Next big thing Monday

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:35 pm

DD came by to borrow my crock pot and immersion blender, she is making soup. While she was here she suggested that I get her boots for Hanukkah, so we ordered those. I shooed her off after that so I could s2s and I need to make a couple of calls and then run out to see dmom.

Laundry is moved over to dryer for last load for now. Dh is bowling tonight so I don't need to cook something - we have leftover chili or I might make something else.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:59 pm

Quick hi - still without power - hoping we can get power b4 tonight as it’s supposed to b 14 and I can’t take the animals anywhere. Keeping fingers crossed - hope u are all well!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:00 pm

Dee: I most definitely blame the concussion for the shingles. That plus November (it is a stress category every year), dd needing me to babysit so often and then my back, all add up to stress but my brain not working was the primary stress (and all the work that is piling up, 3 months worth so far.)

I'm still trying to figure out the relationship between the shingles and the back. The longer this goes on, the more I wonder if the back is actually shingles and not a pinched nerve but I can't lift my toes off the floor, leaving my heel in place and that's a sign of the nerve being pinched in my back. But the pain in my foot is more from the back than the shingles on my foot.

My shingles have been healed for almost a week now. The reading I've done says they are no longer contagious but you are fighting the virus for 3 - 5 weeks. So I'm about 2 weeks into this now if we figure I started to get sick when the fever started.

I still have an elevated temperature, occasional pain in the foot, almost constant discomfort in my back/hip, and deep fatigue. Before this started, I was easily making it through the day with reduced activity but I had no need to nap or rest. I was sleeping 8 - 9 hours a night. Now I can't get through the day without having to stop and rest and/or nap.

Today is more productive in that I not only showered but shaved my legs for the first time in almost a month. The plants are watered and humidifiers refilled. The bed has fresh sheets and the laundry is chugging along. I'll make up meatloaf for dinner but dh will have to do all the sides, I can't manage that as well.

But that adds up to about 20% of what I usually accomplish on a Monday. There should be dusting, vacuuming and mopping if I was on schedule. Since I finished the vacuuming from last week on Friday, I'll skip it but the kitchen needs mopping (dh did it for me a few weeks ago) and the dusting has cycled around again.

Our weather is very depressing because of fog. It was warm yesterday and I couldn't see the road until late afternoon (made working on the balcony easier, but more interesting since birds were flying right by very close because they didn't want to lose sight of the building.) Today I only have 2 - 3 miles of visibility. And it is raining again. I'm glad the balcony is winterized, that was really wearing on me.

I'd like to put up the window Christmas lights soon. In theory they shouldn't go on until Saturday (my rule of thumb is first Sunday Advent or Dec. 1, whichever is first) but they may help with my depression. My ficus tree has white mini lights year round, but at the moment the rest of the living room looks dark and dreary so I think I may get those up tomorrow if I have the energy.

Tomorrow's event is my hair cut. It has only been cut once since the accident so is in pretty bad shape. That might help pick me up. At least getting the bangs cut will help.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:02 pm

Blessed: if you have a tent to put up in the room with the fireplace you'll be fine sleeping in there. Your body warmth will keep you warm enough.

If you have a gas or oil hot water heater, you can heat the bathroom by filling the tub with hot water. I have a friend who kept their apartment from freezing during the 1998 ice storm but doing that (and keeping a large pot of water boiling on their gas stove.)

As the sun goes down, though, the charm of your 'pioneer day' is fading as well. Good luck!

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:06 pm

blessed, I hope you are 'lectrified soon!

Kathryn, I barely caught on that you had fallen. I hope today is the worst day of the healing from those bruises.

I did get to my sewing handwork today.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:11 pm

Kathryn said:
but shaved my legs for the first time in almost a month.
So you're way ahead of me in that category! Take comfort in knowing that!

DD came by but I discouraged her from staying too long. I finally got my s2s and dried my hair. I made an appt for my colonoscopy which will be end of January. Need to ck date with dh, tho. It's a Friday and he may want to be out of town that next weekend. That was first available except for a cancellation for 5 Jan which is dmom's 92nd birthday, and I wanted to be at 100% for her. In addition to the colonoscopy I listened to the messages on my phone from last week - one was from the lady who cut dmom's hair at assisted living, so I left an envelope there for her. As long as I was on a roll, I also left a message for the "shrink" who prescribes my anti-depressant meds to set up an appt. So that's several things off my list.

Bw2, we were often w/o power in the early days on the mountain. I don't know how much experience you have with it, but we always closed off a room to "live in" by hanging blankets over open doorways - I think we mostly had a fireplace so that room was the choice. We pulled out mattresses and let dkids and us sleep in there. A gas stove can be lit using a match, or a gas grill used outside. (We had a screened porch, so had a little protection.) Do the dogs sleep with you? There's a possibility too, lol. :lol:

Forgot to say that I also visited dmom, and went by the post office with a card for a recent bat mitzvah.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:22 pm

I did a 15 min. At least of leaf taking one more bag is full. Front Lawn was free oof leaves for about 5 min. Lol. I need to put veg. In the soup for dinner.

My next big thing.
I did 2 more 15 min. Of bagging up leaves done for now it is raining just a bit out. It was a great motivator! Got 4 - 5 bags done.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:16 pm

I started the meatloaf while talking on the phone with my music friend. She got the report from her cognitive neurologist today. They feel her problems may be due to the chronic pain and not actual damage to the brain (she was in a car accident 18 or 30 months ago (I can't remember how long it has been.) Her life is hell. Aside from not being able to do much, she's also dealing with the lawsuit and must take all the assistance she is offered and go to all the appointments. That's at least 8 a week. Then they go on and on about how she needs to rest to heal. She is a bit relieved I have my concussion because I understand better now. Especially how even a short appointment will 'ruin' the day and how discouraged she is because she can't live her life, her interests and wants mean nothing, she must spend her limited energy on all the appointments the 'professionals' recommend for her.

Since I needed to halve the recipe, I wrote it out the half measurements on a piece of paper and then X'd each one off as I added it so I wouldn't forget anything by being distracted by her talking.

Dh is busy making the rest of the meat up for frozen burgers. Then he'll start the potatoes. I cleaned up my mess in the kitchen so he has room to move around.

BTW: dd updated FB today to say the baby may have flipped back. I had given her my large (3' long) wedge pillow and she's been sleeping on that 'upside down.' This morning when she got up she felt and looked different. So fingers are crossed that the baby has moved around. She had been using an ironing board and would feel the baby moving actively but found it didn't feel stable enough, nor was it comfortable. The inflatable pillow meant she could stay on longer. Hopefully long enough.

She was talking about having a breech VBAC, something that I could not say positive things about. She really doesn't want another C-section and I don't mind her trying for a VBAC but not if the baby is breech as well. We still have to watch the fluid levels but because M was breech she was getting lots of scans and we know when her fluid dropped last time. She has the appointments set up for scans in plenty of time this time. So everything is in hand, just lots of appointments. Her C-section is even booked for 4 days after her due date, in case she doesn't go into labour by then.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Sunny » Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:21 pm

I have a little bit of time before preparing dinner to say hello. The weather has turned dark and cloudy here in the last few hours. We do have a cold front going through the area; it is 68* now, low tonight 53*, the coolest so far this fall.

Sorry to hear you've lost power in your area Blessed. I hope it is restored soon. That is a lot of snow for this time of year!

(((Kathryn))); I think getting as much rest as you can will help so much.

Twins, I was working along with for for a little while, just haven't posted till now. I got a load of sheets and towels washed, dried and put away; kitchen, bathroom and Mbedroom floors mopped; living room and dining room floors swept.

Harmony, I hope you find the card for dh's stent. If not, the cardiologist would probably replace with another one. Hope you are feeling more comfortable with the new furniture; your floor lamp sounds nice.

Nancy, turkey soup sounds delicious!

Lucy, hope your (((dmom))) is ok.

Well, in the just when we thought things were going smoothly department...dh fell again last evening. His hand slipped off the sofa while bracing himself to stand up and couldn't recover his balance quick enough, and so slid to the floor. He called dson#2, who came right away with ddil-Y. I am just happy that he is not hurt! The stayed for almost an hour to visit; they also brought some of their left over turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and homemade shortbread for us. That's what we are having for supper tonight.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:31 pm

Blessed, when I went online to pay a few bills, the bank page told me their bank was closed for part of the morning due to the inclement weather. Their main bank is somewhere in Illinois, with branches down here in FL. So I looked in at TWC to see the awful weather up there, and to figure out what's going on here. Same system, but we're to get heavy rain tonight. Fortunately, their computer system was still working. I hope you get power soon.

I've done paperwork off and on all day. It's exhausting. I found 3 envelopes on the dining room table that I'd put there on Friday when it came. I never do that. Always on my desk. So there was my BIG statement and 2 others and I got all that done. I guess I fell way behind with the holiday. I found one on my desk that had been there for a week, needing paid. Poor guy waited patiently and never called to complain.

Dee, I don't remember DH getting a card for his hip. But after going through all the piles and stacks and both our wallets, I found it with the life vest papers. That's when they gave it to us. It has picture of the heart showing where it is and the back side of the card has more info. I put a copy in his file and the card in my card carrier where I have all the medical cards for us. I don't know how he would manage without me. XDH had leg braces (metal) and always got the pat-down because of them.

I can remember 3 times when I was ill or stressed and the house really fell apart. I remember that last time we lived off rotisserie chickens and canned vegetables. I paid bills, used the dishwasher every few days, and used washer & dryer. I don't think I did another thing. When I began to feel better, I dug us out of the mess. I remember sleeping hours on the couch and napping in bed a lot. The world didn't stop spinning, DH managed to survive. First time it was my thyroid. 2nd time it was emotional and I tried anti-anxiety which completely zapped me out even though I cut them in half, cut that in half, kept going till I couldn't any longer and I gave up. 3rd time was some sort of infection that had my lymph gland in my arm swollen. It felt like a perpetual flu and a lump inside my arm. Being sick is hard to deal with. I just took my time and gradually got better each time. Sometimes meds help, sometimes they don't. Wow, what a memory.

Sunny, you should tell DH to find another way to ask your son to come visit! I'm glad he wasn't hurt.

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