Monday - Name your first

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Monday - Name your first

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:08 am

The topic of the day is meant to make each of us think.

Describe your first......
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:10 am

I remember the first time I realized that houses had baseboards. It never entered my mind they existed and needed to be cleaned.

Today we had the first snow of the winter. DS10 woke me before dawn and has already been outside twice playing in it.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:43 am

Oh gosh, LadyM. I just can't think this a.m. I need to get moving, but I'll think of something later. (Classic procrastinator, huh?)

Dr appt this a.m. and planning to go on to the library, altho I really haven't organized myself to do so. Dh is away until tomorrow p.m. so I can spend a while there today and not worry about when I'm getting home.

-breakfast and meds
-make the bed
-start a lol?
-pack up computer, et al for library

We are socked in with cold rain this morning. I don't know if poor Muffin will get her walk this a.m.

I need to leave the house about 10 a.m., about an hour and 15 min.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:07 am

hello d lady and d twins!

I didn't realize I was procrastinating this morning until you said something d twins. I have been up for 2 hours and haven't started. I have just been sitting with a cup of coffee - looking ahead and thinking "I don't want to work" 8-) :D

thank you for starting us d lady!

Today is hopefully a home blessing day.
I drive d mom and dd younger to the airport at 11:30 am. Their flight leaves at 2:10 pm.
Also I have decided I need a put away. I left things out yesterday including a basket of laundry at the bottom of the stairs.
I haven't done my planning yet for the week but I shall see.

wishing everyone a great day
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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:35 am

The two days of rest did me good. My voice and energy level have both returned. I admit to not wanting to get started this morning but once I was started then it felt good.

Homeschool is going well. I like that it can be adjusted on the fly to fit our day. We started school before 7am today. DS10 is currently practicing piano for 15 minutes. He is playing Oh Christmas Tree in the December recital. He has been working on learning the song notes for about a month now. By the time the recital gets here, I will have heard it played about 1000000000000000000 times. Probably not....but it feels like it. :D

I'm taking DMom to her doctor appointment this afternoon so the day is a full one. DMom will get her second of four shots of rooster comb today. I think it is 4 shots but it might be 3, I can't remember which. The shots are given in a different part of the knee each week. She is going to get them in both knees so it is a 6-8 week process of going to the doctor weekly to get a shot. According to what I read online it won't fully take effect for 4-12 weeks. So I guess that means it will be a December or January before we know if these shots help her with the knee pain.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby BookSaver » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:46 am

Good morning, villagers ~
Thank you for opening the thread today, LadyMaverick. I'll talk about the first house we bought. It was a starter home 1 1/2 stories. On the main floor was a small eat-in kitchen, a decent sized living room, a tiny bathroom and 2 tiny bedrooms. OK, the whole place was tiny. Upstairs was the kind of room where you can only stand up in the very middle, and the ceiling slanted down on both sides. DH didn't like it so that's where I had my sewing room. The basement was unfinished and damp, but there was plenty of room down there for the washer and dryer.

As I'm thinking about what size of house I want to move to when we retire, I remember a very vivid dream I had once about our first house, where by magic a 2nd bathroom appeared off the stair landing. If that house had had a 2nd bathroom, that would be the perfect size for us now.

Checking in, skippable:
I had several very busy days in a row last week so yesterday it felt good to relax and not have to rush around. I got caught up on the laundry, washed a sink full of dishes, knitted a pink baby hat (to donate), and read a library book. DH and I went out to a Chinese buffet for late lunch and I overate, but made up for it by not eating anything for supper. Last night I found a free site full of mahjong games and, as Twins'Mom says, went down a rabbit hole. ;)

Harriet asked if I finished sewing my knit top Friday. Well, no. I ended up spending a lot longer up north than expected. By the time I drove the hour back home, did chores, cooked supper, and cleaned the kitchen, I didn't have a chance to sit down to my machine until after 8:30 and I was really tired. I sewed awhile but once it became obvious that I wouldn't get far enough to be able to wear the top the next morning, I switched over to a decluttering project. I went through a box of quilting patterns and magazines to pull out a large stack that I took with me to the meeting and put on the free table. Doing that decluttering and getting enough sleep that night felt more important to me than sewing into the wee hours.

Friday lunch with DMom and 2 DSisters was lovely and I didn't want to cut that short. We finally had to leave because DMom had a doctor appointment.

Their Wm is practically next door to the restaurant so I went over to pick up some necessary ingredients for Thanksgiving. That was a mistake, first because their parking lot is awful and I had to drive around a lot to find a parking space. Their store aisles are organized quite differently than the one where I usually shop so it took a long time to find things.

In addition, I think the people that go to that Wm are 4X crazier than the ones I'm used to.
1) Not really crazy, but a nice older gentleman insisted on telling me how much his grandson likes a particular kind of cookie, so I helped him find that brand on the shelf. That was just the warm-up round.

2) Loud argument in the meat department almost came to fisticuffs between two men and a woman. From what I heard, it seemed that one of the men accidentally bumped someone and apologized but the other people got really mad? A store manager had to break up the fight.

3) Elderly woman driving a scooter in the middle of the aisle turned around to say that she had told herself before she came in that she was only going to pick up 2 things and get out fast because the longer she shops, the more things she buys that she doesn't need. I laughed and agreed that it seemed that way. That apparently was all the encouragement she needed to start chatting. I don't even remember how she got on the topic of health insurance and her operation but she had to tell me all about her extremely handsome surgeon "hot stuff" who was young enough to be her grandson. It was a pleasant conversation with a stranger that would have been "normal" if we had known each other or if we were sitting at a party or something. However, 15-20 minutes with her scooter parked crossways in the aisle, telling me her personal business, and I couldn't be rude to someone my DMom's age to cut her off and push past. :?

4) Standing in the checkout line and the woman in front of me suddenly turned around and told me she felt like punching someone and she has free speech that no one can stop her saying her opinion and the kids today have no clue what they're doing but she didn't have to put up with bulls***! Then SHE started telling me her personal business about her mom dying when she was young so she was raised by her dad, a grumpy old man ... (Do I look like everybody's therapist??) I was trapped in line behind this obviously disturbed woman who alternated between lecturing me and the young cashier while the cashier was trying to take care of the customer at the front of the line.
THEN it was time for crazy woman to check out but she didn't have enough money. She had to take things out of the bags one by one until the total was low enough for her to pay -- all the while complaining about how high Wm's prices are and she could have gotten all the stuff at another store for her money.

When it was finally my turn to check out, I complimented the cashier on how well she handled the situation. She remained very calm and courteous with a difficult customer. She said when crazy woman told her that her generation needed to wake up and smell the coffee, she thought, "I like coffee," and stopped listening to the rest. I hope her supervisor was paying attention to what a good job she did.

Anyway, that was an adventure in shopping ... and I hope I never have to go back to that store. :|

For the sewing project, I have the pieces cut out and the first step pinned together. I also have the ironing board set up. Both of those are something of an ordeal, so that's good progress. When I can keep the ironing board set up without stuff being piled on top of it. it becomes much easier to sew a little bit at a time.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:18 am

good morning d book, d twins, d lady, d harmony, d cathy and all that come in
good evening d lynn

d book - wonderful that you got caught up on laundry and dishes. You even knitted and read a book!
you had a lot of driving yesterday!
so happy you had a lovely lunch with your d mom and d sisters!
my goodness - the fight - how sad. also sad that people now a days feel frustration and don't feel heard so they make it known. how lonely that must be.
I think it was very nice of you to compliment the is so important these days.
Have fun sewing!

hello d lady. so glad the rest was good for you! good for you on being flexible and workable re: home school. lol re: hearing the same song 1,000... infinity . lol reminds me of dd younger - between piano and guitar etc...
good luck on your d moms dr. appointment - hope it makes her knee feel better!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:20 am

so far:
emptied dw
filled with the few dishes from breakfast and last night
cleaned sink, counters and surface stove top
dd younger is not thrilled about traveling today.
it took 45 minutes to clip down and clean out fern that had been outside all summer. transplanted it but in spring I will have to move it to another container that is bigger or cut it in half. Everything is swept/vacuumed and wiped up. all the fallen leaves and stuff are in the compost bin.

we have to leave in one hour for the airport. sad to see dd younger go even though I know she will be back next week. I just know that once January comes she will be gone for a long time.

isn't d dee flying today?
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:26 am

First things first came to mind when I read the title. Take my meds/vitamins. Make my coffee. Clean up kitchen. Pay attention to my desk. Now I've added another first to my day. DH forgets to take his meds (not being used to this routine in his life and his morning is busy with lots to remember - and he forgets lots of stuff) in the morning. So I get up earlier and stand there until he walks over and takes them. :roll: Twice last week he forgot and I didn't see until it was too late (and he was gone) and once I saw and took them out to him. So - first things first.

Booksaver, I totally agree about WM people. Too many in each aisle. When they remodeled my store last time they made at least 50% of the aisles so narrow 2 people can't pass unless each has their cart right up against the shelves...and people don't do that and they walk away from them very often. Drives me crazy. I refuse to shop with DH. We just can't manage it.

People stand around looking at their phones... people in those chair/carts try to reach stuff they can't (and I always offer to help them) but whole experience there is stressful to me.

I've come to the conclusion our lives here are too busy with everything and we try to keep up at a fast pace which is hard and nerve wracking.

On a happier note: finally ordered the product I was hunting online, threw some more $ at the postage to get it in a week and 1/2 and am crossing my fingers it will work. Next time I will make one. If I can find the time.

Today's plan: 2 stops out (would be 3 but today is a holiday at banks) and get a haircut. Need to make a phone call to someone.

Sunday's get together with DH's relatives was pleasant. Old pictures I'd come across were a hit, took to give sis-in-law and she passed around and were much talked about and admired. Put the one I found of DNephew in his 3-yr-old halloween costume in his 16th birthday card and that was passed around and enjoyed too. I had no idea that all would be so well received.

Gotta get going here. Hope everyone has a good day and does not overdo their working. 8-)

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:26 pm

I am going to go screaming out the door. I am so frustrated with my lack of grammar knowledge. How can I teach what I don't understand....or what I can't remember for more than 2 seconds?
Lay vs Lie
Normally I can quickly find a video to explain things. This one has me stumped. The videos all want to talk about direct objects and Transient vs Intransitive verbs. DS10 hasn't studied those grammar things yet. ***Big sigh*** I'm just going to take comfort in the fact that grammar is repeated each year and what we don't learn this year will be repeated again next year. Although, that thought doesn't help when I think that I am 63 years old and STILL confused about lay vs lie. And this is after I have watched TWELVE videos of smart people explaining the difference.
So far this videomakes the most sense because it has phrases to remember. I wish they would use LAYS potato chip in the phrases to remember....Now THAT lay is easy to remember because I'm a chip-o-holic. ***groan***

Bookie - I enjoyed your description of your first home.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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