Monday All Day Long

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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:00 pm

Homeschool is underway. We didn't get started until 9:45 so we have a couple hours to do after we eat lunch. I prefer to finish by noon but somedays it doesn't happen.

ET has been busy this morning vacuuming 8 rooms with no assistance. I will need to spend 5 minutes cleaning its dirt bin in a little bit.

Lunch is rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes (DS10 made them), green beans, bell peppers and the last of the cherry tomatoes from the fall garden. The tomatoes were picked green before the first freeze and have been riping on the kitchen counter.

I have YMCA on the schedule for this afternoon but I think I will skip it since I was so sore after yesterdays workout. I just told DH that I wasn't going to workout today and he surprised me by encouraging me to do something simple instead of nothing. So I will just walk and then maybe the sauna. DS10 will go with me and he wants to run track & play basketball.

absolutely NO ONE likes elf on a shelf. The people who got those could not even GIVE them away.

I agree with these people. DGD7 is totally into the elf on shelf in her school classroom and believes it just magically moves around. She hasn't asked me about it so I stay quiet and don't give her my opinion.
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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:13 pm

I am still mostly sitting, but due to go to YMCA with M in less than two hours. I think I'm probably feeling sluggish because of eating badly. I ate some more cookies this a.m. and they are gone at least. And I ate some latkes, which are potatoes and heavy. Should be a lesson to me, huh? THe weather - cloudy and rainy - can't be helping either.

this time:
-write short bio for my DAR introduction and email DAR registrar lady
-fold a lol
-spend some time backtracking on DAR info to see what I need to complete proof argument


Elizabeth, I had wondered where you were! Just never kept the thought long enough to ask!
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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:06 pm

I so want to say hi to each of you!!!

I am hand washing my first floor as it became so so bad. I know i can norwex it in the rest of the week but this couldn't be put off any more.
1/2 my kitchen floor is washed. dogs are locking in the front area of house and they are not happy.
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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:42 pm

Peeking in.

Was up on time and out the door just a bit late (about 9:45.) The traffic was horrid this morning and putting it off by 10 minutes saved me many headaches. And since I let dd take my car to her appointment, she had 30 minutes extra at home.

Dgs was as good as gold (as always.) The only tears were I forgot and flushed the toilet without his help. He managed to keep his pee for the potty all the time (we stopped saying 'hold' his pee when he started to try to literally do so!)

We had lunch and were on the potty when mommy arrived. I put him in the playroom so she could have lunch and me a cup of tea and we went over calendars to make sure there were no miscommunications.

The baby is still breech (and must have a HUGE head) so she'll go back to sleeping on a slant. The ultrasound confirmation will come next Tuesday and then we'll make plans for the inversion. That has me on high alert because 1) it takes an indeterminate length of time ranging from 1 - 5 hours, and 2) might lead to an immediate C-section (as it did last time.) I told dd that she has to have a list of things dgs will need if something happens and she hasn't packed for him. So hopefully that is bumping to her high priority. She said he can help me pack since he knows where things are, but we'll need to work from a list. She also needs a bag for the hospital to be ready to go.

Not sure if this will be before Christmas or not. Depends on the doctor's availability.

Currently, she has a c-section booked for Jan 17 since she was going to try for a VBAC and that is deemed the eviction date if she doesn't go into labour on her own (she can't be induced.) Of course, that means nothing, babies arrive when they arrive.

I'm off now until Friday.

I got the bed stripped and remade before leaving and the laundry is done. After getting home I made a slip cover for a decorative pillow on our bed out of the material dh brought me from Africa. He brought three bolts of fabric and I use a strip across the foot of the bed to add colour to our room. Today I switched from the autumn coloured material to the more wintry colours.

I think I might nap now.

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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby Harmony » Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:50 pm

Getting a bit of rest before I start in again.

Elizabeth! Glad to see you back.

Ran around and took care of things. Stopped at bank. Went to furniture store which was on the way to see whatever happened to those end tables we bought. Coming in 1/4! She offered me to look for others but I said no we'd wait since DH picked these out. I actually don't think they're big enough but he picked so we'll see. They must be coming on an awfully slow boat.

Went up to little town to the north. Saw an ad on TV and I googled tv ad and described the product and found where it was. Cool. I had several to pick from and different colors. Got some groceries, office supplies, and a few gifts. I'm getting done.

The stores are crazy. Too many people in them! I went to the warehouse store which is always a treat -- NOT! At our little party Friday I'd asked our hostess where she got her cookies. They were so good, better than what I make... and she said it was a mix to add your own butter and bake them up... so I bought a big box. Not making cookies from scratch this year. The mix had no dairy in it so I can make some a different way for DGSon also. I'm wondering if these are the ones Lucylee makes? They're Pillsbury and if they're the same I'm not surprised they ask her for them all the time.

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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby Harriet » Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:05 pm

norwex, blessed?

so exciting as dd starts looking forward to the big event, Kathryn. All best wishes to whole family.

Dd20 has to go in to univ for an evening exam, arriving about dusk. I think opening is an iffy decision on univ's part. I think they are forgetting that as people go home it will be well after dark and temps dropping like a stone. Also, when I was out earlier there were so many places where height of the middle of single "lanes" that trucks were making was still too high with snow/ice for cars to pass over. I can only assume she won't be the first smaller vehicle to pass and all that will be knocked down by others before she gets there. I know officials are thinking they have got to try to finish this semester in a timely manner. I'm just encouraging dd20 to think only of the one destination and straight home. As far as tomorrow morning, the black ice threat is making nearly everyone's decision for them.

So happy for each one who may be decorating. I don't think there's a chance of it here. I was thinking about a 2-foot artificial tree I have stored and a few bitsy ornaments. I've always said our own decor had to be last in priority behind greeting and giving to others, and 2018 is looking like my year to live up to that. Our new normal leaves very little time for projects.

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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:39 pm

it's a mop with a pad - I toss in the washer - it also comes with a duster thing. not cheap but I found i was using so many Swiffer products that it was getting expensive. it's been great with the dogs. not cheap by any standards - my d niece had a party and I bought it there. I noticed that Kimmy on She's in her apron also uses it. I like the window rag. I am a little nervous with the wash cloths that have silver mixed in - I don't think it is that could for the environment. Hospitals use the silver products for anti bacterial.

I still use my swiffer dusters but I now toss them in the washing machine and refuse to buy more.

praying for safety for your dd as she goes to the university for testing d harriet

don't worry I haven't decorated yet either. there just haven't been the time. I am decorating my aunts house on thursday which will be funny because I have a bare tree up and that's it. 8-)

quick hi to all.
my kitchen floor was so so bad but it is clean now. it feels clean. Until the dogs get to it. :D 8-)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:47 pm

at 3:22 norwex micro fibre cloth

at 9:40 window cloth i love
3:19 duster and mop blue

I don't know who sells this now but I really like my norwex products
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:36 pm

bw2, my dfriend M recently went to a Norwex event and bought some things, she passed a cleaning cloth on to me to try out and I do like it. I've been keeping it in my bathroom and using it to wipe the mirror and counter in there daily.

We went to the Y and I walked 40 min at a slowish pace on the treadmill and stretched a little afterward. I have 9400 steps for the day, not as many as when we walk at the nature park but acceptable, and I walked faster too. We took ddogs around the block when we got home so that done. I may take a shower now and put on pajamas. Dh is bowling tonight and reports that a dfriend of ours had a mild stroke, maybe yesterday? then was released from the hospital today and had another mild stroke, so is in hospital now. So dh will go by to see him after bowling too.

I got the info to the DAR lady. I need to hang up the lol in the washer and s2s soon.
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Re: Monday All Day Long

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:58 pm

HI again everyone! I have scheduled some uploading and am working on yes, more report mods. Most of the cookie exchange cookies have been consumed in the breakroom. I have signed on to work Christmas Eve so a coworker can stay home. My parents will arrive Christmas Day, late. The other woman has joined Planner Addicts. Will I never be rid of her? I have been going somewhat irregularly since it began, because it was started by a friend. She has my husband, my daughter, and most of my friends, can't she get her own life? She can keep the husband. If I get a boyfriend will she need one too? She acquired my husband while he and she were married to others, it would not be new for her. That's the only advantage I can see in acquiring a man right now. She took up crochet too after I started, but seems to have abandoned it. No belly dance either. Maybe she only wants to do things that she can be better at than me. (My planner is very utilitarian and I go to the meetings mostly to support my friend). If her life is all about beating me out, it is a very sad one. (Anyone living with my x has a sad life anyway). And she will never beat me in class, respectability, and moral values.

ETA: She is also living in my old house and using my old camper. I guess she wants a hand me down life. Not my problem. At my worst, I am still better than she will ever be.

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