Monday Monday - So Good to Me

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:11 pm

Done walking finally. I love our neighborhood. I stopped at the playground to talk to the across.the.street neighbors and their little daughter who came over to pet Muffin. Spoke to at least five other neighbors/families while walking - dfriend M and R uby came out to say hello also. So although I was out about an hour I wasn't walking all that time. I'm good at 7600 steps.

Dh is bowling tonight. I'm still full from eating latkes for lunch, but the walk did help settle it all. Maybe I'll have leftover pizza later with dh when he gets home.

I think I'm good for now. I need to find out what dh expects to do with the leftover wine and beer that he brought home from the office event.

This has been a great day. Is it the sunshine? Nice weather? Moon and stars aligned?
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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:21 pm

Tried to walk the dog but she is skirddish these days hard to get a full walk in but did two walks. Maybe the badger is back.
I tied the fringe on the blue rug today yea!
I got the crock pot going with soup in it.
Cooked up meat for lunches.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:11 pm

I need to get on the treadmill. I'm only at 3k steps.

Our new neighbours moved in early so we have noise upstairs. This is going to take some getting used to. A 90+ year old living alone is very quiet. Our 'bedroom neighbour' is also an elderly woman. Should a young couple move in their we may have to move bedrooms since ours is next to the kitchen and dining room and the balcony looks into our bedroom.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:20 pm

I'm on the treadmill now.

I slept/lazed away the afternoon. I managed to get the fresh sheets on the bed and the others in the wash. Then I lay down at 3 and got up after 6.

The fatigue is amazing. I don't have to nap every day but I can't string multiple days together without a lot of downtime. I try not to let it upset me but when I wake up with energy, have my tea and do my SAD light and then just want to go back to bed, it is frustrating. Today I forced myself to get things done but then lost 3 hours.

And my limping is so pronounced I'm not sure walking is a good thing because I'm worried about damaging my knees. Even holding on at a slow pace I can't manage anything approaching an even pace.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Harmony » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:03 pm

It's been so crazy busy here I just gave up the computer for a couple days.

Sat. I helped DH put new emergency brakes on the car. I discovered even though my knees do not hurt, I can't kneel on them. The left one screamed at me when I tried that. Thank goodness somebody gave us a mechanics low round rolley chair I could use.

Sunday I was just worn out and napped all afternoon. No wonder I'm behind.

I have those 2 utility bags completely finished now and I repaired the one she left with me for a pattern. That turned out to be a big pain since I had to maneuver that thing all over the place while I put vinyl patches on the tears and then a big long vinyl strip all the way around the top, doubled to the inside. We put the new grommets in next.

I still haven't done the cushion covers. DH was out several times with the car and by the time I was done sewing it was too late to go get material.

I got the pine cone wreath on the door tonight. So late. It's usually there the weekend after Thanksgiving. I wrote out 3 last cards to send. Cards are coming in late this year it seems.

I need to make a list and see what I have left to buy. Several people have nothing. I need to go to the bank and I need to take care of several business things so they'll go through the bank before the year turns to 2019. Nothing is wrapped yet. Not a thing. I'm waiting to get my table free of sewing stuff as that is where I wrap.

Tummy troubles last night and all day today. Must have eaten something that got "stuck" in the places it gets stuck in. Hurts. Thought it was all over, but it's acting up a bit tonight.

DH goes to his GP tomorrow, we need to be out the door quick. It's always something. Or Ten. :roll:

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:20 pm

I mailed a letter that needed mailing and picked up our mail (it is handy having a post box in the lobby.) Chatted with a neighbour and got the floor gossip from her. She's moving into a new apartment on a lower floor on the 30th and 31st. They get an extra bedroom and this one is on a corner. She's looking forward to getting her office off the dining table.

I have a roll top desk in the living room and a student's desk in the office and still the dining table is covered with papers.

I had dh take the decorating bins downstairs but the apartment is still too messy to be able to see the decorations I have out. I guess my goal is to get that under control by Wednesday night.

I did get the rest of the laundry room items put away so that's the shopping cart of stuff out of the dining room.

One of my antique dining chairs started to fail today so it is upside down on the table using an exercise band to brace the gluing. I have 2 more chairs and the clothes horse to do as well. The idea of getting these things done is exciting to me. It means I don't have to think about which chairs guests can't use because they fall apart. I don't have a basement or garage to store these things in, so they remain tucked in corners and people have a tendency to pull them out (or I forget which chairs are the troublesome ones.)

Dh is out all day long helping CF with blind installations.

Tomorrow morning I'm meeting dd at the National Arts Centre for a children's program. Need to be out the door by 9 but on the bright side, I may be able to skip the treadmill tomorrow.

I made my steps tonight. In fact, with two trips downstairs, I'm actually over.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:47 pm

I am done with dinner soup was tasty, I added half cup of v8 juice this time.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:26 pm

I spent way too long trying to decide on what music curriculum for DS10 to use when he returns to piano lessons in January. I tried to put the decision on his piano teacher but that didn't work well. I finally settled on using A dozen a day for warm up and then the Faber Piano Adventures set for lessons. Who knows if that is the right choice? Not me. I just did my best in the selection and hope it isn't a disaster.

DGD7 looks and feels so much better now. I'll still leave the humidifier running in her room tonight because she is a little congested still.
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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby helia » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:36 pm

Popping in -- and going to bed soon.

Since you referred to it earlier, Twins, I'll just say that dh didn't make reservations at the restaurant today after all. I think he forgot about it tonight. And I did too. . . until I popped by here.

How'd I do? Not bad. . .

My main goals for today:
X 1. Huge groc. shopping trip - still need to do more. . .
/2. Finish washing towels and bedding; I had to buy more to host everybody well. - Progress made. I still have one load to dry and another to wash - put away.
X 3. Pepper to the vet at 2; she has another patch of moist dermatitis. . . and meds started.
X 4. Go for a jog; weight is stable but at a higher level than I like -- 3 miles
/ 5. Payroll: grading - engineering expo visit assignment graded; quiz 1/2 graded; engrade updated

Tomorrow is another day, and I'm going to bed now.

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Re: Monday Monday - So Good to Me

Postby helia » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:38 pm

LadyM, ds' piano teacher used the Faber series for her piano students. I think she used it with her violin students too. . I believe that's what my girls learned violin on. The series seemed good, but I'm not a music teacher. I don't remember the technical or theory books. . . .

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