Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:56 pm

Well my hair got henna'd and we had a drive in the sunshine. Since there was an ice storm last night the trees along the highway were beautiful.

There ends the good part of the day.

The Leap Frog book says "Works with all LeapStart systems." and if you google Leap Start, Leap Frog comes up. Unfortunately, they have dozens of systems that look similar but aren'ts and they are not all LeapStart and people are not clear in their descriptions and dd sent me the link and I didn't think to have her measure it so that's 2 hours I won't get back from 2019. To waste 2 hours so soon in the year is demoralizing and takes the wind out of one's sails. Our friends weren't home so we couldn't visit with them and salvage the trip.

We're home again. I'm tired and grumpy and think I need to give up on getting one of these stupid things used. Even if I do manage to get one that works, since they revise them regularly to make preceding versions obsolete, I will have to buy all the books now in order to be sure to have more than one item to use in this consumer trap.

Dd suggest we just hand dgs the book (which is absolutely useless without the system, since it doesn't include words or make any sense) and let him colour on it. I'll give it a week or so and then do so.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 01, 2019 6:06 pm

Kathryn, he may find it great fun - you never know. They are sturdy, at least.

BookSaver, I meant to post you a Get Well wish already - sorry this is hanging on!

Btw, BookSaver will probably roll her eyes as I tell you all that she has accepted the presidency of her sewing group. I feel alternately proud of her and hopeful it won't drive her crazy. If anyone can keep things congenial and focused, she can.

One more first-of to mention - The PaperTamer's Desk, 2019 thread is up in Organizational and Simplification Tools forum. If you have paper, or any other assortment of flat things that end up everywhere, come on over. It's a new year. Do you know where your desk is? Are you just guessing it's still under there, but hope to prove it? We understand.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:41 pm

well thank you dear harriet for putting up the paper tamers thread... I have been doing that all day!!!
hello d kathryn,
hello d all.

quick check in ... papers tossed, filed, and thought about.
errands pulled for tomorrow.
checked calendar
missed girls.
I still have to pay bills :shock:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:03 pm

Its inspiring to read everyone's thoughts and attitudes to the new year and living life as best we can.

At the cathedral someone had left a newsletter with the hymnal where I was seated. There was a paragraph about being a pilgrim in our travels, rather than a 'tourist'. Sorry, the wording escapes me but it was definitely food for thought. Being a pilgrim suggests being prepared to develop spiritually as we meet the challenges along the way. I think the tourist comment also included a bit about making judgements about the who, where and what we encounter along the way.
Re covery in ternational says to "drop the judge ment of ourselves and others for the s ake of our mental health", together with " en dorse every effort regard less of perform ance" and those help me a lot when I remember to do them.
You will need to put the words back together as I duck searches.

yesterday was a 35 ✔ day .
I did get into bed at 11, even if lights out was perhaps 11.45. I'm guessing 6 hrs sleep, which is good for me, and I got over the 8 hrs in bed line (loo visit and tmed earlier than the 8hrs is up, I've decided does not matter. When a loo visit is needed it in needed.)
today is 12 ✔ already.

washing is on.
I need to wrap gifts for dsis, who I am meeting today. I need to leave in an hour.
Those cards with written letters need to get happening to get them to post as well.

I'm recycling the simplicity inspirational day calendar from last year. A folded piece of paper hides the day and month as it was for last year.
Jan 2 :
Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
- Lin Yatang
"and the wisdom to know the difference." from the serenity prayer.
Must away.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:03 pm

A thought for the day, which is really just the same as Dee's "Begun is half done," quote:
Begin: To have commenced is half the deed. Half yet remains; Begin again on this and thou wilt finish all." -- Asonius
I got this from the Declutter 365 website which posts a 15-min challenge for each day, and I have actually DONE the first day's challenge!

So -- I have begun.
I did NOT actually begin until around 3:00 pm, when I finally s2s, but since then, I have
* made a habit tracker for the next 25 days (that was all the space I had)
* checked off the following habits --
-- Bible study time
-- outside time
-- declutter 365 -- kitchen sink and sink area

I did not keep up with my time, but LadyM, I suspect you are right -- if I do 5 minutes, or even 1 minute, I'll surprise myself at how much I keep at it.
I washed the supper dishes and put away some items sitting there on the sink edge, then I decided it was time to clean out the basket sitting right beside the sink -- the one where all the papers go that no one knows where to put. ;) I threw out a BUNCH of old papers from there, put a few others in other places where they more naturally should be, and threw out the 2018 insurance and Medicare books. (The basket sits on top of all the insurance and doctor info, which we kept up with religiously while dh was seeing the heart clinic bi-monthly.) From there I thought, well, I should go ahead and clean off the rest of this counter, so I dusted behind the decorative canisters (which hold NOTHING and serve no purpose, but they were wedding gifts and match our everyday dishes -- dh would have a fit if I hid them away!) and put some more papers (that were lying there in front of the canisters) where they go -- photographs, etc) and put away stuff like dgd's ponytail holder which had been lying there since last Friday.
So, it's good to mark that off my checklist. This week's zone is just getting ready for next week, right? So I'm doing that by getting my calendars and things in order.
I need to make a new zone card too.
You know, weekly stuff -- if it's truly done WEEKLY -- doesn't have to be checked off every day, does it? I don't think I have SEVEN weekly tasks that only need to be done once a week. I cleaned out the humidifier -- that should be done weekly. I'll count that for today.
I'll count dailies if most of my routine is done.

I have 10 habits and for today, I only have 4 remaining to check off:
[ ] drinking water
[ ] fasting after 8:00 pm
[ ] paperwork (this is where I will work on the journals, photo albums, etc)
[ ] exercise

I may be taking on too much and fizzle out before the week is over, but I am starting the year with a hopeful heart! I am endorsing my effort, Lynlee!

Kathryn, I think dgs has received several of those Leap Frog things, but I don't know if he has used them much. They seem a little involved to me... fit the book thing here and make sure you start on the right page and yada yada yada. I like a plain old book better, myself. I don't blame your dd for being a little less than enchanted, LOL.

BookSaver -- sending lots of get well soon wishes! Oh! And good luck with your new position as president!

WTG on the closet organization, Cathy! I need to do that. I turn my hangers at least once a year, and keep up with it with a post-it on the closet shelf, but STILL it is hard for me to discard things I KNOW I have not worn in a year, or even TWO years. I don't know why I get so attached to my clothes. When it's time to get dressed, I am never all that impressed with my wardrobe. * sheesh *
Oh, and I never know how to divide tops... long sleeve/short sleeve/tank tops, yes... but then what about the 3/4 sleeves? They aren't winter wear, really, but not summer either, and not enough of them to give them their own section. * sigh *
Turning the closet is a "Bonus" mission for January on the Declutter 365 site, btw.

Waving to Harriet, blessed, Twins, LadyM, and ALL of you! I can only see this far in topic review! :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:16 pm

waving at you too d lucy!
hello d lynlee!
hello dear ones.

I ate too much again but still in my points. I am tired! 8-)
Next: empty dw.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:32 pm

Re: LeapStart - I've decided to not get it based on the reviews of it. It is frustrating to set up, especially with Windows 7 (which is what I have.) As well, it eats batteries.

So, that decision has been made. It is sad that the book will never be used as it was designed to be used.

I've done nothing.

I did watch Dumplin (on Netflix) and loved it. I recommend it when you want a heartwarming story.

I have 7 bins of Christmas decorations to put away. That will be my next challenge. Not necessarily tonight, but in the next 48 hours.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:45 pm

good night d kathryn and everyone!!!

working on my finances and looking at the year. exciting ;)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:59 pm

Lucylee inspired me to do something with her reference to the Declutter 365. I had a look at it. Then did today's challenge although it was half done in that I had deep cleaned the sinks yesterday morning.

I also put the pillow cases on the our pillows so the bed is made, folded a load of laundry, dusted the bedroom and changed the kitchen linens, moving the clean Christmas ones onto the dining table in prep to put away. Then I put away the bone china from yesterday.

After dinner, dh put all the Christmas glasses back up in the high cupboard, pulling the regular glasses down and returning them to their regular home. So a very small amount of Christmas declutter has been started. Tomorrow, I'll wash all my Christmas tops and put them away for another year.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby RunKitty » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:27 pm

Lynlee, I love what you wrote about being a pilgrim rather than a tourist, about growing spiritually, and about not judging. So much wisdom there!! Thank you for sharing.

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