Wednesday's Work

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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:09 pm

i was hoping you would win that big lottery d dee!!!!!!
wouldn't that have been nice for all of us! :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:11 pm

I brain is hitting the brakes. I haven't done my morning routine and I know it needs doing.
But I am hitting a huge - I don't wanna! HUGE
so maybe if I mark what I am doing next and checking it off - it might help me quiet that inner brat.
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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby BookSaver » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:22 pm

Hello, villagers ~
I am still in my PJs but I was determined to finish a dirty job before I s2s.

Decluttered and sorted several boxes in storage. Lots of "What is this and why did I keep it?" Over half of it is leaving the house tonight in recycle & trash bins.

I finally had enough floor space cleared to assemble a set of temporary shelves. It's a much more efficient use of the space and it will be so much easier to retrieve the items stored when I need them.

Now I'm going to clean up and then go out and run errands. It looks like a glorious fall day outside and I'm eager to get out in the fresh air.

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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:36 pm

what a nice comfortable way to do your work d book! yay on all you do!!!
so happy you have a wonderful fall day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:39 pm

dishwasher filled this morning and just turned on.
dh is finally washing his egg dishes - 4 from four days. normally I don't mind doing them but I had fallen behind on washing them - my dw has been filled each day! (checked off in my control journal - my dailies are on a page I mark off - the rest are on cards.)

after he is done I need to: stamping foot - I don't want to :shock: 8-) :mrgreen: :| (I will put on timer to see how long it will actually take me)

clean the counter done
clean the stove top done This took me 15 minutes
clean sink again done
table done

next pick up family room and bless that room
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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:07 pm

Walked the dog. H. Is home.Good news in j &c.

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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:37 pm

Sitting down to CUOP while eating. My dinner is mostly vegetables so it takes a lot of time and chewing to get through it.

Today went well and everything accomplished. A few hiccups along the way but nothing major. DGD7 was in tears tonight because she left her Word Find paper at school and it is due tomorrow. She said that means she will receive a zero. I am tempted to talk to her teacher (a DFriend of mine) but I am going to stay out of it. DD is working until 2am so I informed DSIL about DGD7's missing homework paper.

It has rained almost the entire day. Driving on the interstate in heavy rain brings flashback of hydroplaning & our car flipping 4 times. Today I felt the back wheels lose traction a couple time causing the memories to return in force. I try not to but it seems I always tense up when driving in these conditions. Thankfully we had safe travels today.
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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby lucylee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:33 pm

We went to the fall festival at a neighboring church. Ds and ddil sang with the bluegrass band from our church and dh listened — and I supervised the dgrands on the playground and went on the hayride with them.
Really had a nice time.
Dgs is beginning to get a little more “social” — he joined in with the sack race and just decided on his own to join a group of kids who were playing on the playground.

He had his first loose tooth, y’all!
Eeeek — He is growing up so FAST!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday's Work

Postby Harmony » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:28 am

LadyM, when did that accident happen? I guess you weren't hurt?

Today was DH's drs. apt. 1 med cut in half to see if his leg cramps get better. Sat there in disbelief as DH describes the chest pain he had the day before and the nitro. tab he took and how the customer he's working for took his BP (normal). Never. Told. Me. About. It. Never.

Listened as the nurse practitioner gave him the lecture about not working outside in this heat...AT ALL...and DH says it's good the temp is going down and it's not so hot any more. It's still in the 80's every day. :evil: :evil: Then the lecture about the kinds of work he's doing and all of that being too hard for him now...

But I know it was going in one ear and out the other as usual.

I am just wiped out (emotionally I guess). Have been for several days.

But I got the refrigerator a bit more organized and I made some sandwiches for lunches ahead. Also got the DW run and emptied and a lot of the laundry folded up and put away. So that's progress.

I have DD and her friend and DD's 2 dogs coming for a couple days starting late tomorrow night. I'm not doing a lot of cleaning up for this, make the beds available and that's about all I'm able to do right now. They'll be out for most of the 2 days anyway.

Re: Booksaver's post from last night, I had to look up picture of Helen Mirren and Nathan Fillion to see their haircuts. Wow. Fillion's hair is much much shorter! But I liked Mirren's. :lol:

Time for bed.

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