Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:36 pm

Home and have my feet up.

I rested deeply on the way to the senior's program. Eyes shut, noise-cancelling earphones on and semi reclined with my feet up on the heated front seat. It was a 50 minute drive and after the first 30 minutes I felt a lot better.

We ended up being there too early (dh never confirmed times) so we sang before lunch, then ate and left.

On the way home I wasn't as tired so we dropped into a WM and I got some groceries. Not everything I needed, though. I'm waiting for some things to go on sale.

Dh started to get emails and text while at WM. He is expected in a meeting tomorrow morning but he'd already said he couldn't attend. So he's on the phone with them now. When they were setting up a planning meeting, he said he couldn't come today and tomorrow but those were the days set. So he'll head out as soon as he drops me off after tomorrow. I have my flu shot at the doctor after so that slows down when he'll get to them (he'll hit rush hour traffic.) There's nothing I can do about that.

Dinner tonight is leftover pizza from the freezer so no cooking. I ran the dishwasher before leaving this morning and also the washer. I remembered to flip things when I got home and have now remade the spare bed with the clean sheets.

Elizabeth The ship's bed is two twins locked together and that works very well for us (although I can never quite tell how much is the separate mattresses and how much is the rocking of the ship!) We already use separate duvets but I toss a decorative blanket over the whole bed since dh doesn't even like the two duvets looking like separate beds. Of course, to get a bed like that means getting rid of the waterbed and buying a new bed. And convincing dh to give up the waterbed is the first challenge. I like it too but not if it is causing me sleep issues.

The spare bed is lovely because it is so high. It is on risers (so I can store things underneath) but it makes getting out of bed easy (I just slide down, no trying to stand up from a low bed) and it is also really easy to make since it is almost at waist height, unlike the waterbed which is about 22" off the ground. Much less bending and no wrestling with the heavy waterbag.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 28, 2018 7:56 pm

I swept the driveway. Got the laundry folded. Got the papers purged. Walked the dog in the field.
Put away l aundry. We've had dinner. Got some notes and quotes in my writing notebook.
S2slippers. X.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:01 pm

Another trying day.

Quick trip down to the fabric store where I hit a snag trying to find something. Called DD and last thing she said was "oh, did I tell you I needed TWO of these things? Ah, no, so back to the cutting table...and I've been to every store in town and all the way to the end of the internet and it's a no go unless I wait for a slow boat from china...just 3/4" grommets...that's all nothing complicated...18 of them and they can't be thick just the usual metal flat ones, any finish will do. 3/4" is the inside hole diameter. I can go a wee bit bigger as long as that doesn't make it thicker. The nice 1" ones for draperies are too thick. I'm sewing new utility bags which fit over pegs on her wheelie cart she uses at work. I. Can't. Find. Those. Durn. Grommets. A N Y W H E R E.

Have I said how much I hate shopping on the internet? Even more than running around to every store in town.

I used up so much time today on all this.

At least I got fresh milk for my coffee. And helped DH fill 2 week pill containers. I still need to do mine.

Hoping tomorrow will be better.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:03 pm

Afternoon activities went smoothly. They required 57 miles of driving.

DGD7 is spending the night here tonight. DD worked 16 hours today and is going back to work at 6am tomorrow.

DS10 came home from church and said he was embarrassed because he smells so bad. He has taken 2 showers today and says he uses Irish Spring soap to wash well and then rinses all the keys points. He always puts on clean clothes. He wears deodorant. I'm not sure what else to tell him to do. It is just a part of the hormone crazy phase of his life.

DGS12 was absolutely thrilled tonight when I told him that I would download Fortnite and attempt to play with him online. Oh boy. I am not a gamer and have no desire to become one. But I am a Nana to a precious Grandson that lives 6 hours away and he loves to play games. It is one way that we can spend hours together while being located apart. If becoming a gamer causes us to chat frequently .....then a gamer I will become. I am NOT NOT NOT excited about learning how to play Fortnite but I have downloaded it to my laptop and will be attempting it with one goal in mind.....spending time with DGS12.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:17 pm

(((Kathryn))) – I can just imagine your frustration, with EVERYTHING. And when you have your own physical issues going on, it makes everything a thousand times worse. Glad you at least got some rest on your ride tonight.

LadyM, I don’t even like oatmeal, but it made me smile to think of your dgd with her blueberries and marshmallows in hers!

Thank you for thinking of me and dmom, today, Harriet. (And others, I’m sure – I’m just posting as I read through and I came to Harriet first!) I hope things work out well for HRH. I was thinking of Harmony and dh, too!
OH – I see, Mr. Harmony got a good “report” – sort of – even if he did have to keep the vest!

:!: And oh my goodness – dmom and I definitely need all the prayers y’all can offer. Check J&C – I’ll spare y’all the repeat. Today was one more crazy frustrating terrible horrible no good very bad day and dmom has just about stretched my patience to its breaking point. And to be honest, I’m pretty frustrated with d?bro as well… and I’m just feeling completely overwhelmed and scared/nervous about what happens if she IS dismissed tomorrow AND what happens if she ISN’T. Because my Weeping Wednesday started with a 4:00 a.m. phone call where dmom wanted me to take her home. Right then. Against medical advice. (I talked her down ;) but it's going to be a difficult sell if I have to do it again tomorrow.)

BookSaver, I am so sorry about your cat. It is so hard to lose a furry family member. We never replaced our dog after he passed away. It just seemed too hard to do, but we also came to realize that we really didn’t have the time to devote to another pet – neither of us can stand an indoor pet (b/c of our allergies) and we don’t have built-in care for when we travel, like we did with dinlaws when we had our dog. Still, knowing logically we don’t NEED another dog, we still miss our Pluto.

I wonder if some body work would make me feel better, Twins. I am just about stark raving crazy right now. I probably could use a massage. Hope yours left you feeling fantastic!

It IS cold, isn’t it? At least there is no snow here. Actually, today was much better than yesterday – less wind, more sun.

Blessed, I am waaaay behind with all routines, too, and just trying to do ONE THING each day. Yesterday, it was cleaning the master bathroom. Today, I hope to get the other two s/s at least, and I’m doing laundry.

:!: Yesterday, however – along with a couple of brief visits with dmom at the hospital, I did accomplish a LOT: (Forgive me, I think I already told this -- but as I have noted, I am definitely NOT gifted as a hands-on caregiver... but I excel at organization.)
So ta-da's again...
* washed 4 loads of laundry for dmom
* sorted out at least 4” of paperwork – and that’s if I press down on the stacks. I had to separate paper work for 2018, 2017, and SOME that went as far back as 2016, 2015, and 2014. All this was piled on dmom’s desk. I only have it separated by years. I took all but 2018 back to her house today. I figure the most recent year will be the first needed (for upcoming tax season) so I thought I’d get it straightened out and then work backwards for the rest of it. I cannot believe she needs to keep and file ALL of this… but she does, so it is better to be filed accurately in boxes, rather than in falling-down stacks on the kitchen table, desk, and side tables.

LOL – Cathy --
Lucy~how did my desk end up at your mom's house??

I have never seen anything like dmom’s desk. Except perhaps, ds’s. Perhaps it was a latent gene that dmom passed on to him? But I swear, dmom kept this tendency well-hidden as long my ddad was alive. She has recovered in so many ways since the days when her depression was soooo totally incapacitating for her… but oh my… obviously she still has issues.

I like to decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving, if we are home, which we were this year… (at least I was!) BUT… I am reassuring myself that usually, the weekend of Thanksgiving is a little closer to Dec. 1 than it was this year. Sunday will be the first Sunday in Advent, right? Maybe I can make some progress next Tuesday. That will be my target date. DH hopes to go Christmas shopping w/ds that day – I’ll have the house to myself (though I may have the dgrands (dgs only after 4:00 pm). That will be okay, too. I can do a lot even with them here.)

Have fun with your new planner, Nancy! I can’t wait till Christmas – I ended up buying two, and I am going to let ddil pick one and I’ll take the other. It will not matter one bit to me which one she takes, because I think I will love either one.

Helia said:
I'm always trying to get caught up on things. When will I be trying to get ahead of things?


Anti-procrastination day. That is supposed to be every Wednesday? Right, Elizabeth? Hmmmm…

WTG to LadyM’s ds10! I want to look at that grammar curriculum when I get a chance. Always interested in what English classes are doing! Once a teacher, always a teacher, I guess.
(((HUGS))) for the problems of approaching puberty.
And WTG, LadyM! I would be hopelessly lost with a game like that too! You go, girl!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:17 pm

I wouldn't know what to do with a 3/4" grommet even if I had one. I am once again amazed and impressed with Harmony's skill and talents.
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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:03 am

Got home to find dd already home and showered, cooking us supper of rice and beans. Delish. I made jello for tomorrow, We got the evening dailies done, but all 3 of us are tired people so early to bed.

Tomorrow a.m. dd and I will go grocery shopping together. HRH has nothing to do tomorrow except make sure to drink lots of water. He does have a brief local office appt Friday, but otherwise feels "free" now, with no needles on the calendar for a month.

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Re: Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:24 am

— Bathrooms s/s
— Dishes washed (hadn’t touched the kitchen since Sunday night, eating fast food, which is not good for dh, more stress)
— Laundry done(ours) Dh did s load of his clothes while I was with dmom, just needed me to hang them up. I did mine tonight.
— Finished photo order, with pics of dgrands for Xmas cards
— Phone calls to asst living director (a friend), phone calls to dmom — no, they do not have a room available now except at other facility, about 30-35 miles away instead of 15-20 — dmom doesn’t want to go to that one. Sigh.
Tomorrow is another day.

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