Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

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Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:19 am

Here we go, the first workday of the new year!

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:22 am

Didn't get out of bed until well past 8 and am just sitting down to tea and chocolate but the bedroom is tidied, the humidifiers refilled, laundry started, and miracle of miracles - I'm dressed for the day!

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:33 am

I hate these short weeks beginning on a Wednesday! My alarm went off at seven and that felt like the middle of the night. I got up around 8:20 - about an hour ago. Sobering that I've been sitting here drinking coffee for an hour in my pajamas already!

My a.m. routine list is in the app Remember the Milk which is on my laptop, iPad and iPhone and I do look at it and start checking things off almost automatically once I get moving. The house is a mess - we came in yesterday and dropped things - at least put stuff into refrigerator - but all else is just sitting around. "Clearing/wiping kitchen counters" "Clearing wiping breakfast bar" and "clearing kitchen table" is likely to take awhile.

I haven't really pulled together my goals for the week or this quarter or year.

-goals for week, at least
-clear breakfast bar counter (probably least full of stuff)
-throw on clothes and walk the dog (I don't think she will stand for me taking my time to s2s, and I'd rather get a start on the rest of the house first - and I'm alone today)
-write and return an email - I have a live client ready to put down a deposit on 10 hours of research :shock:

To add to my lack of purpose, I have the rest of this week and next home then I am away in SLC for a week (Sunday to Sunday). I'm home for three days, during which I get my colonoscopy on the 23rd :shock: then dh and I go to Tampa for a long weekend (Thurs to Sunday.) When we return, the next day is Jan 28, practically the end of January.
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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Harmony » Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:07 am

This is the time of year I put almost everything on hold while I get our tax information together. We are an S Corp and that has to be in a month sooner than the rest of you. I have a lot of stuff done already. Next is 1099's and 1093. This one thing is my most labor intensive thing, takes the most time. I just made a spreadsheet and I'm going back to fill in all the blank spaces. Just to get this far has taken me about 4 hours.

Yesterday we went to see Mary Poppins Returns. I thought it was every bit as good as the original. It was cute the way they tied it into the first story, especially right at the end. And seeing Dick Van Dyke was wonderful too. DH thinks he never saw the 1st one and I had to explain the connection. He was just blown away with the whole thing. We sat through every bit of the credits just to hear the last of the music while that was running. We were the last out of the theater.

Got dinner before we came home too. Lovely time out for us. Celebrate the beginning of a new year.

Even if he does not quit working, I'm looking forward to a lighter year with regards to paperwork. Things seem slow right now and he just has a couple jobs to finish up and 2 he signed up. I'd like to be totally done, but this looks to be better than last year at least.

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:45 am

Hoping it is better for you this year, Harmony.
We sat through every bit of the credits just to hear the last of the music while that was running. We were the last out of the theater.
We did too, Harmony. We all had seen the first one (several times I'm sure!) There were several references to that first one throughout the movie. Loved seeing Dick Vandyke too. And he did his own dance -at 93! Original was 1964. DD was only 4 years old -WOW!

Dh did the dishes this morning -left from dinner yesterday with dbil/dsisil & her dsis. I wasn't feeling up to par at all yesterday. I have a LOL going in the dryer. Dawned on me while I was dallying over breakfast that I haven't even started the church council minutes for last month! :o Need to get that all pulled together and sent up home. Was going to start the annual reports when I realized I'm behind on this as well. So I'm off...……………..
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:56 am

Morning y’all...

Kathryn ... I slept in till 7:30 this morning. It was 34* when I got up. I slept with the window open which is my favorite thing to do and woke up all snuggly warm under my covers. Laid there for a good 30 minutes till Willis made me get up. I have no guilts about staying in bed. I look forward to these kinds of morning during the rest of the year. It’s the part of being retired I love the best.

Twins.. I’m still in my pjs. My cloths are all laid out waiting for me after I finish my coffee an Perry.'

After two and a half days of migraines I am in recovery mode... which means I’m being slow and easy. Have several house blessing projects to do but in reality my house is in good shape.

I like the declutter 365 site but I also enjoy the one as well. I have two closets I want to attack but don’t want to start them yet. Waiting to get back on my $$$$ meds for my hernia to insure I’m feeling well before I start on either one

Two big projects I want to schedule are my garage and getting my carpets clean. Really don’t want to start the garage till warmer weather. Sweetie wants to do this as well and we agreed to hire a junk company to haul much of his stuff away.

I have surgery scheduled for the 23rd of this month for my arm and I suspect I will be down for several weeks cause I won’t be able to use my arm much. Last time I had cancer on my arm I had 25 stitches, Both internal and on the surface. This spot is larger than the last one and I was told this area is larger than that.

Off to start my day... waving to y’all!
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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:01 pm

Progressing with Christmas undecorating. My senior friend called and so I puttered while we talked. I I think 2 bins are done. I flipped the laundry before sitting down to breakfast.

After I eat the dining table is top priority because I need the table cloth for the next load of laundry.

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby helia » Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:21 pm

Happy New Year SHE friends!
I hope you and dh can truly work less this year, Harmony. I'm very interested in the Mary Poppins movie, but several people in my family love the original and don't think it could possiblY compare well.
So true Kathryn, another Wednesday that feels like a Monday.
I'm not familiar with that app, Twins. I used to use Todoist but have gotten out of that habit.
We're planning a trip to AZ in February with dfriends from California, RRose. I thought of you. We're going to Tucson, though.
It's nice to have a helpful dh, Dee. Good luck with the reports!

Dh and I are getting used to such lazy habits - relaxing evenings, getting up late, not much payroll - none for me. It's going to be rough once we're back to our normal work schedules. Though I do have to say, the time off payroll has been VERY good for workaholic dh. He has taken 2 weeks "off" work (he is still somewhat engaged, going in some days, emails, phone calls, etc.), partially b/c we've had (and still have) a house full of guests for 2.5 weeks. He wanted to be available to help me. However, he's said to me a couple of times that he's enjoying the time off, and he'd like to work less hard in the future. Yay!! That would be good for him! He's enjoyed getting back into his workshop. However, for him to work less means he needs to shrink his lab (30+ people), which is very large for a professor; he does share the lab and students/ scientists with another professor, but the other guy is less and less engaged as the years go by. Shrinking means dh would need less funding (funding forces his need for more students) and fewer projects -- and I just don't see those changes meshing with his idea-generating personality. We shall see. He's also heavily involved with one of his start-ups. That said, he's back to his office today. He's actually teaching a course this semester. He bought out the last couple semesters to concentrate on his research, which is his main passion.

Anyhow, my school doesn't start until January 9, so I have another week of break! Our house is still full, 7 people now - all 3 kids are here, M is here until she lands a job, and Ro is here until classes start up again next week. Ds flies home on Sunday. Dd20 goes back to school late in January.

E and C are gone though; we had a good visit with them, and I'm glad we could see them! But it was a bit tiring at times with the nonstop talking (sometimes both at the same time) and turning conversations back to themselves and being talked to rather than with. . . . That was more C (wife) than E. And 7 days was too long for a visit, imho. With a household of 9, we were running the dw at least 2x/day, and it felt like dh and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I'm SO glad dh is so helpful in the kitchen and around the house in general! In the end, I think we did well with them. I think they had a good time, and we do love them and enjoyed being able to see them and catch up with them. I gave myself permission to go off and "introvert" once in a while. And the larger household meant that there were more people to talk to E and C.

We did have a reprieve as Dd23, dd20, and Ro went off to their religious org's national conference in St. Louis for 6 days. We had a quiet house with just ds and M -- until E and C returned for 24 hours over the weekend.

Our main holiday celebration is this Saturday, Sinterklaas, so we're not done with holiday happenings yet. It will be almost exactly a month late! The young people have several activities they want to do between Wed. and Friday, including a dance party, going to see the Spiderman movie, a viewing of the first LOTR movie, an escape room scheduled for tomorrow. I'm not sure what activity is happening when! But they're keeping us busy.

Today, my stomach is not very happy. This means I may not go for a jog this afternoon. I am trying to get caught up on decluttering and cleaning that has been neglected over the year. Today, I hope to work on the piles of my payroll files. Although, it is now 11:15 and I'm still sitting here in my PJs.

- tea
- kitchen fully reclaimed
- 3 dogs out, in, fed, watered
- 2 dogs medded
- Anna's stuff packed up
- Anna has just been picked up, so our animal population has decreased by 25%.
- emails: Small group and Th. dinner reminders. Not Th. dinner this week. I'm not up for hosting another larger gathering of 12 -13. We did that 2 nights in a row last week.

Next for me:
- some qt
- s2s and self care done
- back exercises
- lunch

Sorry so long! I'll try to pop in again later today.
Last edited by helia on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:25 pm

Good morning, villagers ~
I only slept 4 hours last night so I'm dragging, but the good news is I don't seem to be coughing as much today. :)

My first thought when I got up was Oh! This is January 2nd, I'm scheduled to work a full 8 hour shift tomorrow the 3rd, I've paid for sewing classes Friday and Saturday the 4th and 5th, and I'm totally unprepared for all of it! :shock:

OK ok it isn't quite that bad ... I did laundry yesterday so I have clean clothes to wear to work tomorrow. That helps.

Can't do anything about January 2nd -- this is what it is. 2019 ready or not.

Today's priorities:
* bookkeeping for library volunteers group (preliminary, awaiting bank statement)
* menu plans especially to accommodate Fri/Sat class schedule
* kitchen needs lots of attention
* change sheets
* check due dates for bills to pay
* design newsletter ad for nearby TinyTown fabric store (a favor)
* finish filling trash/recycle bins before they go to the curb tonight
* gather library books due to be returned tomorrow
* prep tote bag & lunch to take to work tomorrow

Feels as if I am forgetting something important, but that may just be lack of sleep.
Therefore, nap time. BBL.

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Re: Repeat : Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:31 pm


The 19.5 pound turkey wasn't 100% cooked after 6 hours at 325, but the wings were and the back, so we took that part out and put the rest back in because the rest of the food was ready.

I have 2 very full green garbage bags full of donations. Most of them are either clothes or something made of material. A pair of never worn slippers and 2 duvet covers that I don't like. I know that there is a coat out in the storage in the garage that will be going. Between the death cleaning and the decluttering at the speed of life, I'm going to have space. Hopefully dh will stop telling me how cluttered the house is.

I ran the Roomba for around an hour this morning. After I sent her to the docking station, I grabbed the mop which was still damp and spot mopped a couple of places in the living room and bathroom and the floors look great. She was getting stuck in the electrical cords under the bed, so I asked dh to build a fence-type thing, which he did. Now she can't get near the cords, so I don't have to keep digging her out from under a queen sized bed.

Supper tonight is leftovers.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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