Thursday's Merry Hearts

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby RunKitty » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:05 pm

Harriet, I love the merry hearts theme. Thank you so much.
I plan to rejoice in everything today. :)

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:09 pm

Apparently the attack he had did not cause any permanent damage. YaHoo!
Yahoo!, Harmony. I'm hoping that same thing for mine. I can hope -they never did say.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:55 pm

Some "hard"/"soft" water info here that might be interesting to anyone, but especially for those in the U.S. there is an interesting graphic.

We are very blessed to have well water and like it fine. But we still have hard enough water that a friend of HRH's from Pennsylvania called us when he got home from a visit here to tell us he could see in his cooler, which he had filled with our water/ice, that we had harder water than his area. He had assumed that we didn't, and this graphic would also assume that. So I guess no info is going to be absolutely accurate.

The grocery trip was efficient, right down to having a phone call from HRH with one more list item just before we checked out. All that is put away now and we've all had lunch. Dd is off to school, and meetings for work.

I did a kitchen spif.

Next up
Desk Day extras
trash out
sort laundry

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:00 pm

Good almost afternoon everyone! Well, I finished the crochet project for the Christmas ornaments for the exchange Friday and I hate them. Mine look more like lacy half coke cans than bells. So, tonight, I need to get ornaments at a store. Or maybe check the shed for some snowflakes. I'm pretty good at those. I also need to return the two movies I watched while making them. I did not get any of the insurance paperwork done. And I had TWO major cat fights! The two sets are going to be permanently separated! I hope to hear from the people who want to foster Loki SOON!

The biggest WTF tonight is that blasted ornament exchange purchase/find. Also, after dropping DD16 back at her dad's, I need to return the videos. And the insurance homework. And the toilet fix. And ... And ... And ... Not feeling very merry.

Back to the reports at payroll.

I must be weird, I hate soft water. I never feel like I get all the soap off.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:07 pm

just came back from a big dentist appointment. I have another one in 2 weeks but that shouldn't be too bad. I always need extra novocain and today was no exception, :shock: as it goes through my system fast. ;) I am one that wakes up during procedures.

d Harriet thank you for helping us have a Merry heart. how sweet - i love to hear about your sweet grandchildren!

d helia yay on your 3 out of 4 things done yesterday. I am glad you got an extra hour of sleep - you must have needed it.
Oh Kenya, sounds so interesting!

d lady (((your sweet girl))) hope you get some rest tonight and that they can fix your water softener without expense.

d elizabeth wonderful that you finished the crochet project! best of everything as you do your work. Sorry about the cat fights. I have seen those! not good for anyone. Don't worry I don't like soft water either but with our area we have to have it. We and all our neighbours have water delivery as our water is terrible. living with a well in the country for a couple years was great. Chicago water was also great for a long time. We don't have it. and rust fills everything and we are known for having lead in our water that they really have to watch for. not as bad as other areas but we have had warnings.

d rose have fun
on your errand run.
(didn't know I had a little poet in me)

d dee hello! great job on your kitchen clean up. hope your helpers can put away those heavy dishes soon!

d kathryn have a lovely lunch

d nancy glad you feel better!

d sunny a new resurfaced street! yay

d harmony so happy about your sweet dh!!!
Also I am always inspired by your work

hello d all
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:18 pm

I came in the house and the floors look terrible even though I vacuumed them yesterday. (I am sure it is bc we had a bit of snow last night.
we found out our total the other day was 14" Yay!!! It is beautiful!)

today the floors are a must.

I need to finish my morning routine (suggestions say to do it before I go out of the house but I took too long sitting instead of doing). ;)
dd younger still has a horrible sore throat and is warm. I looked and it doesn't look like strep but I will keep an eye on it.

d harriet - your rice and beans sounded great (yesterday) one of my favourites.

not happy with the changes re: insurance companies. i think I told you that we ended up having to pay $2000 + $1000 for my visit to er because they felt I should have only been treated for altitude illness and not checked for anything else. Since it was an ER out of my area that also became an issue. I was in Colorado lol. We also have a massive bills from dd's visits. This is small compared to dd younger. I am just trying to wrap my mind around it and what will happen for dd younger as she ages.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby CathyS » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:22 pm

Hi! I was up and out early today.

Garbage and recycling all got put out except the bag dh was supposed to take to work. Got the car cleared out so I could go pick something up to go in the back seat. Drove to Niagara Falls. Got 10 pork roasts that were on sale for 99 cents per pound. I also got a 50 pound bag of russet potatoes for $13. Drove back to St. Catharine's and picked up 2 stands that will be used under the hoist. They are used to make sure that heavy and large vehicles are stable. Got home and got changed in time to go to a Christmas luncheon.

Went to the luncheon and was able to pass along some stuff to another lady that does stained glass. Cut my finger on a piece of glass that was sticking out.

Supper tonight will be a roast pork with potatoes and carrots and onions roasted all around it.

New neighbours still haven't moved in next door.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Sunny » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:56 pm

Harmony, so happy for you and dh for his good news!

Cathy, that was a very successful shopping trip!

Ours is a very quiet street, not much traffic. We haven't had this much excitement in years! :lol: There appears to be more delay. Everyone has disappeared and now two sidewalk construction barriers and yellow caution tape have joined the orange traffic cones. The replacement cover they put down seemed to wobble a bit and someone was using a measuring tape.

We have city water here. It's not bad tasting, but twice a year they change the chlorine formula and one can notice the difference in odor for a couple of weeks afterward.

In the meantime I have done some floor sweeping and furniture dusting. There is not enough clothes, etc. to fill the laundry basket...maybe tomorrow for that.

I am craving spaghetti for supper tonight; we haven't had that for a long time.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:38 pm

On our way home now. Second music day went fine.

I was late for my flu shot but was taken anyway. I'm still to stay away from others for 2 weeks since I will be vulnerable to the virus until then. So I may not go to DD's party Saturday. There are 3 other events before that 2 weeks is up.

I took an Advil to try and head off too much sick feeling. I have a metallic taste but I always get that.

Next stop will be my bed for a rest.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:27 pm

I have a merry heart, glad I raked leaves early dson sprayed the lawn . I was at a friends got some fiber to spin.
Realtor was by and picked up the sign. Walked the dog. Did some reading.

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