Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:25 pm

Grrr....DS10 just showed me his shoes where his toe is poking out the end of them. These shoes lasted him 71 days before he outgrew them. Since Wednesday trip to town now has a little bit of wiggle room, I'll use the "extra" time to buy him another pair of shoes.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:02 pm

I am so happy the shot went well. i am praying for your d mom d lady .
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:53 pm

Home from meeting some DFriends for dinner. I had the Spring Mix salad with Grilled Chicken. It was excellent. I ordered the salad with no croutons & no dressing so I had a few of DH's french fries to add some carbs to my meal. Now that I'm home I'm going to eat 1/2 of avocado to add some healthy fat.

Before bed I'll have 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and an apple. That will finish up my food categories for the day.

DGS21 has finished all of his classes and is now ready to start the externship part of his program. He text asking if I would print the 57 page guideline for the externship for him (he doesn't have a printer). I'll do that next.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:02 pm

great job d lady on planning your meals

wonderful for your dgs21
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:05 pm

cleaning people are coming at 11 tomorrow - oh my gosh I am not ready.
what will help:
put away soup, do the few dishes. loved left over dinner.
empty dishwasher
clean counters
vacuum kitchen floor
put away
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:51 pm

Hello everyone. I've been busy here.

Saturday was quiet and we tried to fix the couch lever thing. I had thought we had an extra lever, but the one in the closet was the part of the old one we changed out because the same part of the handle broke. DH had kept the old broken one because the cable attached to it was still good. So we do not have the part. I am not buying another because the couch is worn out. The place I always sit is quite noticeably worn down. The leather is all cracked.

So I spent Sunday looking around for a chair where I could get my feet up. That helps tremendously with the swelling I get in my ankles. If I put my feet up every time I sit down, even if just for a few minutes it makes a difference by the end of the day. However, I guess this is going to have to wait.

In the mean time I pushed the old couch out into the front room and we moved the love seat into that space. We also got rid of 2 oversized end tables which were taking up way too much room. So now that room is half bare with less seating. I need to do something before the holiday, we do not have enough seating.

Today I spent all afternoon taking the couch apart. I used the crow bar, hatchet, screw drivers and big hammer, the box cutter knife and scissors. When DH came home he used the saw to get the tall "shoulder" pieces cut off so it could be tipped up and would fit through the front door. We got it out to the road and I dragged all the seats and cushions out there too. It lasted us over 20 years, so I don't feel too bad. The love seat is very worn too.

Anyway, I did all my parts of that big loan package and sent an email to customers. I'm still waiting for evidence of their homeowner's insurance. I asked them for that at least 2 weeks ago. :roll:

So all this extra stuff put a wrench in my schedule, but at least while the family room is pretty empty I can do a big deep clean and that will be ready for the holiday.

Feeling pretty sore with all the crawling around on the floor and hard work this afternoon. I hope I'm better tomorrow.

We did the early voting thing end of last week one day. I like going to the library to vote. Otherwise we have to go to a school that's not really convenient to us. Funny about the stamps. DGS just told me he figured out how easy it was to write a letter and send. He didn't know how to get a stamp either but figured out he could buy 1 stamped envelope at the postoffice to use. I bought him stationary and stamps for Christmas! He's writing letters to his girlfriend.

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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:31 pm

RE: putting feet up.....I'm a big fan of this! We have multiple recliners in the house (5 in the living room) but by far my favorite way of putting my feet up is using a footstool. I get up/down too often to mess with recliners as a method of putting my feet up. They slow me down and I get frustrated with them. I just ordered my 2nd free standing footstool storage cube. I was leary of a $20 piece of furniture but the first one has been used hard over a year and has held up perfect. I found myself using it daily & scooting it from room to room so I decided to just buy another one.

I ordered DMom some more vitamin D2. She told me today she only had 3 days of them left. it should be here Friday.
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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:49 pm

I've been checking in periodically today but had no time to post -- been on the phone a lot, dgd and ds have been here, busy day.

I DID * ta-da * drum roll * I DID s2s FIRST THING this morning, so I was ready when ds showed up with dgd. He and dh went out to a cemetery, looking for an ancestor's grave, but they had no luck. A man at church had told them where it was, but they do not think the man found the ancestor he thinks he found.
DGD and I got the laundry done and the bathrooms s/s.
I've also talked to dmom, daunt, and ds on the phone today, all rather lengthy conversations.
Oh -- and the flower shop -- NOT a lengthy conversation -- I just called them for info re: a funeral, since we have no local paper on Mondays anymore. (The funeral will be Thursday -- a family friend, husband of one of ds's elementary school teachers.)
I also cooked supper and have s/s the kitchen, so it has been a productive day here.

We are supposed to be watching for tornadoes tonight, but so far, it is very calm. Maybe it will all pass over without causing any damage -- schools are postponed 2 hours tomorrow, though, as is ddil's nursing orientation. We will vote tomorrow, but all the bad weather should be well out of our area by the time dh and I are ready to venture out. ;)

I love a recliner... but they do sorta slow me down, too, LadyM, b/c they just suck me in...
Talking about ds10 outgrowing his shoes so quickly... (((HUGS)))... Dmom and I were talking about this also. DDIL buys a LOT of their clothes at thrift stores, and I like to buy them some nicer things occasionally on their birthdays and Christmas, but I told dmom, I really can't blame ddil for searching for bargains when she knows they will get so little use out of clothes at this age. She always buys nice stuff -- sometimes she finds things with the tags still on them! She has a lot better luck than I do in thrift stores -- she enjoys the hunt, while I don't have the patience.
I am so glad to hear about the rooster comb shots -- I am going to try to find out if dh can get those from his orthopedist, AND if the heart doctor will allow them. From what little I have read today since you first posted, this sounds like it has much fewer side effects than steroid shots. Steroid shots worked very well for dh -- until cardiologist banned them! And btw -- you are wise to ask your dbro to help shoulder some of the load with all your driving back and forth.

Harmony! Oh my -- I suspect you will be sore tomorrow! That sounds like awfully hard work, taking a couch apart and getting it outside and moving the other one...

I always say nothing surprises me anymore, but I have to admit, I was a little surprised to see that buying a stamp is a challenge for so many young people these days. Our world is certainly changing, isn't it? I have so many letters I treasure from friends -- several I wrote to when one moved away or went to college, etc. I even had a pen pal for a while (got her name from Woodmen of the World magazine). Kids today would think I grew up with Martha Washington and Dolly Madison... :roll:

Blessed, you are doing great! I know you will feel soooo wonderful tomorrow night when you look around and the cleaning people have done their magic.

Kathryn, I am sorry things are so stressful for you at this point. (((BIG HUGS))) It seems like you are getting hit from all sides, and I don't blame you a bit for putting some limits on the babysitting. There is just so much that one person can do -- I know it sounds funny coming from me -- but at least I do get to keep my dgrands here at my house 99.99% of the time. That does make a huge difference. If I were more self-disciplined, I could follow my routines very well now, even when they are here. Having to go to their house, even though it's only a mile or so away, would be very inconvenient. And I am not recovering from a concussion. YOU have to be your first priority right now.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Full swing repeat (except its Monday!!!! Yay)

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:43 am

All clear, weather-wise for us. Didn’t want y’all to worry about me if I was late checking in tomorrow. No damage reported anywhere around us so far.
Tomorrow is another day.

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