Wednesday in your house

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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:16 pm

where does the day go!
dd younger is out working on an editing project. have to find out what time she will be home to see if it is worth making dinner. I am stuffed from lunch with d friend.

I am hoping to work outside some more tomorrow before it snows.
we are not going to dd olders to see her decorated apartment bc we are supposed to have snow and down town parking and driving will be crazy.

I want to do some other work.

hello d rose!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:54 pm

Today has been good with only a few hiccups.

** Homeschool went so good today. I continue to be amazed how well DS10 is doing. I am revamping the assignments in each subject because he is focusing and getting so much more done.
** DS10 is studying South Korea this week. The suggested activity for SKorea is to make kimchi. I decided to not make it but instead to eat in Korean Resturant. He was eager to try new food - Kimchi, Yubu, bulgogi, Jjamppong, kimbap, stuffed dumplings, plus some other dishes that I'm not sure what it was!
** Today was the last band class before they perform next week. Oh my. It will be interesting for sure.
** DD isn't working tonight we I didn't have to hurry back to get DGD7 from school. *PHEW*
** I went shopping for the biggest plastic container I could find then I filled it with as many blankets as it would hold. I found 33 matching blankets and they all fit into the huge plastic tub. These will be used at church for those who don't dress appropriately. I set up a similar tub of blankets last year and they are a popular item. I decided to set up another tub of blankets in a different part of the congregation. I might set up a 3rd tub of blankets but I want to wait to make sure they are needed. Most of the regular attendees know how to dress to stay warm. It's the new people that show up at church that use the blankets for warmth.
** We have had 2 sets of company since I arrived home. 3 DNeighbors came over and delivered items that we ordered (fundraiser). Another neighborhood boy came over and played with DS10 until it was time for them to go to church.
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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:03 pm

Blessedw2 - How did your DH checkup turn out?

Cathy - I love it when you post your menus! They always sound so good.

RR - POTB!! Christmas shopping done?!?!?! That is AWESOME!
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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:34 pm

Thanks LadyM...

I’m really happy with my gifts this year

My ddil’s birthday is Dec 15th so that make everything interesting. Just so happened I saw a beautiful pair of earrings that are her birthstone on a show I watch and it was right in my price range.

For many years I bought my son a Japanese puzzle box. It made of special wood and you have to figure out how to open them. Usually I put money in it, but this year I wanted to buy my son an Episcopal cross. He and his wife have become very involved with the church and the youth teens group which thrills me.

I was able to find an striking silver antique vintage medal with the side view of Christ’s head in front of the cross and the words... I am an Episcopal... engraved on the back. He used to have my St Christopher’s medal the he loved and wore all the time, but a kid snatched it from him. And both of us read a magazine calIed Backpacker cause we like to hike so I renewed his subscription. I bought another pair of earrings for my ddil for her Cmas present and a cashmere scarf to keep her warm. I’ve been sending her maternity tops and dresses for a while and she loves dangling earrings.

I special ordered Sweetie some flannel pjs... he wears a medium but has a 36” arm so it’s hard to find stuff for him that fits because he’s very slim. He sleeps in flannel all year round because he stays cold at night. Course I sweat so it makes for an interesting night. I also bought him basketball tickets to see our Suns, which stink play the SF Warriors which is his favorite team. My mom at 91 is easy... she loves oranges do I send her a huge box from here cause they are delish. I also bought her a nice costume jewelry diamond wedding ring. She doesn’t wear her good diamond ring all the time so that’s at my brothers house. She told me she misses wearing her ring so this should make her happy. I’m also setting up once a month house cleaning for my mom.

And I always send a spiral honey ham to my brother because they usually have a crew at their house so extra good food is welcomed.
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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:17 pm

Tomorrow will be in my house. How mobile I don't know.

On Saturday, I must have carried dgs too much on the way to the pub (he was going to walk but the wind blew him down when we walked out of the building and he wanted to be held not ride in the stroller.) He can walk the 1/3 mile to the bus station easily but slowly so he wanted to walk the 1/2 mile to the pub. Apparently I can't carry him even 1/6th of a mile. Dh is fine (he carried him the rest of the way.)

Monday and Tuesday I was a fairly sore but still carried him around the house while I babysat. Last night I started to get spasms that cause me to gasp or cry out in pain. Just standing still, sitting or lying down, it will shoot through me. So it was a rough night's sleep and I still had to carry him some times this today. I was gone from 9 to 2:30 today. We were outside for an hour, walking up and down the street to look at the work trucks but I have a total of 1800 steps today because my tracker only counts when I do more than 20 at a time and he seldom moves steadily enough for that. His mom was over an hour late getting home because her appointment (chiropractor so she can walk again, since she really can't right now) ran late.

I slept for a few hours after getting home. Will head to bed now because I'm tired but I have exercises to do before bed.

I don't babysit again until Saturday when I drive them to look at a car. They figured out they could assume a lease and then not be stuck with a car if, after having one for now while she can't walk and has all these appointments, they decide they don't want a car once she can walk again.

In the meantime, even if they have a car, I still have to babysit lots but I will be able to do more here or meeting her places so I can take dgs on an outing (assuming my back heals.) She booked another chiropractor appointment when I have a morning concert so I had to say no to that and remind her to check my calendar when booking things (it is online so she can see it.) So, after Saturday, I can't help with the next 2 babysittings (the other one is on Monday), then I have him overnight, then we go away for a week. I hope my back/hip repairs itself by then because right now I can't sit for more than a few minutes and it is a 2 hours flight. We're going to dfs for his baby's baptism. I expect we'll offer them babysitting if they want a quick dinner out but aside from that it will be a quick and easy trip.

My time with dgs is a joy. He has graduated to longer books with more information. He won't let us read everything but he devours the pictures. He brought me the 'giant book of vehicles' (just over 100 pages) and we paged through it until the end which is an index. He then said, "find a taxi picture" so I looked for taxi in the index and turned to that page. He flipped back to the index and said, "use index find train!" I was so astonished he used the word index properly in a sentence I started to look under "I" (for index) and he said, "T is for Train!" (He can't read, that's from one of his alphabet books but he could see I was looking at the I and not the T!)

Yesterday he mentioned he went to the train museum (that was a week ago) and I asked him about that and he told me stuff (which I already knew from his mom.) Then I said there was an airplane museum and we could go some day. He looked at my car in the driveway and said, "Nana's car." Then he looked at me and said, "M's car to go to plane museum." I didn't think I had understood and said we'd use Nana's car to drive to the plane museum (dd has a pass but there's no bus service.) Later, his mom and I were talking about this car lease idea they had and she said she had told him that when they had a car, they could go to the plane museum. So I quickly told her what he'd told me. What he had told me was correct info, even though it didn't make sense to me at the time!

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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:57 am

I've been in my house most all day... but what have I done? Not much.
My head just feels like it is stuffed with cotton... I don't have fever or anything, but I am soooo congested and exhausted, I guess b/c it is so hard to breathe when you're all stuffy like this! Hard to THINK, too. It's like I am wandering around in a fog.

I went to the post office, the bank, and the drug store today, and after that, just took it easy. Thank goodness, I believe ddil realized dh and I were both about shot last night, and they took dgd shopping with them. They were home in time to pick up dgs at school, but he was half expecting me anyway, and after last night, dh and I were afraid we might have made him think we were a little TOO ready for him to leave -- we were afraid we had hurt his feelings -- so I volunteered to pick him up at school and let him stay here a few hours. They picked him up in time for church, and after that, I settled in to the recliner for the newspaper and a nap.
OH -- we did NOT hurt his feelings, he was very happy with everything, and he was proud to call after church and tell us he is playing Joseph in the church Christmas play. (Joseph doesn't have a lot of lines, the play is mostly acted out while a narrator reads the story, but he is glad to have graduated from animal to shepherd to Joseph, LOL.)

Tomorrow we have the funeral of our friend, and then dh's appt with the knee doctor. I hope he gets good results, but whatever the outcome, I am SOOOOO SOOOO very thankful to LadyM and the others of you who mentioned the "rooster comb" shot. I'm not sure that is exactly what dh will get, but b/c y'all shared this information, dh consented to let me call the knee doctor and ask, and as I think I told y'all yesterday, they said they do have "non-steroid" options... so... we are praying for good results. DH can walk around the house, but certain movements cause a LOT of pain, something that just developed this week, and he said today, if the ballgame with our big rival (the one he has a 61 year streak of attendance) were today, he could not go, so he is willing to see the doctor in hopes that he CAN go when it is time (Nov 24).

I am sorry I am not posting to everyone and replying and everything. Thinking of you all.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday in your house

Postby Lynlee » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:28 am

Hope/ praying for your recovery Kathryn.
Its hard to pace yourself with little ones. You may need to explain to dgs that you are unable to carry him so much atm. I think he will understand. The amount of reasoning he has is impressive.

Giving thanks to reading here.
Its been a good reminder to read of repercussions of head injury, as I have those too, and it gets tedious in effect.
I'm trying again to get back to taking vitamin/mineral/suppliments daily. I need to be consistent to see if they help. I asked at health shop about magnesium today after reading several good reports of it here. I also showed her the c abot's calcium plus one I ort take daily and we agreed that if I did that daily I might not need the heavy duty Mg combo. I did get magphos - the mineral salts - So I'll try with that as well for a bit.
I have lots of reasons to be taking the VMS meds.

Appointment today. walked from there to town. Made an appointment with a new to me chiro/acupuncturist. He was sitting at reception desk (no one else was around) when I went in so I was asking for treatment w/o chiro.
There are moving to 15 min walk from here. No direct bus though. It will be hot in summer.

It was cooler here today so I was thankful for that. Walked home from town.

imo - all those steps you take that pedomitor doesn't count - do count. They might not get you to cardio extremes but they do count. Maybe count the time spent on your feet instead.

I've been reading the 2nd Norman Douige brain that changes itself book (The brains way of healing) and am still on the parkinson's disease chapter 1. (There is a man who 'invented a walking treatment, where walking is not under the control of the autonomic nervous system.)
I'm wondering how / if I can apply some of that to my areas of injury. Pdoc wondered if I'd just skip to the brain injury section. I do need to try to keep conscious awareness with most things I do.

Late lunch / smoothy happened here. Took VMS with the dregs (glass of water added to smoothy flask to get all the chia seeds that try to escape.) If I leave it to evening I frequently 'forget' and then its hours past meal time so I just skip it.

Prayers for improving health for all who needs it, and for sound leadership in all our countries.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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