Soul Satisfying Sunday

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Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:55 am

What will you do to feed your soul today?

Will it be cooking a nice meal?


Good church service and time with church family?

Time with your own family?

Reading a book? Decluttering a space?

There are many options, watch for the opportunity to grab at least one of them and recharge your batteries on this Sabbath day.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:02 am

I'm up and through breakfast. Kitchen is mostly tidied.

I've updated my bullet journal and identified many conflicts over the next few weeks. We'll have a family meeting later today to discuss these and our options. Apparently, since we enjoy having dgsM5 so much, dsil is thinking perhaps regular sleepovers should be scheduled. The next one (due to them getting new windows in the house) wasn't when dh said it was to be, but the night that ds gets his new home and I have landlord-tenant hearing downtown at 8:30 the following morning. This means that dh has to be completely on board since he'll be doing the babysitting. As well, this Tuesday night the car-leasing meeting they have is over dinner time. I have a meeting at 7, dh has a telecon at 8 and we are not sure how we'll manage without one of us having to give up an important meeting.

I've talked with dd on the phone today and we'll be going over later. I've requested dh (who'd like to work instead and is on a conference call now) to come with me. I feel I need to put my foot down on the 24/7 schedule he keeps up especially when he goes on and on about how he's retired but his schedule conflicts with normal retired-people stuff like visiting grandchildren. Specifically, I'd like him to spend time while we're over at dd's with dgsM5 so I can have some bonding time with my granddaughter.

I've booked a hotel for Feb 2 so we can drive up the Valley the day before my church service on the 3rd.

Now to go s2s.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:36 pm

I am up. Have coffee and breakfast. Coughing a bit. Considering my day. I painted some rocks yesterday. I am trying g to do a couple more dos. But need to do some more I want them sm all enough to fit in egg cartons, a few were too big that I did last night, I can do some with words but they have to be short one's LOL!

.8-) It is nice and sunny out here this morning.
Started getting warp for the next project yesterday.
Journal & planning done.
Waving to all.

H is fighting sinus tooth issue today. Hot tea liquids & broth for him.
I did 30 min. on the stat bike.
Walked the dog on a short walk.
Tweaked a bit on the painted rocks with finishing touches, and got the sealer on them.
I took some rock and did a rock drop and traded for some got others to paint, figured out to put them in the egg cartoon to see if they fit
before I paint them instead of after lol!
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:48 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:51 pm

Yesterday i had to slow myself even further than the snail's pace that I was doing. I developed a sore throat inside and out. The sides of my neck are swollen which makes it a strain to hold my head up. I've had this several times in the past. I don't know if it is normal for others but it is what happens when my body is fighting off germs. My lymph nodes swell on both sides of my neck. ANYway, I have put myself back on rest and drink lots of fluids mode. Thankfully the fever has not returned and I feel great.....other than the neck/throat thing.

DD came and got DGD7 this morning around 8am. I forgot to ask what time she will return. Ohs well. I'm stuck here all day so it really doesn't matter.
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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:44 pm


We have had a VERY productive day. Started with a trip to Niagara Falls for the ground pork that is on sale and the chicken leg quarters. Got 6 huge packs of the pork and 4 huge packs of the chicken plus a roasting chicken for supper tonight. Then we went to the bakery for buns and sliced meat. Dh only got pancetta (Italian bacon) and some spicy dried sausage. A little side trip to Princess Auto on the way home and now we have a second dump cart for the yard work. Now we can have one on the back of the ATV and the other on the back of the riding mower.

Came home and had lunch. Dh put away all the meat using the foodsaver. Freezers are all full again. While dh did that, I put away all of the clean laundry and dusted the living room. Now there are some humour books to put away. There are a LOT of Calvin and Hobbes books. 11 books plus the biography of the artist.

I have one more load of laundry to do. I only had 2 this week because I did the bed sheets part way through the week.

I really want the house to be clean, quiet and calm before Tuesday. Dh has a doctor appointment that the doctor's office called him for. We don't know what the doctor wants, so I think I will be going with dh.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:25 pm

how wonderful d cathy - a very productive day
wishing your dh the best!

hi d lady (((hope you start feeling better))))

hi d nancy no coughing - we can't let you get sick as well! glad it is sunny there

I love the name of the day dear kathryn! enjoy your time visiting your d grandchildren!!!

slowly loosing focus here - so I better get with the program - have a wonderful day everyone
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:52 pm

My soul's being renewed by holding a sleeping infant while her mommy goes for a nap. Her brother just went down for his nap too so the house is quiet.

Family planning meeting went well so we know who, what, where, when, for the two babysitting days. DgsM2 doesn't want to sleep over the second time but it is non negotiable. Dd will come first thing in the morning with the baby while the windows are being installed. That means I can attend my meeting.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:07 pm

I took some notes during the service today and see where they could be soul satisfying. Also I have a method set up to catch my hoped-for course on the first day it is offered (so I won't miss out like I did last year), and that also makes me feel relieved that I won't miss that soul satisfying learning.

Just got back from the grocery - a long trip. First, because the first choice's parking lot was so full I couldn't park. Gave up and drove on to the second choice and found a distant space. Second, I left my list in the truck - had to walk back.

Third, it just seemed the shopping was in slow motion. Usually that store is upbeat and sprightly but today everyone was slow and methodical somehow. For one thing, now that I consider it, I don't believe they had their usual cheerful all-instrumental music playing. Finally, I don't think I'm very efficient by myself. I think I am more thorough. Those are different.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:04 pm

so wonderful to hold a sleeping newborn! lovely d kathryn!
how old is your grandson now? time goes by so fast!

hello d harriet
It is funny how some days (shopping) are like that. It's always noticeable.

wishing you both and everyone a soul satisfying evening.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:41 pm

My 'must rush time' came went on Sunday, and my 3am awakening seemed so long gone, that I just went back to bed for another hour. Perhaps I slept.

Another hour later I caught a bus to the coast.
I walked and walked around the new layout and extension at the coast main shopping center. I saw how they will have a face to face encounter when the new to the coast more upmarket store opens across the void from it's slightly less upmarket competitor. I do wonder where then think the supposed customers will get their money from. And how the new tiny businesses think they will survive as one of too many trying to meet the same supposed demand. The place seems awash with massage and nail salons. If you ask me, which you didn't.
It won't be the first time when the big business that is that shopping center has squeezed the life out of folk. Any special introductory deal to get them in there will end at some stage. I can only hope they don't lose everything.

Just missed the bus home, so went the other way to a closer beach than the one I took the InCanadas to. Bus stop is closer to where I want to go, much easier, with no hill to climb with my weary legs after hours meandering at the shopping center.
As a teenager I once was caught in a rip at that beach, so no swimming there for me. It would have been good to just sit with the brilliant blue water and foaming waves for longer than I did. My heart seemed not to be in the just sit thing there. I can do at other beaches, or have done so, in the past.

The buses along that section are really frequent, unlike the hourly service to my town on weekends and public holidays. Anyway. back to the central bus stop. Just missed again by 5 min.
I know many of you have no attempt at a bus service where you live, so I shouldn't complain.
I took a walk back down around the shopping center, and bought some contraband that will do me no good.
I still had a good 45min to do my sitting at that terminus, So there you go. I did end up getting some 'just sit there' happening. Plus the 30 min each way bus ride, not counting the added bus jaunt to the beach.

Later I did get a few weeds pulled up back at home, so that is my one consistent thing I'm doing.

tmeds taken, and boxed for the next 8 days. (I've relabled 2 x daily 4 sectioned pill boxes. As I'm halving tablets, 1/4 on one ever 4 days, it suits me quite well. They are made of silicon and seal really well, and have not broken as similar plastic ones have done.)

readings, response done.
breakfast eaten.

much later.

Must detach myself from this chair.
It is possible.
Many cheers - I did it. pooof.

oh. say down again to wave to blessed,

and to cheer the inCanadas for all they have done, are doing. The Kitchen KonMaried!!! Family meeting!!!
You go girl Kathryn ( andyg guy Ken)
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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