Monday - Name your first

The daily PWYC thread, where we gather to keep in touch, keep accountable and keep motivating each other.
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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:14 pm

Excellent point on lie/lay, Harriet! :D My brief lesson was strictly for the benefit of young students who may be tested on these matters. Personally, I spent one of my teen summers "laying in the sun all day and in a bathtub soaked in baby oil all night" (to hear my dmom tell it, and it is impossible for me to term that activity any other way. Before tanning beds, we all used to "lay out in the sun." I pretty much gave up this dangerous practice before tanning beds). I did not place anything in those spots of course, except my lazy body. It was the only time in my life I've had a tan, but probably not worth all the trouble, in hindsight. (Particularly not worth the trouble as I continue to watch a troublesome sore on my upper thigh, btw...) :?

BookSaver -- all of your WM experiences could easily have taken place here in our little Tiny Town WM! All except the hostile encounter, actually. I don't believe I have EVER seen an openly angry exchange between two WM customers here. That says a lot of our little Southern Tiny Town, doesn't it? Or maybe it just says a lot about my general obliviousness.
Last night, in fact, we started out of WM, and ran into this guy who is one of the few people I know who talk more than I do, LOL. We just waved, said "How are y'all doin?" and KEPT WALKING. As we got into the parking lot, I said, "Whew, dodged a bullet there, didn't we?" Then dh said, "Where are they? Were they coming out or going in?" We just LOL and got our groceries in the car as quickly as we could -- I said, "We're getting out of here like Uncle Ollie on Andy Griffith, aren't we?" (Visiting relatives rushing off b/c Andy finally acts like he's going to let Uncle (maybe Cousin?) Ollie prove he is as good a lawman as he thinks he is.) Anyway -- I'm just as guilty as anyone, IF I'm in the right state of mind. I can talk in a WM aisle forever -- but sometimes I am just NOT in the mood AT ALL and that's when I rush rush rush and dodge aisles with other well-known conversationalists. :oops:

I'm still thinking...

Today has not been overly productive but I have helped dh with the towel marathon... that is a major undertaking, of course.
Also to my credit -- THREE phone calls to doctors offices. One was non-productive (the one re: dh's approval for rooster comb shot.) Two were for appts for check ups for myself. One with allergy doctor, one with ob-gyn... ugh. They can't see me until January though.
Cooked supper -- Philly cheese steak sandwiches, which I just Do Not Like Anymore. I tried to season mine more and succeeded in making it waaay too salty. I am also so tired of corn on the cob that I could SCREAM.
Cleaned up the kitchen.

That's enough. I'm still recovering from the crud. :P

OH!!! And I wrote the first 1000 of my goal of 1000 words a day! Noooo... I am not doing the November novel challenge thing that I think some of you have done before/are doing now? Nancy? But that did inspire me --
I want to write my dfil's life story for dh/ds/dgrands, before we all forget his stories. He had a really fascinating life, for someone who grew up in such a Tiny Town. He "just happened" to be an observer at a lot of interesting events around town as a fairly small child. His mother died when he was 11 and his father let him have a LOT of freedom. Then he joined the Navy in WWII and he and my dmil lived in San Francisco for the war years. It's not that he DID so many unusual things; he just lived through a lot of interesting times and had a great way of telling about his experiences. So I'm trying to put that down on paper. He was born in 1920 and died in 2012.
So, maybe now that I have told y'all about this, y'all can help me stay accountable and I might have a rough draft ready for dh to make corrections by Christmas. (I know I'm going to miss a LOT of details, but I'm going to try to get everything I can on paper before I show it to dh.)

Speaking of accountability, my OTHER project, the one where I was going to take pictures of the houses my maternal grandfather bricked... Yeah... that has kinda fallen by the wayside too. Even after the article ran in the paper, about the man who taught my dgf to lay brick, and at the end of the article, the note to contact me if anyone knew of houses my grandfather bricked... * sheesh * I only got ONE response, and I already knew that house. Plus, it is difficult and awkward to ride around and get pictures of houses from the highway, and even if I get every single one that I know, it will just be a drop in the bucket.
OTOH -- it will be approx 50 houses, I suppose, and that would be a sort of "sampler" that ds would probably treasure as time goes on. So... I need to get busy with that too.

I have also talked back and forth and texted w/ddil and ds re:
* Christmas gift ideas (for them/for us)
* how nice their fireplace looks without the brass screen/etc that they so happily removed today
-- -- (It looked just as well with it, I probably would have kept it, but they never have liked it and they took it all down today. It's a gas fireplace, so no worries about sparks flying out or anything like that. See how well I'm doing with being encouraging and supportive and NOT opinionated and bossy?)
* plans for tomorrow (keeping dgd, going to singing at ass't living, picking up dgs at school)

So. I still need to help dh with the last load of laundry. I'm tired.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby Lynlee » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:44 pm

Now I lay me down to sleep ...
It is either past tense not really now, or wrong by Lucylee's definition, or grammar 'rules' are different in different parts of the world, which I know is the case on many other 'wots rite or rong wif enlish' * issues. Not that * would pass muster in any official places these days. Thinking of Chaucer and of stories he writ. Where do we take officaldom from anyway?
I know - the US has had its own way with officialdom in spelling and other things of English that need not coexist in England, so that may account for some of the variations seen in the present day and recent past.
Here English is spoken of as a living language that changes over time. Some of us try to defend it from overt americaniasation. Linguistic scholars are plotting it's path, and many do frequent q&a on various things that crop up, which I do find interesting.

post Lucylee's last post - I could be lying down, but the hen is the one who could be laying eggs.

first things
I'm in a quandry to mention which first things.
I'm wishing I'd done simple first things first before I twisted my knee.
Theres the maxim of not putting off what you can do today.
Theres another about not doing things you could safely put off until tomorrow.
There are the hundred, thousand, or million put off tasks that become an unmanagable home. (or is that an unmanaged home?)
There is the wishing certain things had been done to make life easier today, no mater what today has brought.
For me today that is a knee that is fussy about what I ask it to do.

My Monday
enough said.
Beyond that
I also found I belong to the asd in family grandmother club, but shush, its a secret. DD finds she has the double take on that, and is finding identification of others in family similarly scoring probable membership.
I spent an age reading factsheets last night. I'd love to read some more of females with that issue.

If I can stand at the sink and scrub some things to clean and usable that will be helpful.
I had a morning bath, struggled to get out of there is true, but was wishing I'd dunked myself in there recently so took the leap, with mob. ph by my side incase I got stuck. (mob. = mobile)
While in there the bruise became noticeable, and the swelling. bandaged it so it doesn't get lonely.

Onward to the sink … Maybe bed after lunch.
Wishing I'd changed sheets and swivelled the mattress yesterday. oh hum.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:07 pm

Excellent example, Lynlee.
Now I lay me down to sleep.

Actually, that does follow the rule, bc it has the direct object that LadyM was trying to avoid thinking about. I lay (put) ME down...

Lay or laid, according to the American English rules, had to have that SOMETHING that is put or placed somewhere.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:00 am

I can't remember anything right now.

Following the Lay Lie discussion as closely as my brain allows.

I talked to dd on Saturday about dgs learning higher numbers since he knows from the index that the picture of the taxi is on page 72. But I don't think he can read 72. So then I thought it might be easy to teach, if there are 2 digits, just add a "T" to the first one and then say the second digit. So 72 is seven-T-two. Except that doesn't work for 20,30 or 50. She said it was likely something he just learns through experiment.

Then today she posted this on Facebook:

M recited numbers up to 12 while talking to himself and I asked if he knew what was next. “Twenty two”. Well that is the next number he knows.... I said 13-20 and he thought about it and said “all teen.... five-teen...” “We say “fifteen”””Fiveteen and fifteen?” “No, everyone says “fifteen””

(There are a few words he knows have choices like “supper v dinner” and the pronunciation of “garage”. I think he just lumped this in with that...)

He's an insatiable learner at this point. When reading his book with Buppa on Saturday he pointed to and named the Gondola. Dd had never heard him use the word before. Uhmmm... that's my fault. Last time I read that book with him, I asked if he rode the Gondola when he was at the hotel by the mountain lake.

I'm still really sick. I've cancelled everything for the rest of the week (concert, overnight babysitting) and turned down dd's request to babysit tomorrow. Dh covered for me at my Residents Association Exec meeting tonight. I slept.

Which is why I'm up now. I've been in bed or on the couch almost all day. I have taken a total of 985 steps today. I just noticed my pedometer is on the old time. I think I'll just leave it. At least until I get back from NS.

Actually I am debating cancelling the trip to Nova Scotia. Even if I am well by Friday (likely), I will still likely get sick since that's the pattern, do something, get sick.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:10 am

Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:23 am

praying you feel better d kathryn!

good night all. sweet dreams!
dishes are washing themselves.
spoke to both dd's which was nice.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby Harmony » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:51 am

But shouldn't it be 'now I lay myself down to sleep' ??? :shock:

(Kathryn) I think you should take it easy until you are better. I tell that to DH and he doesn't listen either.

So 7 hours out in the shop helping while DH and friend worked on his trailer, welding, grinding, cutting. As usual I was tool girl handing tools, holding the light, sweeping floor numerous times, untangling extension cords and hoses. Plus getting them ice water etc. Poor guy looked pretty bushed when he pulled out of here. I am stiff and sore, so is DH. We took a short break for a bowl of chicken noodle soup I made today. Was sure glad I had something to offer.

One of those jobs that once it was started had to be done to completion. The back gate cut off for welding new supports and hinges on had to be all completed since the lights and license are all on that back gate too.

Bed's going to feel good tonight.

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Re: Monday - Name your first

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 13, 2018 1:22 am

Well, yes, Harmony, I think “myself” would be more grammatically correct, but probably not as poetic. ;)
And as Harriet pointed out, Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton carry a lot of weight in this argument. LOL.
Anyway — I’m retired; y’all can lie down/lay down anywhere you want! (But LadyM’s ds might use my examples :) )
Good night, all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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