Anti Procrastination Wednesday

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:53 pm

I am exhausted but am so pleased how smooth the evening activities went.

The meal turned out great. DH and 2 others fried potatoes and cooked cornbread while I was taking DS10 to band class.

Once I arrived at church i got busy. I was in maxed out busy mode for hours this evening surrounded by people willing to help. It's hard to describe the organized chaos. We had about 80 people working around 2 dozen tables assembling different sacks of candies. I added it up and it was 418 lbs of candy. We had 6 different types of candy. I had 800 ziploc baggies and 500 paper sacks. Thankfully we ran out of everything about the same time. There was about 10 lbs of orange slices candy left that I encouraged everyone to eat. It disappeared without a problem. :)

I can't get DGS23 off my mind. AFter DS10 band class, I was driving back down the road and saw the homeless man again. This time I was able to get a good look at his face. How can I not know if it is DGS23? I suppose living on the street changes a person looks but how can not recognize someone that I love? The man was dirty....REALLY DIRTY. But wouldn't I recognize DGS23 no matter what? This is heart crushing to not know. The homeless man looked at me and didn't act as if he knew me so maybe it isn't DGS23? He did smile at me and put his hand out for money. I was staring at him trying to see if his eyes would give any sign of recognition. He smiled at me showing a mouth with no teeth. DGS23 had teeth the last time I saw him but I guess it isn't impossible for him to have something happen to lose his teeth.

I need to talk to this homeless man in order to 100% confirm or deny if it is DGS23. Today I would have had to park and walk back to talk to him on a busy street corner. That would have left DS10 alone in the car a block away from me. And it would have put me one-on-one with a homeless person. This did not strike me as a wise idea so once again I left without confirmation whether it was DGS23.

If this is DGS23 I don't know what we can do to help him. Giving him money while he is doing illegal things on the street isn't a help. We can not bring him into our home. BTDT and it ended badly. DGS23 said he would not go to a rehab. We had him set up for a year-long in-house rehab and he backed out of going.

But ignoring him isn't the answer either. Am I suppose to just wave at him as he is panhandling? Ugh.

I am going to town tomorrow to take DMom to medical appointment. I will be looking for this homeless person again. How can I not? I need to know.
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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:39 am

LadyM, I agree that you need to try to find out, but now think it's likely you'll find this is not he. The teeth are not just a little different but a lot different.

HRH felt much better today and went in to the office twice, puttered quite a bit on various tasks, made jokes with dd.

Ds made HRH a batch of cinnamon buns for a dessert this evening. HRH was thrilled with both the treat and the kindness. The children did not come over, but invited me to come get the buns and each child ate one bun while I enjoyed chatting with them. Their mother was at a work meeting so it was fun to have a cooking activity with Daddy.

I am thinking that ds may be remembering his father's cinnamon buns and how he delivered a Christmas batch to HRH, dstepson and dbil when the 3 were bachelor roommates so many years ago, and their household came down with the flu at Christmastime. Of course, my late dh used to make from-scratch buns and ds and the children used Pillsbury, but I have a suspicion this was the thought process. I can't possibly remind HRH of this if he hasn't thought of it yet - a little too emotional.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby RunKitty » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:46 am

((LadyM & DGS23)) Take a couple of sandwiches and maybe a blanket when you go out. If he is your grandson, you can give him those things and let him know you love him and will help him when he is ready for rehab. If he is not DGS23, he will still appreciate the gesture. Ask him his name and let him know that there are people who care and that he can get help if he will accept it. It is pretty common for addicts on the streets to lose their teeth, unfortunately. You have a great heart and you will do the wise thing, I'm sure.

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Re: Anti Procrastination Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:56 am

praying for your dgs23
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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