands:
- postal place
- Michaels - nicer stickers for the pastor appreciation cards
- WF - pick up something for small group tonight

Later today:
- Jog? It's perfect weather for a jog, but I can't do the above errands AND jog. I might go for a jog tomorrow instead.
- small group, 5 - 9-ish
- other small tasks. . .
Last edited by helia on Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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