Make a Difference Saturday

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Make a Difference Saturday

Postby bittersweet » Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:40 am

Today is the fourth Saturday in October, and that makes it Make a Difference Day

While we may not be helping each other in a physical sense, the friendship, support, and insights here in the village are invaluable, and make a difference for each of us every time we stop by!

It's been an interesting week here, and I'll tell y'all about it when I get more coffee!
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby BookSaver » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:37 am

Good morning, villagers ~
Thanks for opening the thread today, Bittersweet. Looking forward to reading about your week.

Note about hair cut: I should have specified which Helen Mirren picture I showed the stylist, since Helen has worn her hair a lot of different lengths over the years. The photo I have is from 2013, a short, sassy cut that Helen had dyed pink. I would not look good in pink hair, but I've often thought of putting in a streak of royal blue or royal purple, just for fun. Unfortunately, I'm scared that the process of bleaching the hair before putting in the bright color might make my hair fall out!

Tomorrow we are going to a Hallowween party at younger DSis's house. We'll have pot luck lunch. Afterward, instead of dessert, DSis's grandchildren will dress up in their costumes and we'll go out in the yard for Trick or Treat. It's a great opportunity for the little cousins to all play together and lets us grownups (especially DMom) see how cute they are in their costumes in real life instead of just photos. It's also a good chance for us to get together before winter sets in. We are scattered in different towns and can't always see each other at the big holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Since we'll be going up north early in the day tomorrow rather than for supper, I need to do some of the prep cooking tonight. Oh, just remembered I have to take the meat out of the freezer to thaw. BRB.

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:38 am

Good morning! See J and C

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby BookSaver » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:04 am

Thanks, Harriet.

I am beginning to put items in my “cart” on A mazon, etc. and then I plan to go in on Black Friday and check out.
Lucylee, I think that's brilliant. You have done the window-shopping and research parts already, making the difficult decisions. If you happen to find the item in a local store before Black Friday, you already have a comparison price in mind and can take advantage of the better deal. Brilliant.

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby bittersweet » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:15 am

Aside from being off work this week (side effects from a medication that I've now been taken off), this came out in the news....

Obviously, I can't say a whole lot since the matter is before the courts, but it's hit everyone at work really hard. Although the incident happened in May, most of us didn't know more than the barest details until this week.

I'm off to the farmers' market to pick up some pork bones for the dogs. Rather than the bare "marrow bones" one can get at the supermarket, we get ours from This farmer leaves loads of meat, fat, gristle, sinews, etc on his bones. Keeps the dogs busy for ages...LOL

Today is one of the best days we'll have weather wise for possibly the rest of the year, so I want to get outside and finish raking the back yard, sorting the compost bin, and finishing fall flower/veggie bed prep. Yesterday was dMum day - shopping, chores around the house, and spending some time having coffee and just talking. Hopefully today will be fairly calm, and I can be productive around here :lol:
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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:16 am

Good morning up early 5 on Sat. Journal done looked over my out line notes, did some planning. Let the dog out and in again. Waving to everyone.

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:36 am

Wow, bittersweet, 3 weeks without food or water. Yikes.

Here the dogs I'm watching are ok. One got his paws roughed up and sore from all the digging out he did and the other isn't drinking or eating much. She noses around in her dish and takes food out and drops it without eating. I don't think she drank either. But not because she wasn't offered fresh water. I guess she's just sad at being left behind. DH put one of those screw things into the ground with a wire attached and I put the boy dog out on it and he was content for a while. The other I walked around on a long leash. She's the trouble-maker, think she's the one who initiates things like digging out under fences, etc. And she will chew the other one's collar off while he just lays there and lets her, so collars have to come on and off each time they go out. :roll:

Between last evening and this morning I got my messy desk straightened out and bills paid and a letter answered.

My allergies are roaring. Never was allergic to dogs before but now I'm wondering. Course, dogs or no dogs sometimes I'm "drippy" in the mornings. Allergy pill doesn't seem to work very well any more.

Alright, y'all have a nice day!

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:59 am


Yesterday I started to clean my home. It’s in pretty good shape since I tend to keep it guest ready. Anyway I had 6 11x14 picture frames that have been sitting in my bedroom ready to hang. Three are photos I took and three come a clalender of my home are in NJ. Anyway I asked Sweetie to help as I wanted to group them for two groups of threes. Remember Sweetie is an engineer so his measurements and thinking times are very precise. Even this my helping hands it still took more than two hours to get it done. I always enjoy this working time together no matter what we’re doing.

Watched the World Series last night but went to bed after the 14th inning. It went 18 songlad we called it a night when we did. There’s another one tonight. Eighteen innings is like playing two games in one, so those guys might be a bit tired tonight!

After my second cup of coffee I’m going to finish cleaning the rest of my home. Did two loads of wash yesterday.... onenwas dog stuff... and need to do three more today. Dinner is already done so once I finish with my work I and sit down to enjoy some football and baseball.

Waving to y’all... enjoy your day :D
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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby lucylee » Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:43 pm

S2S — we have an interesting event ahead of us.
Going next door for lunch with dbil, dnephew, and dniece... AND xdsisil. Hmmmm... this is a first since she left dbil in 2013....
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Make a Difference Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:27 pm

We were out the door early this morning. the time & effort of preparing for the contest turned out to be well worth the effort. DS10 learned much in how to prepare and compete.

While waiting for the contest to be judged, I took DGS21, DS10 and DGD7 to the Farmers Market and GW shopping. DS10 and DGD7 got their faces painted and found several good buys. DS10 found a bicycle in almost perfect condition for $9 and DGD7 found roller skates for $6. I was happy they selected things that require physical effort to use. They have been playing outside with their "new" things since we arrived at home.

I didn't get my cup of coffee this morning. I only had time for a couple of sips before dashing out the door. I haven't had any tea today either. I can tell my energy is sagging from lack of hydration and caffeine. I'm going to take a break and hydrate.

(((Harmony))) - you are living my life with the dogs. I wonder if it is a common trait for greyhounds?
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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