Ta - Da Thursday

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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:07 pm


* got showered and dressed. That was a major accomplishments
* so far, three separate rounds of back physio, one of knee and some of my exercises from my trainer.
* stripped, washed and remade the spare bed. Tonight I can sleep there instead of the couch.
* weekly kitchen chores
* swept the floor with a broom and the carpet sweeper because I can't handle the vacuum or mop. I did slipshod vacuum last Saturday, before dgs came to stay so the floor isn't too bad. I dusted and vacuumed on Monday or Tuesday last week so the apartment is a bit dusty but not too bad.

I didn't sleep well. About once every 10 minutes I get a spasm that causes pain. My right hip is sore all the time, but the spasm is pain. It also happens if I do something stupid, or do nothing. It happens standing, sitting, lying down. It cares not if I'm on my back or front (lying in extension) but around 4 I found a position on my side that was bad for my back but no spasms and I slept until 7. Was in bed (or on the couch) 9 hours. I moved from our bed because I was both squirming and gasping and wanted dh to have a decent sleep. The spare bed still hadn't been remade since our guest so I ended up on the couch.

I'm doing every 'back' thing I can remember. There are places to lie down in the bedroom and now the living room. I have my extension wedge pillows out. I have set up a standing desk for me but I am using my kneeling chair at the moment. I ate my lunch standing up because sitting brings on the spasms. I can't squat or bend down to reach things low down so am doing my golf bend to get things put away or picked up. I keep lying on the floor, taking off my glasses, getting up about 10 minutes later and having to pick my glasses up. For that I've pulled out the remote 'grabber.' I have a basket of phones/remotes which I move from place to place so I don't have to scramble to answer a phone.

I started the day with my cane but that's put away.

Already, I'm doing a bit better. But if I sit too long, I lose that progress.

It is time for me to get up now so I'll go take the bags back to the car and pick up the mail. Ds asked to come over and do laundry so I'll see him later.

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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:20 pm

all groceries are put where they belong. :) I did not feel :D about it - I dislike ordering groceries but life has been so busy.
took meds late
I feel a little sick... mmmm and tired... so literally I am "Sick and tired" 8-) ;)

today: take all ticket information and put in flight binder (really a small folder with prongs we use when we go somewhere so we can keep all of the flight information, hotel information etc. for travel.

i need to keep up with my dailies - I have been keeping up with dishes and counters but not other things. Thats okay - I will keep on trying .
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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:24 pm

S2s x
Lunch is done.
H is home.
30 min . On stat bike done.

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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:41 pm

Kathryn, so hoping you start feeling better.

I'm drinking, drinking, drinking and we're meeting dh's work cohort and his wife for dinner at 5pm. I see several trips to the restroom in my future. :oops: Oh well, much more important that the creatinine level starts coming down again. We're going to stop on the way in to get a hospitality card and a gift card for the people we're staying with. Then we also plan to go a bit beyond the restaurant and get gas. Think it's down to $2.55/gal now. Thus the place to go since we're near and anyplace else the lowest is $2.85/gal. Just checked on gas buddy and it's actually down to $2.53 now. Definitely will go there this time.
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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:46 pm

Homeschool was not much fun for the first hour or two today. DS10 would not listen to me requiring me to say the same thing over and over and over. I was implementing every trick I have learned (add caffeine, lots of activity, jumping, running, etc) but nothing was working. After about an hour of trying to do school with very little to show for it, I stopped everything and had him sit quietly criss-cross on the floor with his hands folded in his lap. My purpose for doing this was to slow his mind down enough so I could get his attention. It is boring to sit there doing nothing. It took about 30 minutes of sitting there before he was able to focus. The rest of the school day was easy.

DH went to a medical appointment early so I was trying to do school while our front door was busy with several people ringing the doorbell and dropping by -
** DD brought DGD7 at 6:15am
** Mailman brought a package & our mail to the door.
** DMIL dropped by to chat. I think she is lonely.
** Fedex brought a packed to door.
** A friend came by to talk to DH about Wednesday night service. Since DH wasn't available he told me instead. Talk…talk…talk…talk. So I listened and said that I would pass the long conversation on to DH.
I struggled to keep a smile on my face and be patient. Hopefully, I appeared more welcoming than I felt.

We missed going to homeschool group STEM activity because it took us 2 hours longer than normal to do homeschool today This is an activity that DS10 enjoys so he is feeling the consequence.

Next up -
** Library to return books and check out new ones.
** Take DS10 to National Cemetery. His 4H group is putting out flags on all the graves.
** Take DS10 to Robotics meeting. They are starting the process of building a new robot this evening.
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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:15 pm

hello again
paid water bill
I am glad I had the maid service Tuesday.

you, above all, know your son. some days are easy and some days aren't and you did great! glad you and d son having a good school day the rest of the day.

hi d lady!

hi d dee!

hi d nancy!

hi D Kathryn! yay on ta das .
I am so sorry you have been in pain! I am glad you are doing better this afternoon.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:22 pm

Baby, It's COLD out there!

I know the ones who are used to cold weather would chuckle at my chill bumps in 38-degree weather (with a 20 mph wind). But for a gal whose body is still accustomed to warm weather, it was not comfortable at all. it's time for me to dig out my Cuddle Duds long underwear and start wearing it. I'll stop wearing layers about April 2019.

DDIL sent a picture of what they bought DGD7 for her Christmas gift. A horse trained in equestrian events. DGD7 doesn't know it is her horse yet, she was just told this is the horse she is now riding for her twice a week lessons. She thinks the horse belongs to her instructor.

time to leave to next event. *POOF*
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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:04 pm

I have a few Ta-Da's for today, but some stuff took a long time and I went back and laid down for a bit this morning to rest my leg. The pulled muscle (or whatever I did) is doing better and seems to respond more to rest.

We went out and did errands together. Took something to G W thrift and stopped 2 more places on the way home. 2nd stop took quite a while and DH started not feeling well, took a pill which helped, and then began coughing and nice sales lady ran back and brought a cough drop which helped.

I was glad to get home from all that.

Nighttime routine has definitely gotten longer with the stuff I do to help DH now.

Tomorrow I go for a lab test (fasting) so it'll be an early morning.

Dee, hope your next test is better.

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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:07 pm

waving at you d harmony! and d lady!

I am so tired.
the hello fresh dinner was really good . bugogi meat balls , rice with sesame oil, carrots and zucchini.
spoke to dd older - she is enjoying being so close to work.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Ta - Da Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:20 pm

Back got decidedly worse as the day progressed.

Dh cooked dinner and we split the cleanup chores. I've also pulled all the unused leftovers out of the fridge, tossed them and loaded the dishwasher with that tupperware. And I froze the 2 lbs of halal beef dd picked up for me yesterday. Now I have something to make a potluck dish out of for our Dec. 8 potluck dinner with the last refugee family.

My other ta-da was opening the mail from this week and last. And tidying up the back of the car.

Ds came over to do laundry so that background noise has been all evening.

I've kept up with tidying so I'm off to do a round of physio and then to bed now. Dh will deal with the last loads of laundry since I can't bend to empty the machines.

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