Fabulous Friday

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:14 pm

I guess it is a fabulous day here. Despite the freezing rain.

I got up only a bit late but was dressed and fed by 9. The washer repair person came shortly after. No real idea what is wrong but there's a lint trap that wasn't fully screwed in so that might be it. Now that I'm home for the day, I'll run the load of laundry to see if that's it. I'll put newsprint underneath the washer and check to see if it is wet. We only saw the water after 3 loads of laundry so maybe it has been leaking in small amounts that didn't make an appearance from under the washer.

I left at 9:50 and met up with dd. She had just arrived by bus. We settled into the library in the children's area and then she went to her appointment, about a 15 minute walk away.

Dgs and I read books, then went up and had a snack in the cafeteria of the building (the library is in a municipal complex.) Then we walked around a bit and ended up back in the children's area while his mom gingerly made her way back to us. It had got slippery with the freezing rain.

I suggested lunch out but that was nixed by dd saying it was time to get on the bus for his nap. He was showing tiredness signs so I agreed. She took him to the bathroom and asked him there what he wanted to do. He wanted to go to lunch so we gingerly walked to a pub nearby.

Ds had texted me because he noted the SAD light was on sale. I knew and had my receipt handy in order to drop in to get a price match but he ended up picking up the sale one which I'll return later. That saved me from having to get to Costco by Sunday. He was at a nearby Costco so he dropped off the light with me and visited with dgs while we ate.

Dgs was so tired he asked for nap but by then the food had arrived. He was at the pouting stage and we were preparing for a meltdown (which we had triggered; it would not have been dgs being unreasonable.) Then Uncle G arrived. Ds brightened up and was an angel again for the rest of the lunch.

I got home just before 3. Dh was preparing to grab a bus to his doctor's appointment. Thankfully the bus that is right outside our building goes past the cardiologist as well. My showing up meant he could take an extra 30 minutes before leaving.

Since that takes him right by two of my errands, he's running those errands for me on his way home. I left this morning with 3 errands to do after babysitting, and got away without any! Plus I had lunch out with my kids!

I didn't walk too far today (going slow with dgs doesn't count on my pedometer) so I did a mile on the treadmill. Yesterday I only managed 1/2 a mile before being exhausted but today the mile went by easily enough.

I may make my step goal for today after all. I need around 6500 a day for the next 3 days to make the weekly average number I'd like. I'll be close to the 6500 today. Tomorrow I have the pub, so that plus a mile on the treadmill will be enough. Maybe by Sunday I'll be up to 2 miles on the treadmill. Or one mile twice in the day.

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Dec 14, 2018 7:03 pm

I'm coming back through, dd and I went and visited dmom so that's off my plate for today. I also straightened up my office upstairs while dd hung out with me. She took care of health insurance and that got her happier.

It's been pouring rain here today, just noticed a break and took the ddog for a figure 8 around the circle. Puny 5300 steps. Dh and I are going out to eat - I think he didn't care for the chicken, baked sweet potatoes and salad I suggested.

I tried for a nap for dh came home early for work...
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:10 pm

I continue to feel better as time passes. I was so very tempted to go to our community Christmas parade and gathering tonight. I ultimately decided to stay home instead of spending a couple hours breathing in the night air. I know from experience that this time of the year I get bronchitis and/or pneumonia. I'm trying my best to not get it this year. So I got both kids ready to go and DH took them.

I texted DD about DGD7 dress selection (or lack of). DD responded that she will get DGD7 a dress to wear for Sunday's Christmas program and piano recital. I am thankful to not have to take care of that.

DMom called. She isn't mad at me anymore. In fact, now I'm an awesome daughter according to her. She thanked me for getting this project going.

DMom was fitted for a knee brace today. I forgot the name of the brace but Medicare pays for it. The doctor wants her to wear the brace for a couple weeks before she starts getting rooster comb shots in that knee. He said the brace would align the knee and make the shots more effective. So the shot treatment has been delayed for a month on her right knee. (Two weeks until she will get the brace and then wearing it for 2 weeks).
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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:55 pm

H is home dinner is in the oven now. I did not get the package mailed but it is ready to go so that is something. H has to work tomorrow it is usually not a full day. So we will not be up very late.

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:29 pm

I did nothing until after dinner.

I started the laundry and dishwasher. The top was half empty so I pulled down all the Christmas glasses and will run those through and then put up all the regulars glasses in that spot and use the Christmas glasses for the next few weeks. I also washed the shelves in that cupboard and the outside of some of the kitchen cupboard doors at the top. They were getting quite dirty but I can't see that spot.

I have a kitchen exhaust vent high up above the cupboard that is over my stove. The outside is fine (I had cleaned off the grill sometime in the fall because it was so embarrassing.) I need to remove the grill and clean the fins on the inside, though. They are clogged with grease and dust. One of my neighbours recommends putting steel wool in there to cover the fins. Then you just have to replace the wool, not figure out how to clean the fins. I think I'll give it a try this time. (The fins are stationary, not moveable and my dryer vents into the same shaft, further alone. The vent feeds up to the roof where a big fan sucks the air up.)

I picked up the mail and put something on the mailroom board for dh.

I ate too many sweets and savouries.

I'm tired now and have my noise cancelling headphones on. I didn't have them at lunch but carry ear plugs in my purse so wore those since the restaurant had music that irritated me.

Lucylee: you asked last night about the play. It was based on the movie by Frank Capra. The adaptation for stage was excellent. There was a lady behind me who kept complaining it wasn't anything like the movie. Hmmmm, community theatre vs Mega Hollywood sets and budget. No, the staging required you to use your imagination. I suspect knowing the film would help a lot since my mind would fill in the scenes a bit more fully. I'm not sure that would happen as well if I didn't know the story. Then again, is there anyone who doesn't know the story?

I think every plot point from the movie was in the play. Important scenes and dialog was word-for-word.

The play was very long. But then again, so is the movie.

The staging in this play failed in that the stage mustn't have been properly marked for curtain position, OR, the main curtain was out of position because it came down on pieces of set a couple of times and on actors once. They should have had marks to stand on so something was up about that (I used to be stage crew so I recognized this stuff.) Plus they were too noisy moving things around when the curtain was down and the actors were doing a scene with no props at all.

The audience was restless at times because of imperfections. George Bailey was played by a professional actor and he did a great job and used Jimmy Stewart's phrasing and mannerisms. The rest of the cast were local amateurs and the contrast was obvious most of the time. The children were quite good. Clarence was excellent, I liked his performance better than the actor in the film.

Dh loved it (I was surprised, I thought he'd be restless.) I enjoyed it from a technical point of view, thought I was dispassionately watching it, but found myself teared up at the ending. The story is so powerful.

So, that's my review. I won't watch the movie this year (I don't every year but it is in the rotation.) I feel I've already seen it this year.

I actually haven't watched any Christmas movies yet. Most of the time, I watch them while doing something but I can't do that this year so they aren't being watched at all.

Speaking of movies, is anyone going the Mary Poppins Returns next week?

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:36 am

Me, me! I am going to Mary Poppins Returns!!! I mean -- who knows WHAT my week will turn into BUT -- it is in my plan, definitely! If ddil wants to go, we may take dgrands -- if not, dh will just have to go with me. Mary Poppins, the original, was my very first movie in a theater, I have the dvd, make the dgrands watch it at least once a year, and I LOVE it. My talent at kindergarten graduation was singing Supercalifragilicious. :lol: (We all had to do something, and I remember opting out of singing "Taking Home My Baby Bumblebee" as a trio with best friend and another student, because I sooo wanted to sing Supercalifragilicious. I just love that movie. Dh does NOT share my enthusiasm.
BTW -- if someone told me I had to sing a solo today, I would absolutely throw up. :roll: :oops:

Oh... btw... speaking of movies... we made a terrible choice last night. Spiderman -- Spiderverse? We were NOT aware that it is a cartoon. It is kinda like watching a comic book come to life. It was NOT what we had in mind. I like ONE single (real-live) Spiderman in my program. This one has a bunch of parallel realities/dimensions? Lots of Spider-people from different eras/universes? It kinda got on my nerves. DH doesn't like cartoons at all anyway. (He doesn't like musicals, either. See above... hence his delight at the prospect of seeing Mary Poppins next week. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: )

I have had a fabulous day, actually. Rainy-misty weather, but nothing too bad * NOT freezing rain, thank goodness. Mild temperatures, actually.
We ran a bunch of errands.
Dgd was here for a couple hours or so while ds & ddil played Christmas carols for dgs's class.
It was a total surprise for dgs, and they said he was sooo excited to see them. (He wanted to check out early and come home when they left, but they said no to that.) DS said the children all seemed to enjoy it. It was nice of dgs's teacher to invite them.

Tonight, I cooked and we ate at home again, and it has just been a relaxing night. I also checked another thing off my master list for the week -- took pictures of all the pictures ;) in dmom's photo album (the one I told y'all about, that was such an easy repair it was embarrassing) -- and saved those to my computer. 145 pictures, some of my dbro, but most of me and my dparents. :twisted: I love old pictures.
I may start bringing home small batches of dmom's others, piled into a drawer. Several drawers.

I haven't talked to dmom today, but I plan to visit tomorrow. DH and DGS are going to a basketball game with dbil and dbil's girlfriend. I'm anxious to see how this works out, but I am glad the girlfriend wanted to go! DGS just LOVES her! She is a little older than me, and she has a BUNCH of grandchildren of her own, so she and dgs get along just fine. Her husband passed away a few years ago. Her dad and my dad worked together and were good friends, so even though she and I never knew each other, we have that connection.

LadyM -- thank you again for telling us about the rooster comb shots! DH is doing sooo well with his! * I'm glad your dmom is happy with you again. I am seeing how that can be. My dmom gets so aggravated at me... and then later she acts like I am the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Glad your dd was able to go with you to visit your dmom, Twins.

Harmony, WTG with the sewing project!

Sunny, that IS kinda tacky of your neighbor, isn't it? I'd be tempted to just throw them back on his side, LOL!

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Fabulous Friday

Postby Harmony » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:02 am

I'm wondering if Sunny's neighbors were the ones that yelled at us for making so much noise with the chainsaw when we were taking down that big old dead tree in her yard?

Neighbors, yeah. Nutty next door neighbor hasn't talked with us since we tried to help them fix their house after they chased away the contractor who was contracted to do work there. She begged us to help. Begged and begged until I got on DH and made him try. Big mistake. She turned on us too and left 16 nasty phone messages on DH's cell phone. It is actually more peaceful since they stopped talking to us!

I finished that 2nd bag. All together it's been 12 hours of sewing today. This one I had to do twice, because it didn't work the way one is supposed to sew things like that. I had to start over. It has a rectangle flat base, and the sides are all in one piece so sewing it around the base to attach is very difficult. I tried putting a gathering stitch along the corners of the base to ease in the fullness as I turned the corner but my goodness that was a mess. So I started over and just did a couple tucks at the corners. It's all marked ready for grommets but I decided I'd wait for DH for that.

Of course, the house is a mess. I did clean up the kitchen a bit.

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