Next big thing Monday

The daily PWYC thread, where we gather to keep in touch, keep accountable and keep motivating each other.

Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby kckgirl » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:18 pm

Hello! I have been away for years, but still trying. My biggest problems right now are floors and dusting. I need to clear the clutter so I can dust in some spots.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:46 pm

kckgirl - Welcome! Jump right in and join us.

(((Blessed)))) no power is definitely a memory maker. We have been through several times of no power due to weather. I think the longest was 13 days. Living in the country means when you lose power you also lose water. Some just gave up and went to a hotel. We always kinda enjoyed the a weird way. We were always glad to get power back and with a renewed appreciation of how easy it makes our life.

I am home from afternoon & evening activities.

DMom says the rooster juice shots are a success. Her pain level has gone from so-bad-she-couldn't-sleep to almost nothing now. She received the 4th and final shot for her left knee today. She wants to get the same shots in her right knee now. The doctor wants her to wait for a month before starting the next 4 shots. She is scheduled to start them the day after Christmas.

I am soooo very relieved and thrilled with the decision to join the YMCA. I can leave DS10 doing activities (swimming, playing basketball, etc) and he is watched very closely. He had a great time today. The atmosphere is everything I had hoped for. I checked out the things for me to do and can't wait to get started. There are so many options that I'm not sure where I will start. My first choices are Spa, sauna, swimming and walking track. Once I get those figured out then I'll try some of the other things.

On the way home I went by the pharmacy and picked up a prescription for DMom and took it to her.

I drove through Taco Bell for dinner. I was stretched toooo far today and had no meal plan. That almost never happens but it did today. Win some, lose some.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:05 pm

My text messenger has blown up today. Apparently, several friends have decided to seriously consider homeschooling their children and they are quizzing me about it in detail. I am telling them not to do it unless they have 4 hours a day to devote to it and are REALLY committed to it. I do not think homeschooling will solve all their problems and don't want them to consider it just because they are unhappy with the public school.

On the flip side.....I do not think DS10 will ever choose to go back to public school anytime soon (if ever). Homeschool has allowed him to learn without medication. He learns without tears and stress. He loves being done with school at noon.

I am concerned with a friend who pulled her 2 children from public school in January. She said she was going to homeschool them. It is now 11 months later and she still hasn't done it yet. At least not to my way of thinking. Having a child watch a youtube video about science for 30 minutes a couple times a week is not homeschool. I have considered several different actions I can take and have tried several times to talk to her about it. So far, I haven't seen much improvement. IMHO, homeschool is not for everyone and can create more problems than it solves.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:35 pm

I'm delighted that Kckgirl has joined us and she's just jumping in to get to work. She's looking for accountability. I'm sure we can provide that!

Anyone wishing to join gets an email from us first, asking why. The majority of these are unanswered (because the majority of times, the people asking are trying to sign up to spam us.)

I quickly got a response back from Kckgirl and when I expressed delight she was a real person, she wrote back mentioning she thinks she still has dh's waffle recipe from the old SHE boards. Dh laughed at that, pointing out it was 2-factor authentication!

My meatloaf turned out well so I didn't miss any steps while mixing it. Dh froze the leftovers for another evening meal. I'm still not planning meals despite the fact that I've ended today with an extra meal in the freezer and 10 burgers as well. That's just because I knew we needed ground beef and it was on sale when I was at the grocery store on Saturday so I picked up 4 pounds.

I should probably do an inventory of the meat in the freezer and start cooking that up. I'm going through the frozen dinners quickly, having one for lunch almost every day. Today is Monday so that's normally the leftover fajita meat from our pub dinner, on a salad. Because I'm not getting to the store often enough, there's no salad so today I put it on a piece of toast, put grated cheese on top and broiled it. I missed out on the veggies, but it was a very acceptable way to have the leftovers so I'll file that away for the future.

We are singing for our lunches on Wednesday and Thursday so those will likely be light dinner days since the seniors' day-away program does dinner at noon for the participants. At least I won't have to work on coming up with a lunch those days, just staying awake while we're singing.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:13 pm

Oh no! Sidetrack alert! I found a different way of gardening and now I want to try it too.....along with all the other ways I am learning to do. I just discovered a guy showing how to raise vegetables in a 10" pot. He is from the United Kingdom and I love listening to his accent and word pronunciation as he explains how to do it. I think I am going to try his method of growing onions for my next adventure. There are so many things I want to do and so little time to do them. A few days ago, I started a new tray of lettuce and I check on its progress about a dozen times a day. It brings me joy watching the tiny little plants growing and how much they change in a short amount of time.

On the flip 2 biggest pepper plants have aphids. That does not bring me joy. I put some dish soap in water bottle and am spraying them a couple times a day. Nope. No joy there. Aphids are not my friend.
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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:43 am

Back at the ER — dmom woke up when I called but is VERY groggy and weak.

UPDATE — they are keeping her overnight. Thank Heaven.

I am NOT good at this, seeing my dmom so weak and everything... I am not a good caretaker... I do not like this... I am very squeamish and nervous... and I am just not going to do well as she ages.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:44 am

It’s 3:40 am and we just got electricity - yahoo! I’m thanking all the workers who worked out in the snow and cold to get it working again !!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!


Re: Next big thing Monday

Postby kckgirl » Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:00 pm

So, Kathryn in Canada, I looked up the recipe again for the waffles. You posted it January 19, 2002. I don't make waffles often, but your DH's is still my favorite recipe.

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