Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:35 pm

((((Kathryn)))) was so good to see you. Hoping for better, calmer days for you. Wish I had sage advice for you. We sent our absentee ballots in several weeks ago -did need stamps for NY State. We'd fully anticipated being in FL long before election day. Not to be this year but we'll work on it again next year.

I'm not accomplishing much today. Dh said he'd do dishes later. I'm not quite up to that yet. I've done some things but tire rather quickly today. I am determined to make this heart of mine stronger and better -at least I'm going to work toward that end.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:57 pm

Nancy... my mail in didn’t need a stamp either :D
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:06 pm

My mail-in voting ballot did require me taking it to a notary to validate it was me & it required a stamp (50 cents). DGS21 voted early at a special site set up to walk-in and vote. DH will vote tomorrow at our regular voting place.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:06 pm

Good almost afternoon everyone! Well, I have learned you cannot have two parties in a row. Only one person came to the post-party. At least it was someone I really wanted to talk to and did not have enough of a chance at the original party. We took out our crochet projects and talked. I sent her home with a six pack of leftover beer. DD16 enjoyed her time with her friend and no shenanigans, just movie and girl talk. Chelsea has a new foster home. She did not like being with my three boys. That's the good news. The bad is that a church member's father rescued a mom with 6 kittens, but is allergic. Not sniffly allergic, but ER at 2 am can't breathe allergic. I called both the parents and the "kids" (near my age) and have not heard from them.

My Dad called and gave me their Christmas travel dates. Then mentioned that my brother and his wife were thinking about coming. We discussed where to put them. Then he realized that he hadn't told me that a niece and nephew would be along as well. This would make eight people in a house which sleeps five! I can't remember if my car holds seven or eight. I told dad to let me know ASAP so I can get air mattresses. My plan: bro & wife in my bed with niece and nephew on the floor, parents in sofa bed (their usual), DD16 in her bed with me on the floor. Sewing room will remain for whatever combination of cats needs to be there. Did I mention this is the brother that hates cats?

I must finish the baby crochet and get to town on the Christmas stuff. There is a little reprieve in that only Mom's and niece's will need to be done by Christmas Day. I hope she wanted the pink panda, because it is complete, but she probably wanted the rainbow unicorn. Ninja turtle will be deferred to the recipient's January birthday. I have no plans for Thanksgiving except for Christmas crochet and library movies. If time, I would like to sew a top, but it is a spring top so can be deferred.

I think the word Harriet was looking for was albumin.

Praying for Kathryn to get better fast.

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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:51 pm

People in our county complained about the stamps for voting a few yrs ago and they put up ballot drop boxes around the area. Great except if it rains they get damp so this yr I took ours out to the court house when I was out doing other errands.

I have gotten one more bag of leaves raked up, & two bags of leaves moved and emptied so I can repeat this later on. It started to rain. Just after I came inside. Lunch is done I did another writing sprint.

K in C the boundary is a healthy one oif watching your Dgson there. I had to change to just doing that here as well, it was just to inconvient elsewhere I could not find the items for fixing a simple lunch, no can opener or cable. Lol!

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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby CathyS » Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:40 pm

I thought that perhaps one reason that Kathryn was staying away is due to the upcoming election in the states. There is just so much of it all over social media with that hideous orange face with that stupid smirk everywhere... sorry, but that's how I feel about 45. I can't wait until our current PM is out of office as well. He got in on his daddy's name. UGH!! In the riding I live in less than 40% of voters actually voted. To top that off, the one councilor got less than 40%, so, less than 40% and less than 40%. You could have won with very little support. Makes me crazy.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:27 pm

Hello. I am home.

I didn't get the carrots I missed yesterday bc I have until Thanksgiving to get them.

I returned a sweater and got the sweater I wanted for Thanksgiving and party and I still have a credit. (the sweater I wanted was 30% off as well) :D

stopped at Wi lliams Son oma and spent too much. Not in budget. Always a problem. I got the cup4cup flour, pie crust and pizza dough for dd younger as well.

stopped by cont ainer store. Kept in my budget for that.

asked dh if he could stop by the bank for me. (we shall see if he is interested otherwise I have to run out)

had an unexpected lunch with d mom. she is very anxious re: leaving soon as when she is here she doesn't have to socialize except with us. This woman was on a international social scale when I was a young adult and through most of my adulthood.(lol not me) once d dad passed that ended. Also she stopped traveling. no more flights home to France. it's so sad.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:55 pm

hello d Cathy!

hi d nancy! yay on your leaves. Glad you got some work done before it rained. yay on the writing as well

hi d Elizabeth good afternoon. How nice to spend time crocheting with a d friend. glad your dd had a great time.

Hi d Lady yay on your mailed in ballot! yay on school work.
Hoping your d sons tick in his eye becomes less frequent. it's hard!
hope your d mom's appointment goes well and you have a nice time together

hi d Rose! I am so glad you shared this information and experience with sweet kathryn. so true. we are a safe place. thank Goodness

Hi d dee. yay on sending in your ballots. how lovely that your dh will do the dishes!
sending you strength for the dear heart of yours
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:15 pm

how old is your d mom that she doesn't want surgery?

DMom is 87 years old. Last year DMom did the steps to prepare for surgery (getting heart doc approval, etc) but then decided not to have total knee surgery. The surgery recovery was going to be a challenge with DMom's advanced Parkinson's. DMom has lost an unbelievable amount of strength this past year since her knee pain has limited her movement. She is in physical therapy twice a week to try to regain some of her strength and to keep her leg muscle from drawing up more.

The shot in DMom's knee today was quick and painless. It took them 1 minute & 5 seconds to give the shot (I videoed it). This was a totally different experience than when DMom had a steroid shot in the knee. That was painful and didn't give her any relief.

I called and asked DBro if he could take DMom to her Wednesday morning doctor appointment. DMom wanted me to take her but DBro is now officially retired and doing well. I'm being a bit pushy to have DMom not put so much on me. I might have been able to pull Wednesday appointments off but it was going to be very very tight and driving through construction twice makes the unknown variable very high. It was really going to rush me to get DMom to/from her appointment and then turn around and take DS10 to his (both appointments require 60+ miles of driving through construction) and make it back in time to get DGD7 after school. DBro said "Sure, I can do it" when I asked him to take DMom Wednesday morning. **** Big relief**** DMom will be unhappy with me but I'm used to that.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:19 pm

oh sweet sweet kathryn. I am glad you are staying away because the politics are affecting you. Just know that after the election know that we are here.

There is no doubt in my mind that your concussion is making it really difficult for you. As you know dd younger has had 5 concussions, 4 bad ones. Your brain needs time to heal it can take 6 months to a year when they are bad and watching or listening to news like that pod cast can send your already hurt brain into overdrive. I really believe you need to speak to your neurologist re what is happening. They probably will do a blood tests and a ct. scan - insist on cat scan if they haven't . I think it is really really important. Dd younger needed this on number 3 and 4. Call your doctor tomorrow. and tell him about the intensity of what is going on. It really worries me - I have seen it with dd

It sounds like your adrenaline is way off as well. The brain is a complex. If this hadn't happened with dd younger I wouldn't have known about this. The intensity is something I have seen and dd need a neurologist to help her and lots of quiet away from any stress.

Tell your dd the truth about you brain and the intensity of your feelings with out blame or wanting her to change. Tell her you are more sensitive and for her to be patient with you as you will be with her. You don't want to push her about a car but you can honestly tell her that you are very vulnerable to hurt feelings since your concussion. Her hormones are up there. you can say no to so much babysitting . she will find a way

https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opi ... story.html 4th paragraph is where she talks about her emotions and her concussion

Also are you on any new meds in the last year. I don't know if you remember when my even tempered dd younger was put on a couple different meds and she became suicidal. May o Clinic were fast to take her off of them (gradually of course). What a difference.

I am praying for you! Peace to your heart and mind.

Hoping your dd feels great through the rest of her pregnancy! praying for a nice healthy mama and baby.
and that she finds drivers or taxi's she can use. It's more than okay to say no especially if you are feeling that they are over asking - no is really important right now. (((to you ))))

I had no idea that volunteers had to pay for travel and pay for the opportunity. Praying he gets his travel spending again.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:44 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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