Next big thing Monday

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:42 pm

I am finding it hard to get myself started now. I had a long walk with dfriend M this morning and have been sitting since getting back. Had done a lot of a.m. routine before I set out.

Having lunch, then will work some 45 min sessions beginning at quarter until one here. So will work until the bottom of the hour. Anyone want to join me?

I am still cold, working will probably help warm me up too.

((Kathryn)) I always feel better when the days start getting longer again. I know it's not that the amount of sunlight has increased enough, it's the idea that the days are longer and I'm getting better.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:10 pm

I agree with Twins about the short dark days. We noticed last evening at 5:00 or before it was dusk and starting to get dark. Neither of us like that.

First big thing I did was plow through my desk debris and get that all cleared up. I am dealing with (among other things) all the papers I brought home from DH's last hospital stay. I am looking for the card they gave us to show that he has a stent which will alert the airport security personnel. As if we ever travel by plane. :roll: But I can't understand what I did with that...and that made me think that I don't know if we received one for his hip replacement. He has a lot of metal in his body.

Busy Sunday... and not productive. I tried to rearrange the furniture in the family room and we tried everything and nothing seems to work. I am discouraged. I have it set up on way to see if we'll get used to it but when I first went out there this morning I didn't like the way it looked.

Lucylee, about your album...I'd go to Michaels and look where their scrapbook supplies are. They have some very nice albums of different sizes. If you picked a nice album of the same size as before, and get enough posts with extensions to make thick enough, you could just put the pages into the new album. I got a very nice album with posts and extensions one year for Christmas and took all the 5x7, 6x8, 8x10 pictures of the grandkids growing up out of their frames and put them in this album. Nice to look through. Anyway, even though a nice album wouldn't be cheap, it'd be less than paying someone to redo it all.

Oh, and you have time for a project like this...I know you do! :lol:

Kathryn, chicken pox is contagious until the scabs are scabbed over and not open or oozy any more, and by then the fever should be gone. It is the same virus so I'd think it would be the same for Shingles. Actually, I don't know how you're ever going to get better with as busy as you stay. Sometimes you can't fight an illness. We can't bully our bodies to get well. It needs lots of rest and water and good nutrition. In the long run, that's the faster way to get better. JMO.

Ok, gotta get busy here, lots to do.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:29 pm

It is brisk and breezy out. Walked the dog on the loop pax help mi.
Crock pot is goi g with turkey broth for soup this evening for dinner.
Glad for remembering I only had to do ten min. On the floors traffic areas, and that it had been cleaned recently. I could get the rest when I do zones.

I agree with Harmony K in C rest.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:40 pm

First round done, I got the Hanukkah things out and put the electric menorah on the front porch and a star on the front door. A favorite menorah on the mantel and redid the little five candle decorative thingie for Hanukkah. Also rebooted laundry and cleaned up kitchen.

I have fall things to put away now, I put most up after Halloween but left the wreath, a turkey and a couple of other things.

Going to keep going. No takers on joining me?
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:54 pm

I love this too - I am not sure if dh does as he is always a cold -y locks (poor thing)

I might have to charge my phone in the car soon - but I wanted to say hi! I want to read all u are doing - waving to all of you!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:15 pm

I considered shingles to be over when the doctor said I wasn't contagious and could return to work and normal activities. That happened when the open shingle sores scabbed over (no oozing). The shingle sores were around my waist and bottom so they couldn't be seen. I don't remember if I felt better or not. I was young and had an endless supply of energy. Thinking back on that time, I probably felt tired but I would have ignored it because I was a Mom and had things to do. The doctor gave me the all clear so that meant full speed back to work & activities. I have never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer!

This morning -
** Excellent sleep until I woke up naturally. One of the biggest keys to a good night sleep for me is to not be cold. No one would believe how many layers I wear to stay warm. I have recently discovered that using a crocheted blanket keeps me warmer than anything else I have used. It beats down, flannel, and fleece. It is not logical to me. I discovered it on a fluke.
** Homeschool Day #80 was a success. YES!!! We are 1/2 way through 5th grade! I was dreading today because it is hard to start back up after a break. We did have a few bumps but overall it was fast & fun.
** DGS21 came and got our previous Suburban. It has been sitting here unused for months and months. I intended to sell it as soon as I got it cleaned out. But that never happened so it just sat here. DH and I decided to carry the note for DGS21 to buy it from us. DGS21 is currently driving the 26 year old pickup we bought for him when he turned 16 years old. Yup, DGS21 has been driving a pickup that is older than he is. That pickup is plum worn out now and is approaching being a danger to drive. DGS21 has been adulting very well paying his bills while working full time and going to school. He is working a low paying job that limits what kind of vehicle he can afford. We decided to gift him a major part of the vehicle and carry the rest of the note with no interest.

Next up -
** Take DMom to get shot #4 of 4 on her left knee.
** Go to YMCA and get the Black Friday sale. Today is the last day they are offering it. OH man.....I hope that I'm not making a mistake on this. I have gone over and over and over and OVER it in my head for days on end. I can't talk myself out of doing it. This commitment is my next big thing.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:38 pm

Like Harriet, I am waiting at doctor’s office — ER, actually, bc dmom went to neurologist appt alone, fell, drove herself home, and called me. They are doing a CT right now, and x-rays. Face is all bruised up and she may have broken a finger. Sigh.
Dh NEEDS to be here — his foot is killing him! He can’t take a step without crying out in pain. But y’all know dh... More sighs.

I did order dmom a blanket... we shall see. 12 LB. Dmom weighs approx 150, so maybe this won’t be TOO heavy.
Thanks for photo album suggestions.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:42 pm

Good round of work, made the bed (finally), refilled meds containers, tried to steam a table runner to see if wrinkles would come out with an ironing board and steamer, finished unpacking big bag.

DD is dropping by now.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:01 pm

Was scanning back through and noticed your post, Harmony:
(among other things) all the papers I brought home from DH's last hospital stay. I am looking for the card they gave us to show that he has a stent which will alert the airport security personnel. As if we ever travel by plane. But I can't understand what I did with that...and that made me think that I don't know if we received one for his hip replacement. He has a lot of metal in his body.
Dh does have all his stent cards which I haven't thought to send with him on the airplane, Harmony. However, now he has the shoulder replacement as well as both knees, 10 stents, and the aortic valve replacement. His x-rays showed 'loops' on them and he asked about them. Cardiologist finally told him those are the stitches which closed his breast bone back up. He goes to the Orlando Solar Bears games and there he does touch off the metal detectors. So they hand wand him but so far just an explanation of the metal in his knees and shoulder have sufficed. And we were told they no longer send out cards for those joint replacements. He got one for his first knee but we were waiting for the 2nd one to arrive and dh asked at the orthopedist's office. We were told then that they no longer send them out. So your dh may never have received that one. I received the 3 cards for the stents they put in this time while I was still in the hospital. Think the ones from January '17 were sent to me. I now carry those 4 in my wallet. When I went through airport security a couple of weeks ago I was first put in some device where you have to raise your arms. Of course I can't do that. My left arm does not rise. So they put me through the old fashioned ones, knowing my shoulder would probably set it off. But it was okay. When I go to the hockey games I have to put my cane through on the belt as it'll set the alarms off. Probably no good info for you, but there's our experience. The first time dh went this year he'd said that it would set it off. The examiner said his do too as he has a knee replacement and understood. Hopefully we'll always have understanding examiners.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:27 pm

Kathryn, maybe you've said this before -can't remember. But I do know when I came down with Shingles, the one thing that stood out in my mind was them asking if I'd been under stress. Certainly was at that time with all the things happening here with gdTori. And you've certainly been under a lot of stress for many weeks before the Shingles.
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