Saturday Circles

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:03 pm

Are we admitting things, then?

Circles Confession:
Since bare bones dailies this a.m., I've been happily traveling 'round and 'round from sewing machine to cutting mat to pressing station (I prefer this term, as you can imagine).

I have GOT to get up out of here and "get something done" that "counts". ;) (ohmigoodness, a whole big philosophy discussion could come from considering what "counts", couldn't it? If creativity falls in the forest ... ... :lol: )

Aaaanyway, my math came out right and I hardly had to use the seam ripper at all. So I've been in the zone.

The only homemaking circle that really bothers me is the one where I turn this way and that, unable to choose priorities. That one I don't like! Avoid that one!

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:19 pm


I took my Ss at 62 because I was planned way in advance and made good financial decisions along the way. One of them was marrying Sweetie... just kidding :lol:

I found myself single at the age of 38 and never wanted to count on a man after that... I sound like Elizabeth in a good way. I lived below my means and put as much money as I could for my retirement and it paid off. I still live somewhat independently even though I am married and pride myself with that.

Sweetie and I are going out tonight to our favorite restaurant. We are celebrating one of our anniversary... the day we were married. It’s nice to acknowledge that, but we both prefer celebrating the day we committed ourselves to each other. We’ve been married 9 years but together 19 years this Feb. we always remember how many years we’ve been together but sometimes have to really think how long we’ve been married ...

It is a wonderful rainy day here in the desert. Temps are low 70’s. Watching TN play against Lucylees team and like Twins am excited to see we’re ahead at the’s been a very long time for our team. I went to UT so consider it my team... however my son went to AL and I graduated and received my masters from the university of south Alabama so during the playoff I support my sons team.

However next week my house will be divided...UT plays Al and I’m usually texting my son during the game...this year he will be in S Dakota hunting with his dad so I will miss the fun.

Laundry is going... 2 loads washed and put away and another two in the works. I have bacon cooking in the oven so it will be ready for the week. One of the stomach meds I was taking is making my hair fall out big time so I quit taking it. I can control my pains with a half a pain pill which is fine for the next two weeks but I need to find something else. Fortunately the pain meds don’t make me loopy.

I have a colonoscopy and the bravo capsule procedure done on Tuesday and I’ll be glad to get that done and my other procedure where they stick a tube down my nose and throat won’t happen till Oct 30th.

Dryer and oven are dinging at me so gotta go... saving to y’all
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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:53 pm

Taking a break. H has the faucet in the pipes are too short so he is on a parts run for fittings or what ever. I work 2-7 kid N will be here. Got clean sheets on one bed. Need to clean out the kit sinks.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:13 pm

I'm sitting down for a break. The kids asked if they could just stay at our house and play instead of going to the planned activities. So we have stayed at home and let the kids play to their heart's content. DGS12 & DGS10 play well together. DGD7 & DGD7 talk non-stop in everything they do together. The boys are currently playing outside with nerf guns. The girls just finished doing a fashion show and are now drawing and coloring at the table. DGS21 stayed for 3 hours but then he had enough of noisy kids so he went home. :)

Lunch was simple. I made 4 lbs of chili. I served it with Hot dogs, Fritos and beans. Some had Frito pies. Some had hot dogs & chili. Some had a bowl of chili & beans.
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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:45 pm

Ds just phoned to say he has got the house (pending the inspections, of course.) He ended up $3K below his 'happy price.' I feel sorry for the seller and pray nothing comes up in the inspections (well, septic and house.) They took a beating on the price and I know what that feels like. Ds will be back looking for even a better deal if anything unexpected shows up on the inspection. It needs a new water softener for sure and a washer/dryer. He had to move the closing date to November 9, and can't be out of his lease until Jan 1, so he'll be scrambling to find someone to take over his apartment sooner, if possible.

I'm a little sick. I hope I didn't help him make a bad decision.

Here's a link to the place: ... lies-Grove

(doesn't look anything like where LadyM's son is moving!)

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:09 pm

Got the water going in the kitchen sinks they have been ckeaned I cleaned up lunch dishes. Did my exercise on the stat bike. We had rain so bbq plans may change.
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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Lynlee » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:19 pm

Saturday - I (maybe) started the pajama day.
Eventually circled enough to get some dishes washed.
Nothing else worthy to note.
Rainy days continue this weekend.
In the last week the daily storms started, some places had the super cell tornados.
Nothing like the widespread or significant effect of Michael though.

One shire that had a huge area burnt out earlier in the month, water bombers saved farm houses but the rest of the country has gone, and this past week another community got done over by a tornado.
Elsewhere hail some places had big effect. People hospitalised.
( a young woman took the bruises to save her 4mo baby when large hail smashed through the car windows.)

My circle today - It seems like church attendance isn't happening for me.
I am dressed, and eating veges cooked in with my 'seed porridge', so veges at least are happening today.
Lately I haven't been doing so well at ordinary things.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby BookSaver » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:51 pm

Hello, villagers ~
It's an end to my very busy, full-of-people week.

Thursday at work the library was wild. I don't know how else to describe it. From the moment I walked in the door, I was on call to multi-task. I had my normal tasks that I'm assigned every week, plus the boss instructed me to do other things that day, plus patrons kept coming through the door with bags full of books and movies to check in and put away, and a higher-than-normal percentage of people needed personal assistance. It was fun and the time flew by quickly, but oh my when I got home all I could do was eat a snack and zombie out.

Yesterday I ran errands and filled my car with purchases. Lots of other shoppers, stockers, and clerks to maneuver my carts around and make small talk. At Sam's I even decided to use the self-serve check-out to try to get a break from talking, but a worker came up and tried to convince me to apply for a new credit card. No, thanks.

Made a good lasagna for supper last night, time-consuming but worth it when it tasted so good.

Today was my sewing group's monthly meeting. The program speaker was too ill to come, so for Plan B the members were asked to tell a short story about their sewing journey, how they started, what keeps them interested. It was very light-hearted and joyful. I didn't speak because since I've been on the board multiple times, I've been up front a lot and they all know me already. Plus, as y'all are aware, I don't know any short stories and I wanted to give everyone else the chance to speak! :lol:

I stopped at the library after the meeting so I could read newspapers. The library was busy today again so more chatting.

DH and I went out for lunch at the local diner, and as usual it was full of noise and talk.

Once we got home from that, I checked a few things on the computer and then went up for a nap with the calico cat. Now I'm sitting here in blessed silence. I was planning to watch videos and knit, but this silence is so nice maybe I'll quietly CUOP and read blogs instead.

Let's go see what all of you have been up to this week, shall we? :)

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:02 pm

We had dinner out and picked up milk. I plan a Costco run tomorrow for the yogurt.

I refilled my nightly vitamin dispenser and washed up all the dishes from the day (not many.)

Then I opened all the mail. I'm monitoring something for the FB group but I will head to bed now.

There's paperwork everywhere because I wanted to tell dh something I'd read (and clipped) and had to pull out paperwork to find it.

The other thing I did today was work on my next bujo but I still have a lot to copy over. Mostly refugee stuff and I usually type up the important stuff and print off. I did hand copy all my sermon sparks since thinking about them again is a good idea.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby CathyS » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:03 pm

That is a very nice house Kathryn!! I hope everything goes well and he gets it! I can picture a Christmas tree set up and everything!

I am still cleaning up from the pantry reno last week. I had been avoiding putting away all the stuff on the island. That included absolutely all of the cleaning stuff. Actually I hadn't really been avoiding, I have just been so tired. My friend spent 20 days in the hospital but she can walk again, so that makes me very happy. Her body just was worn out because she was out every single day since her long distance partner died last month. I have been going to see her almost every day. Dh and I were up there tonight for a cup of tea and a nice visit.

A whirlwind is a circle, so I guess that's the circle I've been living in for at least a month since the first time my friend fell. One of our friend's commented on how I done such a great job looking after her. What nobody knows is how tired I've been and how I easily sleep for 12 hours a night. I've been going to bed around 8 or 9 some nights. Tonight is the latest I've been up in over a week. This (10 p.m.) is my regular bed time and I still have energy tonight for a change.

Dh has been to work every day this week with a glove of some sort on his left hand. Today he actually used the chainsaw and he said the vibrations didn't bother him as much as he thought that they would. We have to get the wood finished this weekend for sure. We also need to cut the grass again. It's looking too lush and green for this time of year.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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