Wednesday that feels like Monday

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:38 pm

Harriet I have "do set up new planner" on my list entered after Christmas for to Do today and the rest of the week.

H is calling about the oven element his task for today before we go down wanted to make sure they were open and had the part, or get it in stock.
Glad we called, H is off today. We are still in pj's I slept in. They have the element in another store it's coming in the morning from their other store.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:11 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:39 pm

we had a lovely Christmas. Christmas eve with dh's family was really wonderful. so happy. it was nice that dd younger is feeling part of the family again.
grief is hard. this is the first time we started having good memories come in.
We were sad Christmas morning at first but then joy started in.

Christmas day - I had a migraine but dd older made a lovely dinner. We had a great morning. and a chill day.

dh is driving me bonkers a bit 8-) He doesn't help with Christmas but the day after he is all about "get 'er done".
Kitchen... it blew up bigger than if we had 100 people over. I had the kitchen clean christmas eve and then "poof"
so that is what I am doing today.

I am happy Christmas was lovely 8-) and now very happy for clean up. :D
wishing you all a wonderful day.
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:14 pm

((((Dee))))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and family as you go through this medical crisis with DGS.

I've created the 2019 digital folders and they are ready to use. Since I store everything online I limit what is stored on my local hard drive. I only store files in duel places that are used frequently. I changed the settings on Dropbox to reflect what files I want to be stored locally for the next year. I also updated dropbox preference to show up on MS office.

I have updated the calendar for the next couple of weeks. The medical appointments continue to be frequent. We have 4 medical appointments this week and next. I made a menu plan for the rest of this week and next week based on the time available each day to cook.

I updated my contact list to include DS10 friends. The a-river devices in the house are connected to my account which means they are using my contacts. DS10 likes to call people using voice commands. Now he can call and talk to his friends without a phone. One one hand I find this a bit weird......but on the other hand, I can see this will probably be the way things are done in the future. I suspect the next generation will consider hands on to be old fashion way of using digital devices.

It is raining 100% of today. The rain is coming down in buckets right now.

Our plan for the rest of the day -
** 1pm - leave home. DH will drop DS10 and me off at the Y. He will go purchase ingredients for tonight's meal
** 2:30pm - leave town and go cook at church
** 6:30pm - serve the meal to the church family
** 7pm - Worship
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:36 pm

I went for a drive down memory lane after my body work this morning. Drove through the cemetery where ddad and dsis are buried and stopped there, and then by dmom's house which I sold in August. The guy said at closing that he was fixing it up to rent - it will look good when he's done. Yard is mud right now, it has a new roof w different roofline, new windows and siding, new deck. Yard is torn up, shrubs, which were overgrown, mostly bulldozed. But it's pleasing to see the house getting a new lease on life too.

Going to continue my walk down memory lane and purge a box of things from when dkids were babies and I was saving everything, lol.
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:20 pm

hello d nancy!

d twins. it is nice to see the family home being loved. much love to you as you envelope yourself in sweet memories.

good for you d lady on the digital folders.

oops my timer went off
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:35 pm

I think that when my dkids were born, we received a gift or card from everyone in this town, and again 15 months later when dh's mother passed away. Those haven't been looked at in 20-something years. I did go through and pull out a few from some relatives, some no longer with us, but I reduced it down to a small box of memories. I have two large boxes to go through to get my car into the garage plus getting to Goodwill, library and shelter. (Notice I haven't don those today... :roll: )

Resting until :45 after the hour and will work until BOTH. Need to do several things here to finish a.m. routine and generally get myself on track.
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Nancy » Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:16 pm

Resituated pages in my new 5" x 7" day planner. Told h it was my Christmas gift and it was like kids playing with their toys. Happy today bc I found The Bullet Journal Method book by Ryder Carroll at our library and checked this in e book form.
Boxed up nativity set, bagged up the creche barn & lites in lr.
Had lunch.
Got the mail.
Just saw on the news channel they were using a waffle iron using left over stuffing cheese and meat, soun d's yummy but No waffle iron here.
I still need to journal & make beds.x
Walked the dog.
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:44 pm

Coming back through. I am going to continue at :45 after the hour, to go to BOTH. I got an email that the father of a dfriend had passed away, so I called her to talk/listen while worked. I took a break a little early so I could sit outside w dMuffin for a few minutes. She loves it outside so. I got kitchen cleaned, stove top wiped up, garbage out, refilled meds and a few other things.
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:51 pm

I am dragging even though I felt great this am. went to get hair dyed at shop. glad that's done.

hi d nancy. yay on having your 5 x 7 planner being rejuvenated! yay on putting some things away.

d twins. how special that you found the signatures of family members.
d twins so sorry to hear of your d friends father. (((your d friend)))

wishing you all a great afternoon -

I am trying to get my act together this afternoon
my kitchen ... tisk tisk tisk
grabbing a garbage bag and need to start. the family room is vacuumed.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby lucylee » Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:08 pm

Sending lots of good wishes to your dgs, Dee. Hope he does well and gets to come back home soon.
Thinking of your dfriends, too, Twins. Hmmm... I sure do need to do some of that purging of memory lane... cards, journals, etc etc etc... It is sooo difficult! WTG, Twins!

Wednesday here feels like... Groundhog Day (Christmas) all over again. :lol:

We have one more Christmas event -- heading to my cousin's house in about 45 minutes -- since dmom didn't want to try to host at her house, and daunt had already done Thanksgiving, and duncle is just a Scrooge ;) -- and dh is a mini-Scrooge where this is concerned, b/c we have done Christmas at our house once, but none of the others have -- sooooo anyway -- one of the dboy cousins is hosting at his house.
I feel kinda bad about this -- I realized, looking at their FB pics from yesterday, today's gathering is like Their Family 2.0. The reason we are getting together today, rather than Christmas Day, is b/c daunt (his mom) had HER bunch yesterday -- all 24 of them -- PLUS her dbro/sisil, my duncle & other aunt. So she had 26 people at her house yesterday, everyone in the paternal family EXCEPT us -- which amounts to 9 people.
I totally understand why -- daunt needs time for gift giving with her own children and grandchildren... and then she includes her brother b/c they have no children and nowhere else to go for Christmas Day. They all draw names, I think, b/c their family has gotten so large -- so that's the 26 of them exchanging gifts yesterday.
Then tonight, we'll all get together and do the Dirty Christmas gift exchange. I just think sorta... gee, they are doing THIS gathering just for US, aren't they? But OTOH, maybe it is just as important to them as it is to me. I know they all want to see dbro, the only member of the family who lives out of town, and of course, they want to see ds, ddil, and dgrands... so maybe they enjoy our company as much as I do theirs.
I am sooo glad all went well with your dh's family, blessed!

Today has been kinda hectic -- we're still waiting for that darn parking pass to arrive and dh has been on the phone with the sellers and UPS. It is supposed to be here tomorrow and he did get it so that they will leave it without a signature if we happen to be gone when it arrives. I had to do a lot of computer stuff, but he did the talking (and waiting on hold) so I could s2s, etc. (I washed my hair, blessed, but no color!)
Then I finished the cookies and carved up the ham -- and boy, that is no small chore! The man who cuts our hay always gives us a huge, whole baked ham... and I don't know HOW they cut it to look so nice in the picture on the label, but mine always looks like wild animals have been after it. There are no two slices that resemble each other, and there are a LOT of just chunks of ham, not the right size for a sandwich at all! :oops: But it's done, and it tastes great. :D
DH and I also went to town -- post office, bank, drug store... and tried to go to the alterations lady, but she is closed till Jan. 2.

I got a new planner for Christmas, too, Nancy! Actually, I gave it to myself. DDIL couldn't decide which size she wanted, and I couldn't either, so I bought both of the ones I liked and told her to choose one. So I ended up with the one I was leaning towards anyway. I don't know if it will help me at all. I don't really need an hourly planner for myself now, but I kinda like it when I do have things that have to be done at certain times -- appts and things like that.

WTG, LadyM, with the digital folders. Dmom said she is going to reduce her filing system this year, but there is no way she will ever go digital -- or myself, either, for that matter. DH takes care of all our bills, so far as filing for future reference... but oh my goodness... his "system" uses up half a dozen drawers/cabinets in the KITCHEN. :o It is INSANE. He takes care of all the tax stuff, etc, so I just ignore his crazy systems. He knows where EVERYTHING is at any time, so I guess that's the important thing.

Waving to helia and Harriet!!! I hope I didn't miss anyone else! I can't see your posts in topic review and dh is already wandering around with his jacket on, so we'll be leaving in just a minute.

Hope you all have a great evening and can enjoy some calm between the Christmas chaos and getting back in the routines after the holidays. (I know we need to keep up our maintenance and daily routines, but it still seems like there is some "down" time for me, between the holiday rush and Jan. 2, which is when I tell myself I MUST get "back on track!" See y'all soon! :D
Tomorrow is another day.

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