Tuesday Ubuntu

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby Sunny » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:24 pm

Good evening everyone! Thank you to Lady M and Twins' for your posts this morning. Both are very inspiring.

Dh and I have had a busy week so far. Yesterday I was up extra early to be out the door before 7:30 am to take my dcousin to her Dr. appt at the VA for a C-oscopy, (all is well). Today we were up early again to get our breakfast and daily routine started. A little after 11 am we went to vote. Our voting place is in a church fellowship hall about two blocks from our home. There was no waiting even though it was busy with a lot of voters. This year they had lower tables for the portable booths and chairs to sit on. We came right home, had some lunch and finished cleaning up to be ready for dh's P.T. I have missed voting in only two or three elections at the most since I first started voting in the early 1960s, and they were primaries.

Tomorrow he has an appointment with the INR nurse. Then P.T. again on Thursday.

Cheering you on Dee, as you continue to get better and finish your travel plans. Hope your doctor appointments go well.

I agree that learning music is important. Every so often there are rumors of stopping the music programs in our schools. When ds#3 was in 4th grade he tried out for the school band and decided to learn to play the trombone. He used the school instrument for a couple of years then we rented one from a music store for another couple of years. When he said he wanted is own instrument we agreed to buy him one on the condition that he stay in the band through high school, which he did. It still amazes me that when he chose to enter the service he chose the Army Band.
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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:25 pm

The wording I couldn't remember yesterday was eggshell membrane, between the albumin and the eggshell. It contains elastin, a protein that supports collagen. So both Elizabeth and LadyM were on the track of that yesterday.

We had ds and children stop by and (love them, love them love them) interrupt for quite a while. So my preparedness for the study tomorrow still needs some work. Since I'll need to attend to this mop I'm calling hair :roll: my morning will be tight. It looks like HRH will have to drop me off at church in the a.m. because both he and dd have meetings in opposite directions. Thankfully, his will be over by the time the study finishes.

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:32 am

I’m here! What a day!
— voted — post office — florist, ordered plant for dfriend’s funeral — dh pneumonia shot —
Dgd arrived at 3:00 — picked up dgs at 4:00 — cooked supper — cleaned kitchen — dgrands left around 7:00 —
It’s not much compared to a lot of y’all, but it was loud and hectic here for awhile and boy was I exhausted by the time they left!

Also — made appt for dh to see the knee doctor Thurs and hopefully get one of those rooster comb shots! He started having horrible pain yesterday and he finally consented to let me call the doctor to ask, and although they did not confirm “rooster comb,” they did say there were “several non-steroid options” — AND they had an appt Thurs afternoon when we will be there (in Next Town) for funeral anyway.
I do want to talk to his cardiologist before we go, and I left a message, but they have not called me back so far.
Tomorrow is another day.

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