Monday Monday - So Good to Me

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Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:36 am

Monday, Monday, so good to me,
Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be...

(Slight alteration in lyrics.)

Last week before Christmas and two weeks until the end of the year!

Monday is so good for a start-over, a wrap-up, a get-my-act-together kind of day. Just what we need, so good for me!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:43 am

Energy here is pretty good, partly because the sun it out today, an anomaly lately. It's going to be only partly cloudy and high of 56 today, and sun for next two days.

I have a li&t going for the week, including 16 hours of Portfolio writing and research. I've done ok these three months with working on the kinship determination report. I do have a draft a list of research I need to complete it, but I need to get that draft polished some and list of research together.

-breakfast and meds
-refill meds containers
-walk the dog
-start a lol
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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:52 am

Morning y’all.

I have a busy day ahead. Finished cookbooks and need to mail them.
Tree up and need to finish it.
Need to color my hair.
Have another load of laundry to do.
Strip and remake bed.
Figure out dinner

Breakfast is done, second cup of coffee is on the way. Will do my hair while Perry is on, same with the laundry.

Waving to y’all.
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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:13 am

Oh my! For some unearthly reason I've been thinking I have two more weeks until Christmas. :o :shock: :? Guess I need to get my keester in gear and then some. Haven't even started my cards -have a bunch I even have to go buy for all the specials. We realized today that we've been missing some important things -such as dh's Trustee meeting -that was LAST Thursday so he missed December entirely. I've been working on a l&&t for the last hour of all that needs to be done this week (and next). Guess we better tell dbil/dsisil that we're not 'doing' Christmas Eve this year. Usually we have dinner after church on Christmas Eve then again Christmas afternoon. We decided last year that we're not doing both this year -especially since I'm not really up to it anyway. DD did say there are a few people coming over later Christmas Eve. Will tell dbil/dsisil they're welcome to come over if they want. One reason we don't want to do Christmas Eve is it's so late going home from anywhere.

DD is going to Seattle over spring break as a chaperone for some high school students (a good group) from another school. Her closest friend is the teacher of this video group. School's paying her way and her own school will pay for her sub on the one day the students will be back before she gets home.
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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Harriet » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:42 am

Hey, Ya'll.
Did Twins' actually say "wrap up". :lol: yes, that will be part of the day if I can get that far, but not with the meaning of finishing something. I just really need to wrap.

I would use bags for simplicity, but I'm not that prepared.

How creative, right? I'll look at every gift item and my first thought for each will be, "I have no idea".

Most important ingredient for wrapping : Is it the scotch tape? Is it the scissors? Nope! It's getting everything else off the table. :idea: So my goal today is... .. find table.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:53 am

love the start d twins.

hello all.

i have to head out to cont. store for a gift for dd older. She wants a garbage can. lol. I didn't want to go over the weekend so off I go.
wishing you so much joy today.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:54 am

:lol: Harriet!

Well, I have one item completed. Ordered DS-A's family gift =a renewal of their membership to the nearby Country Village & Museum. They love it there and dgs6 can go to their summer camps -which he also loves. Also ordered a 'slash-proof' camera strap for dsonil (dd's gift from him). Did a print out of my card addresses so I can cross them off as I do them. Now to find the labels so I can print them off. One thing at a'll get done! Really?

Was able to save lots of photos from dgd's wedding on Saturday -both from text messages and FB. She was hoping we could meet them today before they leave on a cruise. She was thinking "Orlando" instead of "Miami". Don't think so. It would be too much for me as it's at least 5-6 hours down and double that to come back. Would love to see them, but not happening this time.
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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 17, 2018 12:17 pm

Harriet: my table is missing too.

Wrapping isn't as big an issue since we basically don't give gifts. Aside from dgs, of course. Even ds (who has the least money and the most need) asked for nothing. He hates the social convention and has to buy for friends but is relieved he doesn't have to think of something for family. He loves spending time with family, the meal, the lights, some of the music but he hates the gift giving. Why can't we just enjoy each other's company?!?

I'm up and s2s now. Even shaved legs and this time I trimmed my toenails. I can bend enough to do that after weeks of being unable to. Socks and underwear are easy to put on now too.

I'm on the treadmill while I'm posting here. That's my promise to myself today. The computer is running fast enough now that I've done all the updates. I stayed up a half hour later than I intended finishing up the last reboots.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby helia » Mon Dec 17, 2018 12:19 pm

Peeking in but really shouldn't be here. . . Lots to do to get ready for the helia hotel this week! LOL! In terms of gifts, we're doing most of our celebrating on 1/4 or 1/5, but I think we're going to exchange gifts with the C family on Christmas day itself, so I need to get a gift for R and then I'll be done with them. I'm done with E and C as well, though I might change the book I'm giving to C.

LOL Twins and Harriet! I have not started wrapping.

Last night, dh and I sat down and planned activities and menus through Christmas day. We'll have 6 - 9 people in our house, starting tomorrow. And going out to eat is not an easy option with dd23's celiac -- so, we'll be feeding 6 - 9 adults for 7 days in a row (mostly 8 - 9 adults, though E and C leave the 26th but return the 30th for 1 night) - and Christmas dinner will be for 11 adults and 1 child. I'm not used to feeding the masses multiple meals on a daily basis. Dh is willing to help with cooking, and I'm going to keep breakfasts super simple and lunch will be on your own, basically.

My main goals for today:
1. Huge groc. shopping trip
2. Finish washing towels and bedding; I had to buy more to host everybody well.
3. Pepper to the vet at 2; she has another patch of moist dermatitis. . .
4. Go for a jog; weight is stable but at a higher level than I like.
5. Payroll: grading

The a.m. routine is almost done. Plus some laundry started and a grocery list made. Grocery shopping is next after some qt.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 17, 2018 12:46 pm

Loling on the wrap up! I am so oblivious. :lol:

Helia's extreme schedule reminded me I need to make a reservation for dh's bd dinner with kids and Z since we will be away on his actual BD. M and I are going to dd's at 1 p.m. to determine whether the dresser in the garage will fit in dd's room at the apartment, or if dh and ds need to schlep it upstairs for me so I can park in the garage.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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