Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:01 pm

Harriet: I'd say there was a certain German whose mustache was more famous but I certainly prefer the Selleck one. Much easier on the eyes and much happier feelings attached to it!

I'm home and thinking about a short nap. Don't think I have time, though.

Dinner is in the oven and smells wonderful.

I've worked on deleting/moving more email from my in-box and am up to 300 deleted.

Dh gave me a potential hint for slowing the flow in.

I still have to figure out how to archive this email and start with a fresh 2019. Not sure that is possible. I'm getting better about using folders but I don't need to drag most of these folders around from year to year (it makes backups take longer.) I really don't understand what I'm doing here, and being able to pull up an email from years ago, has, at times been useful. But really only with church stuff (since I was often the depository of corporate memory since ministers come and go) and I don't have that responsibility any more.

We went to church this morning because it was a hymn sing. Was still struck by the bad energy at the church which reinforces our decision to stop attending. Now how to break the new to my church family. It isn't the people but in a way it is since the people make up the church. I guess our problem is that they are hanging onto something that should be let go of.

After church we did lunch which was a disappointment. My chili was lukewarm. Turns out someone had turned off the heating system. All 'hot' soups, etc. weren't. I got my money back and someone then offered to heat up my chili in a microwave. I went with that option but I'm sure HRH would be yelling now because, of course, food safety wasn't observed. If I die of food poisoning, you'll know why.

Did a Costco run and then came home. There was a card table on the giveaway shelf so we snagged that for the residents' association. When we went to put out our card table at the Christmas party it was gone. That's when I remembered it was tossed in the summer because it had a broken leg. This one seems fine.

Off to start the potatoes for dinner now.

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:33 pm

Kathryn, he would gasp, that's for sure.

Ds called. "Random request", he says. "Do you have a plunger?" :| I told him to come fast and I'd meet him in the yard - hurry. He did. As he reached for it he said, "(toddlerC) blew up the toilet". But he had a grin. I hope everything's alright. I just hope she told someone quickly. Brand new home they planned so carefully, 3 toilets, no plunger, but I did NOT tease him. Too soon, too soon.

The young man came and took dd on a date - to dstepson's to let him beat them at monopoly. (Dstepson loves it but he's so good no one will play with him any more.) We are blessed they get along so well. The young man says he's just happy when a date is this cheap, lol.

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:49 pm

Soup for dinner just hit the spot. I Walked the dog around the block earlier. Completed a puppet and another month of verse a day entries
2 more months to do in my happy planner I am putting these in. Just watch the age of innocence enjoyed that. Got a couple rows on the crochet prayer shawl. Have laundry going. Laundry is current now. H dumped the kitchen garbage, I brought up the basement trash. Cut up old jeans to upcycle later. I am focusing on getting over this cold and recovering the next few days..
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:17 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:00 pm

I've had a busy day.

** DD arrived around 7:30am to get DGD7 ready and take her to church.
** Church was very good today. I sometimes have a hard time keeping my attention on the sermon but today I found myself wishing the preacher would slow down so I could process it all. I found myself wishing that I could take notes but my phone was dead and I didn't have paper/pen. If time allows I'll get a digital copy of the message and listen to it again.
** Lunch with DFriends was enjoyable.
** I spent some time doing hourly planning for this week. I was feeling overwhelmed with all that is on the calendar and I couldn't mentally process how we could juggle it all. Once I planned the week hour-by-hour then I saw that it could all fit. There are a couple of time slots with multiple things happening but DH and I can split those activities.
** I spent 3 hours at the YMCA and came home happy to have done it. My muscles are complaining but its a good achy feeling.

Something totally unexpected and out of my box happened today. We were asked if we would go to NYC and work in a food kitchen/shelter for a week in September. Backstory .... A few months ago DFriends had wedding at our church and they hired a choir to come sing at the wedding. The choir was from a church in NYC....Harlem I think. ANYway, that church and our church are about as opposite as they can be in the culture. We both enjoyed spending time together though. That church has invited 10 people from our church to come work with them for a week. I immediately accepted the invite. I believe it is for adults, but I have asked if we can bring DS10 with us. If DS10 can't be included DH said he will stay here and take care of kids. Either way....this country gal is going to NYC for the very first time.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:22 pm

Dinner turned out really well. I just wish last Sunday had worked as well, since that was dh's birthday dinner. But I got it all right tonight and we'll have leftovers on Tuesday.

After helping dh clean up the kitchen (quick work because I clean as I cook), I worked on email all evening long. I need to do a backup of my computer soon but also want to make my email backup smaller by figuring out a better way to backup. My current method is to export all the email to another email client and then delete from my current email client. I'm running out of email clients to use.

I have a meeting tomorrow morning. Dh forgot entirely about it and I think he was supposed to be there. This is with the accountant to help me with a task. Yet I'm the one doing all the remembering, which, if I can do that, I should just do the work and not pay someone else.

Talked with dd about tomorrow, now I'm off to bed.

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:20 am

I hardly addressed our title today. So in the spirit of our title:

made a vegetable stew
kept up with laundry
kept up with healthy habits
finished a big paperwork task

(declutter and cleaning day off)

Tomorrow's 5x5
8:00 a.m. deal with HVAC guys
9:15 a.m. go with HRH to appt
If HRH can, go by bank, pharmacy
Study/write lesson for Tuesday
2 creative tasks waiting?

getting to bed on time this evening - nite all

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Re: Sunday Catching up and Planning Ahead

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:56 am

I would start a new thread but I can't think of anything good to call it.
Today has been a pretty good day, but my Christmas tree is STILL up. DGS and I got everything else put away last night though, so the house is beginning to look a little more normal. I'll get the tree down and put away tomorrow during some ballgame that is very important to some people... not me... :lol: well... maybe a little. Maybe some team with a tiger for a mascot can win the Alabama Invitational this year... :twisted: ;)

WOW -- LadyM -- New York bound!

Speaking of church... our preacher preached a pretty good sermon this morning. The trouble is, he is so long-winded that I am zoning out and falling asleep before he gets to the point of it all.

Tomorrow is busy, unpleasant errand day, so y'all keep me in your good wishes. I have to go see the gynecologist tomorrow. Ugh. I absolutely despise going to that appt each year. I guess 99.999% of all women do though.
Also need to go to the library to return books and stop by the cleaners.

Hope you all have a good week!
Tomorrow is another day.

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