Thoughtful Thursday

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Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:35 am

I need to spend a little planning time to figure out what I can reasonable do. Drawing out a timeline will help keep me on task and meet deadlines.

What can some thoughtful time help you with?

LadyM: in case you missed it, check out RunKitty's thoughtful response to you last night.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:42 am

I'm up and having my tea & chocolate. Light therapy is already done. Dh is out the door for his two medical appointments. I made up a snack for him to have since he can't eat or drink before the stress test but is allowed to have a snack at some point between two parts of the process.

I didn't sleep well because of the shingles on my foot. It is tingling/numb now with a dull ache. So that woke me several times through the night. So I'm tired but not sure I could nap if I want to, I need to be distracted in order to not feel the foot.

Today's challenge is to get the tree up, with lights and tinsel on. I also have to do a full summary of who's bringing what to the potluck to make sure there are no holes. And also figure out if I can set the table for everyone or if it will be a buffet with people sitting around. If that is the case, then I have to start setting the table.

I also have to buy some frozen juice for the mulled cider. And figure out something for dinner tonight. I'm still not interested in food so that's a problem.

Dsil wrote to ask if the ham on sale this week is the 'right' one for Christmas dinner and a good price. So he's taking care of that. Good.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:27 am

I did see comments from Harriet & RunKitty. Thank you!

I am up and feeling better than I thought I would. Last night every part of my body was in pain from overdoing it. But I slept well and woke up with no after effects. I am thankful.

Our weather people are predicting an interesting weather weekend for us. it is still 48 hours out so maybe the weather models will change and it won't be as bad as the models are showing. Currently, the models are predicting us to receive 1" ice followed by 5 to 27" of snow (depending on which model they use). ALL of the models show that we are going to have a serious winter storm. This is major for us considering that we cancel school when we might get a dusting of snow. No one here has snow tires and almost no one is skilled at driving on winter roads. They have already announced the cancelation of weekend activities including the church service. Now the fun begins while watching the run on groceries. >>>groan<<< Everyone is predicting we will lose electricity due to the heavy ice. Hopefully we don't match or exceed the 13 days of no power we experienced the last time a major ice storm happened. This time we will hopefully be ready since we have a whole house generator. That means the probability is high of having a house full of people staying here.

DD just left. She came this morning to spend time with DGD7 and took her to school.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:25 am

LadyM: make sure you have fuel for the generator (ours was supplied by natural gas so never ran out but I don't know if natural gas is a thing where you live, more likely propane so is your pig full?)

I haven't moved except to get my breakfast and eat it here. I've been looking at projector screens. We need something to go with the new projector, our old screen wasn't designed for video. It was at least 65 years old! I made sure to donate it to the thrift store before even shopping for anything.

I really need to get dressed since the day is getting away from me. Even the dishwasher still needs unloading and I haven't been back to the bedroom but suspect the bed needs making (when I slept in the spare room, dh made it each day so he may have made it today although he was in a bit of a rush to get to the testing.)

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:31 am

Wow, stay safe, LadyM! Very glad for the generator.

Twins', your dd's creative idea, I believe, just sped past the other contestants. :)

Appt this a.m. Need to write down questions. Some of these answers will tell me whether I can even attend the outdoor graveside part of the service for my late dh's dcousin tomorrow, where dfirstbil will officiate. Literally no one else in my late dh's family can attend - neither dd or ds can break away from work and for dd the distance is great. (for me or ds it's an hour)

Dd20 has been promoted to lead gallery attendant at work. This means a cubicle of her own (cubicle, sweet cubicle, lol), lots more interaction with visiting artists, and a dollar an hour raise. She will dive into scheduling employees (difficult with students who have class schedules, too) and hearing everyone's troubles. She says several people have already told her personal problems about why their schedules need to be changed all around, and she's only had the job a day. :shock: Her Dad says welcome to the real world. Dstepson thinks his methods for dispatch might help her with all the scheduling puzzles.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:54 am

It would be great if your ds's expertise can help DD20 with all the scheduling woes, Harriet.

Dawned on me that I never even looked at yesterday's posts so will have to do that later. Did notice the subject line yesterday was anti-procrastination. I have a big project to get off in the next hour or so -namely the church council minutes. Not my fault for procrastination this time. Today is the last day I can get the notes to the secretary before the meeting next Tuesday. Hmmm....maybe I'll call her and see if she's going to be there Tuesday morning. That would give me some breathing room. Still need to get them done. Almost all the notes came to me late yesterday or later last night, so not my procrastination this time!

Meant to tell Kathryn this past week that the SAD light got mentioned quite a bit during our Sunday sermon as the subject was "light". Very good btw.

Trying to decide if I'm going to Trivia with dd tonight. So afraid of hitting that 'wall' about 8 o'clock and it goes from 8-10. I'll see. Did go to the "King and I" on Monday night but it took me a good couple of days to recover.

I did glance through some of yesterday's posts and saw Kathryn mentioning the foot pain. Wish I knew some sure fire cure, Kathryn. Lots of my wakefullness is because of prickling pain on top of my foot. Sometimes not at all and then sometimes both feet but most likely just one foot. But there's no way you can sleep through it. So understand it all too well.

Just tried to call church up home but no answer yet. I'll try again in a little while. Supposedly the hours are 10-2 Tuesday & Thursday. Never could figure out how they get it all done in that little time. Time was the pastor was usually there 4 days a week at least. Was thinking the secretary's hours weren't enough but then just realized today that it's 8 hours a week. Guess I would have been good with that. Almost wish my hours had been that for the nearly 30 years I worked as secretary.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:29 am

Harriet, it's up to her to execute the plan now! As an employee of the temple and with her interacting with families and children, she felt she should produce an entry. I know that we have several artists/crafters who will do something beautiful so I told her she should make her entry clever and quick. One guy is a woodworker who has done something! That reminds me that his wife painted an arty portrait of my Muffin which dh commissioned for Hanukkah for me. I should post a photo of it over in arts/crafts etc for all to see too!

Dh and I ate out last night and enjoyed dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant thankfully on a slow night. The manager/part owner got to sit with us and catch up for a while and I returned his super large restaurant bowl in which he brings salad for Rosh Hashanah.

I have a dr appt at 1 p.m. today that will take just a few minutes, then need to be home this afternoon for the dishwasher repair guy. Hoping he can take care of it and I don't need a plumber instead. :roll:

-breakfast and meds
-kitchen clean up
-get dressed, wash up, brush teeth, walk the dog
-make the bed
-walk the door (oh, and it is cold here this morning!)

LadyM, I'm almost envious. I'd love to see some snow here but it's not predicted at all. I know you'll take it in stride, whatever happens, but I'm also glad you have the generator. We seldom lose power now that we are in the "city."

Congrats to Harriet's DD! My dd is facing those kind of issues at times, not employees but issues with congregants.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:37 am

Kathryn, I've been meaning to mention, this natural substance is supposed to help a body fight off the shingles virus. L-Lysine. Check it out. A friend had shingles and she'd get rid of them, then they'd come back, over and over until she started taking the L-Lysine.

Mentioning this today in case she looks in: Today is AtlanticFlyer's birthday. Happy Birthday!

LadyM, I thought RunKitty's suggestion was good last night. But I would add please (for safety sake) that you take someone with you or to be nearby in case you need help.

Nice to see Harriet's DD progressing in her job. We're not really surprised are we?! The raise is certainly nice.

I am heading off to the post office here and a couple stops on the way back. I have finished a big project I've been working on so I am free to catch up on stuff.

I didn't have to cover plants last evening. Thank goodness. Checking the weather I find it was only supposed to be 42° not 20° I don't know where I heard that, in my sleep with the local news on yesterday morning as I tried to wake up! I see the bad weather on the map for Oklahoma. Predicting ice.

Ok, I'm on my way.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:03 pm

hello! slept late, missed mass as I wanted to go. D oldest dog woke up 2 times in a row at 4:30ish to go out. barking joyfully 8-) :lol: so cute but so early!
I would have loved an hour later... maybe I can have a talk with her to wake up at 5:30 instead. :D 8-)

heading out for errands.

I am thinking of you!!! cheering you on throughout your day.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:16 pm

Harriet have Dd keep in mind people are not always truthful about way the what particular hours. One time when I was working a gal ask for a night off something about her kids, but in reality she wanted to go on a date. I learned this later. :roll:

I hope everyone stays warm and save in the cold storm in the South.
Sunny here today.
Texting with sis got a new phone trying to get contacts list again via fb.

Planning journal & breakfast done.
Heading to j & c.

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