Working the Plan Wednesday

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Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:05 pm

Hi everyone! Cats are delivered to cat coordinator, errands run, financial advisor paperwork done and sent, catboxes done, and trash and recycles out. I also have two sparkly bathrooms! The cough syrup is still not in, but cough suppressant pills were prescribed and taken. Tomorrow, I return to payroll, where I have only 12 hours of sick leave left. I am still not 100%, but much better.

Next up, I will dust and sweep the sewing room. That will be a 15 minute job, and I will call it done. It will be closed during the party, but people will want to see the cats. Oh, yeah, I guess I need to do the regular daily stuff too.

Tomorrow's necessities:
  • Party Prep
    • MBR
    • Fridge
    • Microwave
    • Vacuum DD's rug
    • Assemble remaining parts of my costume
    • Spiders for DD's dress (Friday)
    • Buy beer (Friday)
  • Other
    • One more financial advisor form
    • Bible study book order
blessedw2: The reason I do not have direct access to DD16's medical insurance records is that she is on the x's insurance, through his employer. If I had access, I could see (and even make changes to) the x's insurance.

Thank you to TwinsMom for reuniting Storm Drain Kitty with his people.

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Re: Working the Plan Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:46 pm

I am so sorry that I am not having time to truly cuop and respond to everyone like I want to these days!
I do have to share however, the burst of activity that occurred here this afternoon! :shock:

I kept dgd from around noon until 9:00 pm, minus the time that dbabysitter/nursery worker came and got her and took her to church, just so she could play in the nursery and not miss church just b/c dgs was staying home. (He's fine; ddil just didn't want people at church saying she brought him with strep throat, b/c some of them know he was sick over the weekend.) I picked up dgs at school and he was here from 3-9. It got a little crazy during the time they were together... :roll:
So -- while the dgrands were here, ddil and ds were working hard at cleaning and organizing ds's music room -- a project that is 3 years overdue! They made a LOT of progress, but there is still some work to be done. But it was amazing what they accomplished in basically one day.
Part of their work involved coming over here and getting a bookcase and most of its contents from ds's old room/now the "baby" room.
THIS meant work for me: You'd probably be surprised at how much dust can accumulate under and behind a bookcase in 33 years. :oops:
So I had to vacuum all around that area, moved a few things to open up a little more floor space in the "baby" room, and while vacuuming -- one of the curtains fell.
I actually don't remember when, if ever, these curtains have been washed. They have NOT been there the entire 33 years, but... suffice it to say, they have been there a L O N G time.
You'd probably be surprised at how much dust can accumulate on dark blue curtains over a period of many years... :oops: :oops:
So -- now I have clean curtains and I have begun zone cleaning in the baby room. I will definitely not be moving any more furniture, but I will make some more improvements on that room tomorrow.

I also have clean sheets piled on my bed. I must get them back on the bed soon b/c I'm pretty sure dh does not want to sleep on a pile of laundry.

He is supposed to play golf tomorrow, even though he feels very much like he is coming down with a virus of some type.

I'll have dgd tomorrow afternoon for a couple hours, and then all day long Friday, and dgs for a couple hours after school that day.

Things are hectic right now -- ds out of town this weekend and ddil getting a lot of work at the hospital. But that's a good thing.

DH needs the computer... this is why I never get cuop... we can't get our times in sync... * sigh *
Tomorrow is another day.

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