Thursday's Merry Hearts

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:51 pm

LadyM... by chance I just finished reading an article abt how addictive the game fornite is, especially for young teens. Some parents have gone so far as to send their kids to rehab for it. I tried to copy the article to post it for you but couldn’t do it. I’ll try to find it again so I can figure out which site it came from.

Got to admit it was a scary read even for someone like me who dealt with kids all the time.

I was able to send the article to you through your FB messenger.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:49 pm

I have read many articles about letting kids play video games. Some of those articles are scary. I think there are pro/cons both ways with video games being played by kids. I do know that DS10 only has 1 friend that doesn't play online games. The one friend that doesn't play video games lives in a family that doesn't have a TV and doesn't allow their 9 children (!) access to any type of screens. I am trying to give DS10 enough access to video games so he can experience them with his friends without becoming addicted. I set time limits on DS10 & DGD7 screen time and what hours they are allowed on wifi. I have restrictions set up on maturity level they are allowed to see (under 10 years old). It's not perfect but it does a pretty good job of weeding out the majority of the adult things. I receive weekly reports showing where they spent time online and what they did. They both know I can see what youtube video they watch and we have had a couple of times they crossed the line. They didn't like the consequences so haven't repeated it.

This is the 4th decade that I've raised kids and this decade has much more online access than any of the previous decades. Most of DS10 friends have a cell phone with instant access to the internet. That seems a bit crazy to me. Kids know how to use their voices to control & access computerized assistance (google, alexa, siri, etc). I forbid DS10 using these computerize assistances while doing school assignments because I want him to learn to do it the "hard way". He uses a paper dictionary and must memorize math facts. But I know it is becoming common in some places for kids just to access the information online. We didn't even use a calculator when i was in school. The next generation did. Now they have the entire world available to them on the internet. I wonder what the next generation will be like?

I took a long nap this afternoon. I very much dislike napping during the day because it zaps my energy & leaves me brain dead. But today was a special circumstance since I had less than 3 hours of sleep during the night.

DGD7 is feeling much better this evening and her stomach issues have settled down. I am hoping it was something she ate and not the stomach bug that is going around in our community. Yesterday DGD7 brought home a sack of food from school that is given to low-income kids. She normally doesn't receive these sacks of food, but they must have had a surplus because they gave the food to all the kids. DGD7 said the pasteurized milk tasted weird but she drank it anyway. ARGH. Hopefully, that food/drink was the cause of her stomach problems and no one else gets sick. I told DGD7 to not accept those sacks of food anymore.

The plumber was a no show this morning. I am not pleased.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:32 pm

I heard on that TV show on a while ago that video games are bad for kids with tourettes. But I don't know if that's really true or not.

Harriet, good graph about water hardness. But did you notice on the map they have Tampa in the hard area and then listed it in the hard area list and also in the very hard area! I guess they couldn't make up their mind! I am on the edge of the hard and very hard area. I don't notice the hardness except for a bit of scale around faucet bases etc. if I don't clean often. Just wiping up water spills takes care of it. I don't like really soft water either, it feels slimy to me.

Ground water in this state is awful. People have to treat for rust, and sulfur. Some people use untreated water just for watering around outside and I can smell it when I drive by a yard doing that. Also if the water is spraying on their house, the base gets all rusty looking. The house we just built had a water system / well put in. We had to test for e-coli and some other coli (their Bac-T test for short) and lead and nitrates and/or nitrites (don't remember which or both) so apparently all those things sometimes show up. Lead too. :o

I called the life vest people and had their rep. stop by and pick up the box of stuff. I gave them all the paperwork except for one with his name on it. They let us keep the elastic "vest"- as if we'd ever use that thing again (please no).

Finished my morning stuff about 4:00 but better late than never! We had pink salmon for dinner. DH and I both decided we still don't like it. Put a spicy peach and mango salsa on top and that helped, but still salmon is just salmon. I don't get the appeal.

I need to get up and do something besides sit here.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:01 pm

I sat in the recliner for a few hours after we got home. Our Bluray is no longer connected to the internet therefore we can't use Netflix on it. Being a tech home, there are two other ways I can watch Netflix on the tv (Chromecast or plugging my computer into our home theatre system) so it isn't a big deal, just slightly annoying since I don't have Netflix on my phone and I was too lazy to get up and get my computer. So I sent Youtube videos to the Chromecast instead.

My favourite podcaster has released three in the last few days (unheard of, usually 1 every 2 weeks.) I listened to most of one last night while getting ready for bed. So I finished it up this evening while having dinner and then spent 77 minutes tidying while listening to another.

In that time I got the kitchen tidied up, ran a load of laundry, and put away all the tech from our singing. My computer is back in its home, attached to its larger monitor. I had broken a leg off my wireless keyboard yesterday and tucked it into the computer bag. I went to attach it with duct tape and discovered it was designed to snap off, not break off, so I was able to reattach it. Yay!

I'm debating starting my bedtime routine although my brain is slightly awake right now. Dh will not be home for hours so I will definitely be going to bed before he gets home. As a result, I'll sleep in the spare room for sure, so I'm guaranteed uninterrupted block of sleep. I tend to sleep 10 - 2, then 2:30 - 5ish, then 6 to 7. So that adds up to almost 8 hours of sleep, in three blocks. If dh is home at 11:30 he'll interrupt my long block of sleep so I'm best to just start in the spare room.

He's out of the apartment (with the car) all day tomorrow in meetings with some guy flown in from Vancouver to do planning with dh on the Australia project. At least, I think that's what's happening. It got confusing because he's meeting at a company he's worked for in the past, but at least one of the people from that company is now part of the Australia project. I have a cheat sheet in my bullet journal with all the projects dh's is on (and names of participants) but I think it needs updating.

Re video games When the kid from church was dying he'd play video games with his friends. It was the only time he could be 'normal'. So there's a place for these games. At the same time, there is little doubt now that they (and Facebook and other social media) are specifically designed to keep up checking in all the time, to get our eyeballs on the screen in front of the ads.

Even my paid-for version of Wordscapes has constant ads for in-app purchases. The non-paid version has way more disruptive ads, but even when I've bought a game, I'm still harassed to buy more stuff for it. Since I'm contrarian, I've actually started to play the game less. There's a new puzzle each day and dh and I each do that, but I used to do another 10 - 20 puzzles a day, and I don't anymore. There are contests on weekends and while I've won or placed in the ones I've entered, I don't bother doing them now unless there's a reason I can spend the hours playing the game. I won two weekends ago because I was sick and could only lie in bed. But most of the time, if my brain is working well enough to do the puzzle, I'd rather it be doing something else, like a load of laundry or even sorting paperwork.

Here's a link to an article that meets the search criteria Rosie referred to: ... game-rehab

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:33 pm

I do think video games can be addictive. But there is another side to these articles that don't seem to be addressed. WHERE is the parenting? I see things like "I ask the child to come eat dinner but they won't quit playing video game". HUH? In what universe does this happen? If I announce dinner is ready when the child is playing, it does not matter. They do not have an option whether to come eat or not. The video game does not trump my parental authority. I see comments about the child charging $$ to the credit card. HUH? If a parent gives a child access to use their credit card without restriction then it is the parents fault. In my opinion, parents are using & abusing video games as digital babysitters.

DS10 does have a couple friends that won't play outside anymore. They have unrestricted access to video games and they stay inside after they get home from school and play video games. That is soooo wrong IMHO. It is a parental failure.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:42 pm


yipes... LadyM... seven-year-old children shouldn't have to be responsible to determine whether dairy products have gone bad or not. That should have been monitored. Is it possible the reason for the extra food give-away was because it was close to being out of date, and they thought they were being thrifty? I hope she feels better soon and no one else in the family gets sick.

Sunny, I have enjoyed hearing the drama of the manhole cover! Those workers are probably all telling this story at home as well, although who was at fault will likely change with each teller. lol.

Dd38 called and gave the phone to her youngest so I could help calm him down. He was distraught (tired) and angry (confused) over having a toy taken away because it was bedtime, and had announced that he didn't want to live there any more but wanted to live with Grandma. We had a Mr. Rogers-talk about how I sometimes feel mad, too, and don't like to lose my toys either. He fell asleep in her lap and she and I kept talking, which was pleasant.

Dd requested spaghetti tonight so I had that cooking when she came in.

She has her towel and housecoat ready in the front bath as she comes home from college, and she showers first thing. That has worked well for these 2 days. She says it is no big deal to do this and will just be her "new normal" for the next 6 months. She was pleased with her hair this morning, so no worries about sleeping on it damp.

I did get the trash out.
Lots of Desk Day - more than I thought I could get done.

extra laundry didn't happen, though.

HRH is feeling well, just tired. He had a good nap today so that will be over soon.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:54 pm

This made me think of a conversation I've had with DS10 lately. Actually we have had this conversation twice in the past month or so. The conversations came about because the parents of a couple of DS10 friends have given access to their A-river account to the child. DS10 asked if he could have access to my A-river account. I about fell over laughing at the absurdity. There is zero chance that will happen. I am not giving a child access to shopping unrestricted online using my credit card. DS10 tells how those parents trust little Johnny & Jimmy to not buy too much. I'm not giving a child my online access just like I'm not giving a child the keys to my car. It is a parenting issue. Children are not mentally, emotionally ready to take on those things. It is setting the child up for failure IMHO.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:09 pm

seven-year-old children shouldn't have to be responsible to determine whether dairy products have gone bad or not. That should have been monitored.

I agree. It was a (grand)parent failure here. It happened while I was in town with DS10 at band class. DH picked up DGD7 from school for me because I can't make it back from band class in time. There was about a 15 minute time slot before I got home. I normally provide DGD7 an after school snack but since I wasn't home she ate food from the low-income food sack. DH thought it was snack cart food that DGD7 brought home from school. I immediately knew the difference when I saw it, but it was too late. She had already eaten it.
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