No Sitting Around Saturday

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No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby Elizabeth » Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:15 pm

Is it possible? I'm first?!?!

Well you know what I WON'T be doing today! Here is what I will be doing: baby shower (when I would rather be at the knit/crochet meeting) and cook for tomorrow's youth group. I am going to eat brunch out so I can get to the knit/crochet group earlier than normal. Maybe I will see someone. I have done my biggest WTF for today - I have filed a homeowner's insurance claim. I have a $500 deductible. If they just send cash for the jewelry and musical instruments, can't they just take it out of that? I want to get my door fixed so it actually shuts rather than pushes to. Yesterday, I braved black Friday only long enough to get the glasses adjusted. I am seeing the computer much better now.

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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:29 pm

Yes, how wonderful you are starting us d Elizabeth!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:14 pm

No sitting around here. We are at LaGuardia boarding soon. Dh and dd on the outs!
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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:39 pm

And here it is 1:30 (EST)! Everyone finally vegging after the long holiday in the US? We finished up what leftovers we wanted for lunch and froze the rest. We'll have another turkey dinner in a couple of weeks. ;) Dsonil says he's 'turkeyed' out. My weight shows I probably ate too much of Thanksgiving fare. :| Time to really get back at it. I even left out exercising for 2 whole days. Did get it in last evening -about time. Had a 'Charlie Horse' though and that bothered me through the night. Went to bed at 8pm, read just a little and slept till about 11 -heard dh & dd close the car doors as I came back from the bathroom. Slept from then till 4am. Got up and took T-med at 5:30 but was still awake at 7. Somehow after dh went out of our bedroom I fell asleep for another hour & a half.

I was sleepy again after breakfast and we all watched "White Christmas" on N etflix. I bit the bullet & subscribed to Netflix since we had pretty much nothing -especially no H allmark Channel. DD canceled cable this summer & has H ulu Live. But we discovered we can't get our 'old' H ulu or the Gaither channel with the F ire Stick in our bedroom. So I've ordered a new ROKU -which is what we have up home.

Dh and dd have one more hockey game in Orlando tonight (3 this week). She's kind of 'adopted' one of the hockey players (through FCA) but he plays for the Orlando Solar Bears. He's adopting us as his grandparents!! :D He's from Saskatchewan and has absolutely no one nearby to cheer for him particularly or watch him play. DD can't 'fraternize' with any of the players as she's an 'off-ice official', but old enough to be his Mom. Chances are he'll get called up to another team before long anyway.

Think I'll go take a short stroll and get some steps in. I did up all the dishes and all the serving bowls after lunch. Had to stop part way through to rest my back (arthritis there gives me a lot of pain while doing dishes -more here than even at our sink up home). But now they're done and I'm glad I didn't wait until night.
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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:08 pm

I'm up. Again.

Woke up at 5 and couldn't get back to sleep so got up just before 6. Worked on my bullet journal (as opposed to working on thing listed in the bullet journal! Got dressed, had breakfast, put out the pots on the radiators to help with humidity, did a deep clean of my vaporizor which hasn't been working properly and then went back to bed for several hours. I think I dozed in and out while listening to an audio book.

Got up again at 1:30 and made myself lunch. My legs hurt so I took a pill. Temp is still up about 1.5 degrees. I'm wondering if it will ever drop to my normal.

Dh wants to practice the music for this week. We have two lunch time performances. I don't know if I'll be able to either of them. I haven't been strong enough to get to through the set of 8 songs yet.

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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:50 pm

Hate how I feel when I'm running a temp, ((((Kathryn)))). Also hate to tell you how many weeks (long ones) I suffered through Shingles. Know there's a new shot out there and dh would like me to have it. But they also told me when I got Shingles, despite having had the real shot in 2000, that I'd essentially given myself a booster. Also told me I'd probably had a milder case since I'd had the shot. :shock: Really? Somehow I don't think so. But because I was part of a study they did pay all the medical costs after 'scrapings' to assure that I indeed had Shingles. Ya' think? I was on Famvir btw, Kathryn. Also gave me pain killers but I was afraid to take them. Think it was Vicodin.
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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:57 pm

Dee: my pain isn't too bad, advil 4x a day is handling it for now. But I'm not sure how much of my back issue is shingles and how much is disc. Or if they are related (same leg.) How do you know you are over the shingles? When I google that, I don't get an answer beyond 3 - 5 weeks unless you get the residual pain can last up to a year.

I'm fatigued, still have the temp, ache at times, and have no brain power.

With so much wrong with me, I can't figure out what I should be doing to care for myself. But it is obvious that depression is the major item I'm fighting right now. It is much better since the end of the anti-viral so that drug was also weighing me down. Shingles can as well as the concussion but I don't want to go on anti-depressants since they take up to 6 weeks to take hold and by then the shingles should be over and it will be the depression from the concussion. Which, if I can handle that naturally, I'd prefer that.

I was filling my vitamin dispenser today and debating adding a second Vitamin D but realized I'm getting 2300 IU through my multi, calcium, D3, and Glucosamine. Add in the extra 200 IU I get in milk plus whatever I get through food and I don't want to add in another pill since that's 1000 IU which is getting me close to the upper known safe limit.

I did add in a probiotic on top of my yogurt each day. We'll try that for 2 weeks and see if I note any differences.

I got through the song set but it is exhausting. I've worked on the photos to go with it but don't know how to pull them together. For now, there's one folder for each song and 8 - 20 photos per song. The theme is "Soundtrack of your life" and the photos are of dh's times in Africa and the songs are roughly on the theme of the photos (Beautiful scenery, mountains, shopping, churches.) Hopefully, it will pull together. I have until Wednesday to get this going.

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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:35 pm

Can't tell you how many times a day I think of you dKathryn. Been where you are but not both at the same time. Yowsers! You sound a lot like me in that it seems to take you (and me) a long time to get 'over' anything.

Just finished my set of exercises -including the warm ups and cool downs. I find I donwanna a lot but am so happy once I've gone through them. I'm trying each day to increase at least just a little bit on each one. There's a couple I just can't -at least not very much. Trying to compensate for not going to cardiac rehab. I should be able to tell within the month if what I'm doing is working toward making me stronger and healthier. Plan to send a copy of what I'm doing to the Care Manager at my doctor's office and see what she thinks. Know she'll see the gradual increase of a few of them.
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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 24, 2018 6:48 pm

Went to town this morning to get light, found some and it was not to busy when I was over down. Was home by lunch time.
Getting some Christmas decor up. The rest will be tomorrow. Got some more leaves bagged up swept patio again. Walk the dog.

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Re: No Sitting Around Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:36 pm

Wow, all day and still on page 1. Don't think I ever saw us this quiet!

Yep, no sitting around here either. I went off to look for something in a store and ended up at another 2 also. The crowds have definitely thinned out. I got a couple things for Christmas.

Ordered something else online. DD has me into a rather involved sewing project. I ordered some things for that.

Looking for the lamp shades in a different spot I found a floor lamp for the empty corner in the living room. Caught a huge sale on that and brought it home and DH and I put it together. Pretty, I like it.

Oh well...found out today that check I received is bogus. Sometimes ya just gotta wonder about why people do such awful things. This person made a pretty good counterfeit check, I gotta say. I don't know -do we have STUPID tattooed across our foreheads?

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