Monday Multiple Tactics

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:52 am

LadyM: I'm wondering if ds10 has been planning ahead in his mind and because he was thinking into the future, he jumped forward a week in his mind. That happens to me all the time.

I've finished cooking and assembling the recipe and it is now in the crock pot. It will be ready between 4 & 6 p.m. so that works for me, whenever I want to eat, I will be able to. In theory that is 4 servings so I'll probably freeze the excess, keeping a small serving for tomorrow's lunch. Tomorrow's dinner is chicken stir fry using the leftovers from last night.

I've also cleaned up all the dishes. I had a sink of hot, sudsy, water but failed to run a sink of rinse water so they are washed but awaiting rinsing in the dishwasher. I can run it on 'rinse/hold' after the water is on.

Interesting thoughts on preaching politics. The passage I'm preaching on this Sunday includes the words "their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them." It is tempting to contrast the servant leadership style professed by Christ and our leaders today. Especially when the people are off to the polls for a municipal election next week.

I'm still really woozy, bordering on vertigo. I lay down on the bed while dh packed and it didn't help. Usually it does.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby bittersweet » Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:33 pm

Multiple tactics? I wonder if that's like multitasking...LOL I'm going to need all the help I can get to accomplish my long list today!

My vacation is over (much too quickly!), and now I'm back to trying to cram things into my days off. Yesterday was dgd7's birthday party, and today is dMum stuff - errands, shopping, etc along with assorted housework stuff, bill paying, errands, etc. I'd also really like to take the dogs to the park, and maybe even spend an hour in the garden. The early snow has melted, and Indian summer is here this week.

I've only got a couple of hours before I have to head out, so I'd better get my rear in gear!

First up:

- refresh Sc*ntsy warmers
- put away clean dishes
- swish & swipe bathroom
- doggy doo patrol
- vacuum living room

Kinda worried about you, Kathryn! Are these issues still from the concussion?
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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:52 pm

lovely to see you b is sweet
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:08 pm

so far: kitchen weeklies - the best I can as I didn't get a great night sleep. but it is done! :D
I made an awful soup yesterday out of cook book I never tried... the sandwich and the soup - not impressed. we had to change it to have flavour
but it is still not great. I am still having it anyway as it is filled with veggies.

I feel a bit weak mmmm
maybe walk on treadmill first
Next: pull menu for tonight
I already pulled cards
still need to finish home blessing and I have a big I don't wanna happening in my brain.

looked at my cards for today. home blessing.

d b is sweet - happy birthday to your d grand daughter

d kathryn please see your neurologist. dd younger took months to recover (6) from her third one and 5th one. keep electronics off as much as possible - keep lights low, use magnesium if your d doctor okays it. hydrate, rest, quiet. sunglasses - dd swears by them. I am praying for you d kathryn. concussions are horrible. Did they do a cat scan? dd younger was put on alzheimers meds and magnesium on her third concussion. I am praying for healing for you.

Yay on your cooking d Kathryn

hi d rose
praying for your health d rose!

hi d twins! what an honour to see the presentation from this person. We just had the last nazi lawyer 99 years old? in our area but it was super expensive if I brought dd's and d mom with; so I didn't go. I really wanted to. I do not like politics and religion at all. - I love your :lol:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:16 pm

These are my tactics...
Sheets just shut off time to get them back on the bed start the next load in the dryer.
Cooking day, eggs and crock pot chicken in low carb bbq sauce going in noonish for dinner.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:22 pm

Ramblin', i am so glad to hear you have some measure of control in this medical scheduling. It's not that you want to have procedures, but at least you can have them on your own terms, in the order/timeframe you expect. Hugs to you.

blessed, I hope dear older dog can have a better day.

HRH had bloodwork this a.m. and then we continued on to healthy foods store and brought home a buffet lunch. Yum.

Morning dailies done through to laundry put-away.

Some trash and recycling work done, with more to go.

Next up some Desk Day.

Trying to keep "changing occupations", so that it will feel like resting from each.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby bittersweet » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:26 pm

Ugh!! bw2!! Donwannas can be a real energy drain - mentally and physically! I finished that last round much faster than I thought. While that may be a good thing, it also means more things to do (I don't think there's actually an end to housework. Tasks seem to multiply faster than rabbits in the spring! :lol:

I'm going to treat myself to a few minutes of quiet and a cup of coffee before I start the next round. Mum's shopping list is already written down and split up between stores - I keep track much better when I have a physical list I can cross things off.

Next round:

- mix spices for spaghetti sauce (so DS can start supper while I'm out)
- dust living room
- water plant
- wash a load of dishes
- put/throw away 10 things from dining room table
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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:35 pm

If only homeschool could go this smoothly every day. I wish I could pinpoint all the factors that influence DS10 learning so easy. I would definitely want to repeat them daily!

Our home was so noisy this past weekend that it feels almost like a vacuum has sucked all the noise out. That makes no sense but the noises that couldn't be heard this weekend are now loud. The wind blowing. The cows mooing. The tick of the clock.

I am making steady progress on cards with 56 finished so far today.

I am tracking my blood sugar to refresh my memory of what high and low blood sugar feels like. My BS went wonky on me a few days ago so I am trying to be more aware. I have taken random BS readings over the past 3 days but today I decided to take it hourly. I find it somewhat fascinating to watch my blood sugar rise and fail depending on various factors. I can control it with what/when I eat and exercise. I have much admiration for those who battle high/low BS on a daily basis.
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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby SHEsPandora » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:49 pm

Good afternoon dear SHEs. I am just checking in to see if Norma (I know her as Sierra) has been here. I scrolled back several days and I see she has not. I'm just wondering if she made it home safe. She said she might not be able to post because her system is different at the home she was going to and she has had trouble with it before. Hopefully, all is well with her. I miss her.

HOPE you all have been doing well. Have a good afternoon.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:00 pm

Hi, Pandora, someone here may know more about Norma at the moment and post a better answer (plus let her know you were thinking of her), but we haven't "heard" from her since late Sept. and she could be having tech difficulty, yep. Glad you dropped in and hope you are well! Nice to see your happy Pandas.

bittersweet, hope you had a GREAT vacation time! HRH absolutely must have a physical list and good pen for checking off, too. I will sometimes "wing it" a little more.

I've spent 15 on trash, 30 on Desk, taking 15 here then back to vacuum probably, then rotate through again.

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