Weathering Thursday

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Twins' Mom
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Weathering Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:00 am

Last night LadyM and her family endured torrential rain, wind and power outages, today the rain is in my neighborhood. The weather service issued flash flood watches here beginning this evening. I think there's a snowstorm in the midwest moving east toward Helia, Dee and Kathryn for tomorrow.

I'm weathering the rain by hunkering down here, need to do some planning for out cabin trip and homework for the course I'm taking next month in Salt Lake City.

What do you do to "weather" the day?
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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:33 am

We are enjoying the quiet after the storm that came through yesterday. Electricity was restored around 4:30am. I don't see any obvious damage other than small things. The swimming pool is now full of water again. I'll have to pump several hundred gallons of water out in an effort to keep the water level below the pipes to prevent the water freezing and busting them.

Today is Homeschool day on a light schedule which means we only do 2 hours.
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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:36 am

Good news! I dared to take my fitbit out of the rice and put the battery back in and it's working again! I may need a new battery, but it even reset the time correctly. :D Goal is to do 8K daily for rest of the week now.

I really do need to run some errands today - Goodwill, library and shelter. (Have I mentioned that before? Only everyday. :lol: ) I took out ground turkey to make chili for supper tonight. It looks now like the worst of the rain will be afternoon and evening.

-breakfast and meds
-make the bed
-brush teeth, wash up, get dressed
-walk the dog
-kitchen counters
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:42 am

For icy roads here on the south t warnings in my family's area. I was No snow here. I woke up at 6 thought it was 7.
Worked on my bujo for a bit.
Rx. Done

Stat bike
A M stuff

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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:51 am

Scratching Plan A and moving on to Plan B. We have just been notified the storm took the roof off of one of the buildings used for the church's clothes closet. All those clothes will have to be determined if they are viable & moved today.
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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby helia » Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:17 am

Oh my goodness, that sounds like quite the storm, LadyM.
Glad your fitbit is OK Twins!
You're up early nancy.

We're forecast to get rain this afternoon. Tomorrow, the high is forecast to be 54* F!! I'm planning on a trip to the gym today (the barre class was full) and a jog tomorrow.

I woke up this morning, walked into the kitchen and saw someone sitting in our living room. I do know her; it's one of dd23's students. Dd20 must have let her in the house early this morning. It's her car that is taking 4 students, including dd20, to St. Louis for the national religious conference today. I hadn't known that (1) our house was the gathering spot for the students or (2) they'd gather significantly earlier than their stated departure time of 9 a.m. Anyhow, they're off and hopefully driving safely. With their departure, our household is down to 4 - for all of 2 days before E and C return on Saturday. Dd20 and Ro went in the car.

After all the busyness in our home, the main celebration is still to come. We're celebrating Sinterklaas on 1/5 -- and I still have a lot of gift procuring to do before then! I'm done with Ro and M and mostly finished with dd20 and dd23's gifts. That leaves ds and dh -- and a little something more for dd20 and dd23.

I have a low-key day today. Nothing on the calendar. I hope to make progress with some phone calls and SK shopping and some small piddly things around the house that need to be done. I also hope to make a trip to the gym.

Main Goals for Thursday:
1. Phone calls - (1) change escape rooms (2) donate to dniece's care account (3) activate new CC
2. Change info for all payments linked to CC
3. Gym
4. Kitchen laundry
5. Maybe wipe down the laundry machines
6. Work on my piles of work files and books that need to be gone through
7. Progress on SK shopping

- some qt
- s2s and self care
- back exercises

- dogs out, in, fed, watered
- dogs medded
- Lily fed and watered
- kitchen fully reclaimed; dw running -- we ate out last night so didn't run it then
- tea
- checked email and web sites

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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:33 am

I'm trying to get dgs to play on his own. I love playing trains with him but that is mainly me playing trains and he watching me.

He needs to learn to amuse himself here. At home he has the playroom and he gets stuffed in there at loose ends until he settles down to play. Here, we have no safe space so we are in the room with him and then he wants us to play with him. Or read to him. We may go to the library after nap today. I'll see.

He slept from 9:15 to 7:15 but was up, talking to himself and the occasional "mommy come" from 1:30 to 2:30. He would keep checking to see if dh was there and then lie down again.

We made cornbread for breakfast (and an egg and he had 4 prunes so I'm expecting a productive day in that department!) There is a trail of destruction in the kitchen, combination of him plus all the dishes from yesterday. Nothing 45 minutes would solve but I don't get that. Although Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood just started and he's mesmerized. Dh will come in and eat his breakfast here. I'll have about 20 minutes.

No news from dd yet.

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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:38 am

Hi everyone!!

Dh and I went to Niagara Falls for 2 nights. We got there on the 25th and there were so many people! We went to the Crowne Plaza which used to be the Brock. Probably the oldest hotel in the area. It has had updates over the years, but still has the amazing chandeliers in the lobbies. (Upper and lower) I chose that hotel because dh wanted to go to the waterpark which is where Maple Leaf Village used to be before they built the first casino. The first casino is now so much smaller than it used to be. We had a room overlooking both falls. We also had a king size bed. I wanted dh to know just how big they are. He loved the size of the bed but we both agreed that our mattress at home was much nicer.

Everywhere we went had line ups. Clifton Hill was a sea of people. We walked all over the place from the time we got there on the 25th until we left this morning. I have already emptied the suitcase. Dirty laundry is in the washing machine. Dh has gone to pick up some parts for a job he has this week.

Supper tonight is spaghetti and meat sauce.

Absolutely no snow here. 30 degrees F.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:31 pm

it's pouring here (on and off) wish it was snow! but rain is good. Stay safe everyone in bad weather.
dd younger is supposed to fly out today so hoping the weather doesn't cause problems.

Glad you got your power back d lady!
gad it's quiet now. hoping you don't have any problems with the pipes.

d twins Yay!!!! glad your fit bit is back!

d nancy have a great day!

hi d Helia
lol finding a new person in your living room. I am sure that woke you up. praying for a nice safe drive for dd and students.
how fun about moving Sinterklaas to the 5th. what a great idea. cheering you on as you work on your day.

hello d kathryn
so sweet! funny how children are isn't it. I had one little girl who kept bringing me back to her stuffed beast doll to talk to it. lol.
praying for your dd!!!

hi d cathy
how fun that you went to niagra falls! yay on getting laundry from suitcase done!

I keep missing d lynlee.

hello everyone!!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Weathering Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:33 pm

It is usually errand day for me but today it is routines, put away boxes from Christmas, and garbage find, put away Christmas gifts,

empty dishwasher.

cheering everyone on. I feel nice and rested today after two days of catching up on rest (migraines).
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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