Next big thing Monday

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Next big thing Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:00 am

What's your next big thing? How will you plan for it and make sure it goes efficiently?

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:04 am

Sitting at appt with hrh and phone is not so efficient. Lots to tell but this bitsy keyboard is not the place. Brought some handwork sewing to do.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:43 am

The next big thing ! Thank u d Harriet

We had a foot of snow and it’s beautiful!
We lost power at midnight and it’s still out - I have a fireplace on and a blanket nailed up so that room stays warmer but air still flows. I am going to put on some chicken stock - I have a gas stove top.
Pioneering through the morning :D
Have a great day❤️
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:36 am

Blessed... as crazy as it sounds I used to love days like that, however I had to use my outside gas grill to make coffee and cook. I also love snow and just being outside in it. Last time that happened I was at my moms. Woke up to snowing with snow on the ground and my mom looked at me and said... I know where you’re going.

The area she lives in is next to a huge lake and many trees, with trails. I was the first one out so there were no tracks. Love the cold on my face, the silence in the air and the crunch of snow under my feet. For a little while I was a child again. Walked down to the lake and found bobcat tracks in the snow. I wanted to stay out all day but worried my mom would miss me. In my 20’s I would hike and camp in the snow on the Appalachian Trail. Like I said I love snow ;)

Have a few things to do around here before to I take Willis to the vet. I’m planning to buy him an electric warming blanket for his kennel. Willis doesn’t have much hair. He sleeps with a sweater on, but when he gets cold he bunches up the pad inside his kennel, which I keep covered. And if he sleeps on anything that’s bunched up it messes with his hip and he gets the “hoppies” meaning he can’t put his back right leg down, and this can last for days.

Off to watch Perry and finish my coffee. I also need to do some dusting before my camels show up and change the sheets on my bed.

Enjoy your day....
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:39 am

I am up h has left for work. Sunrise is beautiful this morning. I need to do zone work and home blessing is on my mind floors need attn. here.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:54 am

Did my sleeping from 9-11pm and 6:30-9:15am. Somehow I don't think that equals a great night's sleep. :| I'm up and have s2s, did meds, ate breakfast and finishing a cup of decaf coffee. Regular doesn't seem to agree with me lately.

Just ordered an external hard drive for DS-A (for when he gets a new computer) for an early Christmas present. Got a good buy on one (Cyber Monday). He lost all his info. I also added the 2-year back up recovery plan should this ever fail. DDIL-A had texted me last week to see if I had DS's password to the NY State Sales Tax site. Really? Not on my agenda. She did finally figure it out.

DS-A posted this weekend that he's turning into his DAD! :lol: Yelled at the kids for standing in front of the TV, to turn out the lights, to close the front door ("were you brought up in a barn?") :D And then he built a huge ice rink in their side yard. Dh built one in ours and had it for years. Think it was 60'x100'. His looks to be about that size too. 6-year old grandson is playing hockey now and loves to skate. I'll wager there'll be plenty of adults on that rink as well. We gave ours up when winter after winter was too warm to maintain it. Seems like temps have swung the other way now though.

Dbil/dsisil showed up here yesterday afternoon. That never happens. They're getting bored.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 26, 2018 12:27 pm

I'm awake, s2s, and had breakfast but have been back to bed for 2 lie-downs so far. I'm struggling to stay up at the moment. I have my watch on 15s and this is a break-time for me.

Next big thing for me feels like everything but I suppose it is the slide shows for the performances we're doing. Dh finalized the pictures last night so now I have to figure out what software to use. And how to use the projector.

I've watered the plants, tidied the kitchen and wound the clocks. Beds will also need stripping and remaking. I'm not sure I can lift dh's weighted blanket so will have him help with that.

For those considering the weighted blankets, be warned, they are not a panacea to all problems.

Dh had an amazing sleep the first night. Since then, his knees or hips hurt and do he has to get up to take medicine in the night. Not sure if it is because of the weight of the blanket, or it having him lie still in one position, or if it is holding down his legs so they don't twitch but that creates pain.

I slept in our bed last night. He was up at 12:45 to take pills and again quite early in the morning. In total I was in bed with eyes closed (but not asleep) for only 7.5 hours. That's well short of the 8.5 - 9.5 I've been getting in the spare bedroom. I don't usually sleep through the night but I'm waking on my cycle schedule, not his. On the plus side, his legs didn't twitch, so that didn't keep me awake while I was trying to get to sleep.

I'm very sore today, that's the "2 days after the fall" soreness. Just a low ache almost everywhere. My knee is a sight, all black and brown bruising. My hips are sore as are my shoulders. I think my brain may be a little more clear today but it is hard to tell. My temperature is now under 1 degree above normal, so that's an improvement.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Nov 26, 2018 12:36 pm

Good morning everyone! The next big thing in my house is Christmas houseguests. In the meantime, the insurance adjuster should call. Murphy's law says it will be during my meeting to go over the report modifications of last week. My sleep schedule is out of whack due to a yowly cat and my own actions, so I am very tired today. My head wants to make a migraine, but I may have forestalled it. There is an end of month deadline on finishing a crocheted Christmas ornament and completing an inter-library loan book. I still need to cook the dressing for my turkey.

Over the holiday, I only watched one of the five movies I checked out from the library. Will watch the rest while doing the ornament crochet. I was only able to get to the last hour of knit/crochet group due to a baby shower. Sunday, I fixed Broken Stove Chicken for the youth group, essentially breading, baking, then frying the chicken. This time I only simulated the broken stove rather than actually having one.

Tonight's WTF is get cat food. I also have dance class.

lucylee: Staples can do some kinds of book binding.

blessedw2: Dreaming of and raising chickens on paper is radically different than actually doing it. Remember they are dangerous and attack without warning. Some places have city and/or neighborhood restrictions on them. (All should). Neighbors will object to the noise and smell. Consult an attorney about liability. Three different members of my family have been attacked. (No, we did nothing to disturb them, we avoid them as much as possible and would no more touch a chicken than poke a bobcat). I'd rather live between a wolf hybrid breeder and a rattlesnake farmer. Less likely to attack and warn you beforehand.

Kathryn, DeeClutter, and anyone else whose doctor prescribes pain pills: Multiple doctors and multiple vets have told me that proper pain relief speeds healing (in addition to making you less miserable). Also, it is far better to take an anti-depressant for a short term need than to allow the depression to "rewire" the brain and become permanent.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:24 pm

I have dumped trash did floors in main part of the hotuse.
Time to get crockpot with soup going.
Had breakfast.
Next up bathrooms.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:36 pm

Elizabeth: it is my understanding anti-depressants require roughly 6 weeks before one can figure out if they are working. In that time, 2 of the causes of my depression should be over (SAD and shingles.) And I'll be 6 weeks further along the healing of the brain. If I start meds, if I'm better in 6 weeks I won't know if it is the meds or the fact that two symptoms have ended on their own.

I tried to go with dd the week before the shingles for my flu shot but she was too fatigued to make the effort. Therefore I didn't get it. BUT had I gone, it would look like the flu shot triggered the shingles. That would not have been the case, but it would have appeared to be true.

I don't want to go on brain altering meds unless any improvement can be definitely traced to the drugs and not timing.

And I don't want to go on brain altering meds until I've exhausted all non-medical methods (exercise, diet, light therapy.) Which requires me waiting for the shingles to heal so I can resume my workouts with the personal trainer.

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