taking care of ... Tuesday

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taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:27 am

What can you get out of the way?

What is your WTF (thank you d Elizabeth) - Worst things first?

Can you take 10 minutes to do part of it?

What is your TA da for Tuesday!

first off: believe in yourself!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:47 am

I have a question:

What do you like about being a home maker? :D

What don't you like about being a home maker? 8-) :D
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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:24 am


What don't I like... that's easy! The dirty pots and pans that don't go in the dishwasher.

What do I like? Being able to sleep in, like today. Having the choice to stay home in bad weather. Naps.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:58 am

What do you like about being a home maker?

Establishing order to our home and therefore to our lives. The desire to create a safe nest for loved ones.

What don't you like about being a home maker?

Being behind. There is never a time when everything is done.

Today I am very thankful to be retired and set my own hours. I can sit for an hour (or more) without asking for permission to take time off work.

I woke up with a sore throat today so I will be gargling and putting my feet up as much as possible. Hopefully, my body will fight off whatever germs are causing my voice to disappear and throat to hurt. I haven't taken my temperature but I suspect it went up during the night because was awake in the night because I was so cold.....even though I was wearing 2 layers and had another 2 layers of blankets over me. Whatever this is I hope I didn't give it to DMom yesterday. She is super good about watching for germs. DMom wears gloves 100% of the time that she is out of her house and sprays them with disinfectant when she walks back into her home before she takes the gloves off.

Thank you for the help with lay/lie. Hopefully, DS10 will do okay with it.

today is
** Homeschool Day #75
** 2:30 DS10 piano lesson
** 3:30 DS10 to 4H group meeting
** 3:45 DGD7 pick up from school (DH will do this)
** 5:00 DGD7 to piano lessons

Meal plans for today =
B: Oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce, blueberries
L: Pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad
D: Pancakes and ham
S: Cottage cheese, apple
1. Know what you want.
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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:41 am

I like having oversight of the way things happen in my environment and the continuity that my oversight brings to the family. That sounds really broad because it is broad.

I don't like seeing that others get to have beginnings and endings to their "days", but I never do. I don't like that "it" is my responsibility whatever time of day when "it" happens, on Sat, on Sun, on a holiday, when I'm sick, etc. Others have job descriptions. My job description is "everything else".

Dd38 and I are trying to figure out how to have lunch together while she is in the area giving a speech. She drove in for hours this early a.m. for this event, will drive home for hours this afternoon. She need to make sure people's questions are answered, thank the event organizers, and be polite to other speakers. But everyone understands that she'll be leaving after they break for lunch and needs to travel back. So she hopes to give me a convenient location to meet her and have a little time.

I've done the Morning Dailies and some church Desk Day.

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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:00 pm

I am up b's is acceptable this morning. Lots of Sun today. I like the alone time to write will reach half of my word count goals. Miss the people interaction. It is isolating.

Farm stuff is beyond com0licated at this point any way.

Trash is at the curb. Picked up and can brought back In.
Hiked with dog in the field.
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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:42 pm

Good question. What do I like: being able to create order in my life. What I don't like: the feeling that it is all on my shoulders because we are not at all on the same page. Order is not a requirement around here except when something is needed and there is NOT order. I don't like knowing that I am held to a higher standard than others with abnormal ability to keep ALL the plates spinning properly.

I could say a whole lot more about all that. It would be a whole long ranting post. We 'got into it' over such an issue today.

I am very very tired. Yesterday's work was too much too long and I am weary with the busy busy calendar.

Today I must go to bank and have 2 other stops. Whole morning was taken up with solving problems and more problems. Car insurance bill came but not the policy and owners' cards. Phone calls about that. Just an example.

I guess I should get going here again. We have a membership meeting at church tonight. After a pot luck and I must figure out something to take.

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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 13, 2018 1:34 pm

I sat down to put my feet up for a bit. We paused homeschool so DS10 could go with DH to do some volunteer work at the clothes closet. I want DS10 to have a heart for others and this is one way to teach him.

DH and I are trading places this afternoon. DH will take DS10 to his activities and I'll do DGD7 activities. That will give me less exposure in public so I won't be sharing sore throat germs I might have.

((((LynLee)))) I hope your knee improves.

Theres the maxim of not putting off what you can do today.
Theres another about not doing things you could safely put off until tomorrow.
There are the hundred, thousand, or million put off tasks that become an unmanagable home. (or is that an unmanaged home?)
There is the wishing certain things had been done to make life easier today, no mater what today has brought.

Thinking upon these things.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:07 pm

I'm trying to take care of me but now I have a rash on my leg and foot. Will give in until tomorrow morning to disappear but if it is still there, I'll go to the doctor. It hurts so there's something else to make it hard to sleep.

I moaned for about an hour when I woke up this morning. So much aching, nausea and pain in my back, so little effort to move. Fever was up.

When dh got up I had him bring me some apple, coke and more ice water. I ate that over the next hour, dozing in between (finally found a relatively pain-free position and the apple settled my tummy.) When I took my temp after that, the fever had broken and has stayed down.

I've showered. And had my regular breakfast (no tea or chocolate though, the thought of them make me more nauseous.) I sent dh for gingerale which turned into a 7 text exchange (the sale ones weren't in the soft drink aisle and there were no prices on the ones that were there.

Ds has been here for a lot of the morning. Napping on the couch so I moved from there (where I had been watching tv) to the bedroom.

Before he arrived, I had put away the clothes in the bedroom and made the spare bed, all the while searching for my missing pajamas. When I went to bed last night, I couldn't find them so ended up having to wake up dh when I went back into our room. I went through the apartment and couldn't find any clothing outside the bedroom and I needed something to sleep in. Turns out the missing pjs were on a chair in the living room. They were both black so in the night, I didn't see them there.

Ds is taking the car seat over to dd's for her. She decided she couldn't ask us to run the errand after we turned her down for a visit today.

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Re: taking care of ... Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:15 pm

I just got back. I went to ww - I was nervous going but was glad I did.
I bought my d brother the last thing.

my likes: are like all of yours. I agree it is very broad. I love being a home maker and it is also a struggle.

-I like order (like d harmony) in my life and thus my family's - I keep working at that. (even if you can't see it)
-I like being the support for my family and making a home for them.
The desire to create a safe nest for loved ones.
that's a definite for me as well.
-i love when things run smooth (lol) as much as it can. (having my routines and my home blessing done as well as keeping up with laundry. 8-)
-I want my family to feel the love I have for them
- I actually love having my home feel homey!

I like being there for my family but not being the end all of the prep and planning, making sure we are ready for an event and that every one else, esp. dh asks the day before if everything is done and is in the car. :shock: ;)

-I don't like when I stress or feel bad when peace and order is too much for me to accomplish. (anxiety takes over and then indecision hits and I stall)
-I don't like when I am the one insisting that the basics get done. No one is as thrilled as I am. ;)
-When I fall behind and I can't seem to catch up! (happens a lot especially when dogs and cats are shedding or family keeps everything).
I tend to forget everyones life is not perfect and they can't do it all; even though when you walk into their homes it is perfectly stunning and it looks like each moment is easily planned.
- I know I work hard even though you can't always see it.
-I don't like when my home does not show how much I care. (I do love when the cleaning ladies come every couple months = I could hug them when they come in the door and especially when they leave bc I am so so grateful) :D :D :D

I chose to be a homemaker but I expected it to be easy all the time True story. Dh had a wonderful mom who did all of his laundry. We were in our first apartment and he turned to me and asked if he had clean socks... lol! It was so funny to both of us. We had wonderful mothers who always were one step ahead of us. (especially my d mom - everything was perfect - she kept my clutter issues at bay and our house was run beautifully.) Then I and dh had to figure out others (our children) were counting on us for the home.

I want that same feeling in my home: warmth, joy, clean laundry :D :lol: (and I thought it would be effortless - thank goodness I have a good sense of humor most of the time 8-) :D )

what I like about being a SIDETRACKED HOME EXECUTIVE: 1. all the people here! 2. We are not alone! 3. we are some of the most giving people there are.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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