Soul Satisfying Sunday

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:54 pm

Quite right, Lynlee, as you summed up many concerns about adding commercial space when it's not warranted. Upscale-ity is not a valid reason for adding and adding.

Thinking of those in our village who are under the weather. Or family feeling unwell.

Last evening ddil was a good sport (I guess) and went to the "monster jam" (meaning big trucks with bigger tires) with ds and the children. I saw them as they were leaving. I asked if they had their ear plugs and dgs7 assured me that they did. ToddlerC looked so hopeful and excited. I wonder. I think she would not have liked it so much, really, if she knew what she was getting into. But somehow dgs7 got the idea he just dreamed of going and so they did this thing.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby BookSaver » Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:48 pm

Hello, villagers ~
It appears that I have not been here in a full week. How is that possible?? Some weird time portal black hole must have stolen my week! :shock:
I must go cuop to see what y'all have been doing. I can tell by the daily titles that I have missed a lot.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:02 pm

I don't know if any of you saw the book I read last week called "Decluttering at the speed of life". I have been decluttering according to how the book recommends. It says that your house is the container. You can't have what won't fit into the container. The author also used the example of scarves in a drawer. I have a scarf drawer and I totally "got" what she was saying. With me the scarf drawer of her example became my book cases. I have gotten rid of so many books in the past week. Now the books that I want to keep fit in their container. All of the books in the bedroom and living room and kitchen and pantry fit the space they have been allotted. We don't store any books in the bathroom. I prefer to store towels and other things that the room requires.

Dh made a comment about the house being cluttered last month. I am truly working on the "uncluttered" look in rooms that he spends most of his time in.

Books are an ongoing work in progress. The kitchen island is another work in progress. All that is on it right now is the cross stitch stuff from the library. I will get to that before I go to "knitting" in the morning.

Dh made an amazing supper. I had a 2 hour nap. He also did most of the dishes and pots and pans. Second load of laundry is in the dryer. Absolutely all clean laundry is away.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:30 pm

I guess I've had a soul satisfying Sunday... I've done pretty much nothing. Well, not really -- that just means I slept all afternoon, LOL.
Before and after nap time, I
* got myself and dgs to church (dh is not feeling well at all after our trip Fri/Sat - and we won the ballgame and had a good time, so that's not it.)
* stayed in the nursery while dgs was in Sunday School, and for once, I was actually needed there, so they were glad I decided to hang out with them.
(I didn't want to go to either of the other classes b/c I didn't want to start a precedent, and the teacher who has been inviting me to his class was out of town anyway)
* had lunch
* kept dgs till ds came to get him after a couple hours (dgd sick)
* s/s kitchen
* took allergy shots
* refilled dispensers for coming week
* read the papers
* took out the trash
* went to Wmart (w/dh, but he went back to the car before I checked out)
* put away groceries (w/some help from dh)
So... my doing "nothing" is really not "nothing" at all! :lol:

I have a problem. ;) I am kinda addicted to planners and PLANS in general. There is a declutter plan (different from the 365 plan I mentioned earlier) that sends you a spiral notebook, or just the pages to print and bind on your own, and it has a checklist for EVERY WEEK of the year, with the dailies and weeklies and everything, so (presumably) one would get through all the areas of their home in a year. It is $12.95 for the PDF.
I know I do not need this at all. I already have the dailies on an Excel file on my computer, customized to myself. Now just why do I think I would follow this new arbitrary plan when I don't follow my own plan??? This is an obsession. I am really trying to abstain from purchasing this...
And now Cathy is telling us about a NEW book...
and I want to watch the Netflix programs from KonMarie, but can't get my Netflix account to work...
Ha! I want to do EVERYTHING except DO THE WORK. :oops:
I do think I should probably be giving myself zone credit on my 3x5 for the 15 min missions I've been doing in the 365 plan, though. Even though I wanted this to be the DEN zone, I should keep up with the time I've spent in the KITCHEN, right?
I suspect this plan just has each room/area once for the year, though... so that's a conflict with our zones here and the three rounds, that are really needed, I think. I know I need to touch on each zone more than once a year... even though some rooms never get more than that, if I even do that much... :oops:

LadyM, I hope you feel better soon!

You, too, Nancy!

Rose -- I saw your post about celiac. I mentioned that in J&C... oh my... hoping THAT doesn't turn out to be dgs's problem. He is a picky enough eater. I surely would hate to start limiting what he eats.

HELLO, BookSaver!!!

Hope the dgrands enjoyed the show, Harriet. Our dgs went to one of those while visiting the other grandparents. He and ds went with some friends -- ddil and dgd opted out, LOL. I think dgs enjoyed it though.

Lynlee, you are so right... these big box stores, fancy-smancy things overtake so many small businesses. There is NO WHERE to buy groceries in our little town anymore except Wmart and one smaller name-brand store. Used to be three good-sized grocery stores here. Also, when I was a child, there were half a dozen clothing stores just around the town square. Now only one, and other than that, it's Wmart or one other discount-type name-brand store. Oh -- and the dollar store, D ollar G eneral, which I suppose has a very limited selection in groceries and clothing, and I'm not being a snob or anything, but ours is so cramped and messy, over-stuffed and under-staffed, that I rarely go in there.

Harriet, the best thing about our church service today was that dgs actually paid attention, and was able to relay some key points to dh when we got home!
And the best thing about our shopping trip -- we didn't see one single person to talk to and slow us down! LOL. Sometimes I thoroughly enjoy my impromptu visits in the Wmart aisles, but since dh felt so bad, I was glad we got out quickly.

My soul's being renewed by holding a sleeping infant while her mommy goes for a nap

Yes... best feeling in the world, Kathryn.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby BookSaver » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:03 am

Taking notes on some of the PWYC highlights of the week:
Sunday = The Selleck Mustache 8-{D
Monday = lots of 5x5 successes in the village; WTG Dee for Annual Report!
Tuesday = Canadian Baby Julie Catherine!! :D :D :D
Wednesday = Nancy found $ in a purse while looking for keys -- but did she find the keys? :? :) Elizabeth's stolen guitar was found. 8-) Harmony finished and mailed tax forms.
Thursday = Kathryn's Dgs woke up happy. (((Blessed w2))) so sorry about your dear dog.
Friday = much work done by everyone

Saturday = I have noticed a general trend of our villagers here this week who actually wrote correspondence such as thank you cards and personal notes, which evidence of civility and social graces gives me hope for humanity. :)

Today = CathyS had a very productive day. BTW, I have always loved Calvin & Hobbes.
I am also a fan of the author Dana K. White of "Decluttering at the Speed of Life" and also "How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind" -- both books resulting from her blog; visit her blog to get a taste of her writing style and decluttering methods.

Hello, Lucylee! I fear you will have buyer's remorse if you pay for another planner. Didn't you just get a new planner for Christmas by buying 2 for DDil to choose which one she liked and you kept the other? Maybe instead of buying a whole planner, find some stickers to dress up the one you have.

Skippable recap of my week:
Monday payroll job
Tuesday volunteer hours to take down the library's Christmas trees,
Wednesday desk work and sewing group administrative business
Thursday payroll job, more desk work
Friday wrestle with sewing group budget etc. and print many reports
Saturday sewing group planning and budget meeting (which was fine) and lots of snow (which :P )

Also on Tuesday, I came home from volunteer hours to find our little shed pushed over by wind. It's a plastic shed with a floor, but the trash & recycle bins that live in it were empty so there was no weight to hold it down. :o It had to live on its back until yesterday because I couldn't lift it up by myself and DH had other things to do on weeknights.

Here is another day that has zoomed by and it's almost time to go to bed.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Harmony » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:14 am

Hi, enjoyed reading through today's happenings. Y'all have such interesting lives!

Noticed last night when I went to fill the car with gas and stopped at supermarket that the parking lot was packed and store was full of very slow people. It happens in all stores I guess.

I wish we had more choices for food too. 2 other chains here but 1 is really expensive with a lot of deli-type stuff, and the other I really like but it's so much more than WM that I have no choice but to go there. We had 2 others in past years but one bought out the other and then went bankrupt and closed.

We took our cooler with lunch along with us to church. Small group was directly after because 2 of the guys had stuff scheduled at another church later and we couldn't meet in the evening as usual. So we all ate our lunches together, which was nice. It was 3:30 till we got back home.

I got garbage all gathered up for tomorrow's pickup and I felt like organizing a bit to get my week started on a good note. Cleared up my desk and its bulletin board and I ended up with another grocery bag of paper to take out to the bin. Short nap, dinner, dishes, coffeepot ready; I'm in good shape for Monday.

DH meeting inspector so I got his statement to give homeowner so he didn't have to go over there twice.

New thing happening: our church friends we built the house for (not this recent one just finished but the one before that) now need something else done. When we first looked at plans with him he was going to build a mother-in-law apartment as part of his house build, and the Mother was going to pay for it. She decided she didn't want to give that much money. So we just built the main house.

Last month she had a major stroke and cannot live alone. She left the hospital and is in nursing home. NOW he wants to add on to his house, a bedroom and a handicapped bathroom and talked to DH about doing it. I feel really bad for this family. They have been good friends for years. He asked me what I thought about him doing it...and I said it was up to him. I hate to see him take on another project this big, especially in this far off county, but I would have a really hard time saying no.

Time is of the essence. There is no time to debate. Plans and engineering take forever and permitting... I do not know how this is all going to turn out. I wish they had another alternative. His mother cannot live alone. It's a lot to consider.

Hi Booksaver! Oh, payroll tax forms and subcontractor IRS forms. Income tax still needs to be done. big sigh....

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:17 am

Oh, I definitely would have buyer's remorse, BookSaver! I know that would be the case. Yes... I must content myself with tweaking the checklist I have, and the planner I have.

Saturday = I have noticed a general trend of our villagers here this week who actually wrote correspondence such as thank you cards and personal notes, which evidence of civility and social graces gives me hope for humanity.


Oh, speaking of Tom Selleck -- y'all well know of my infatuation with him. His mustache was okay (IMHO). Likewise Burt Reynolds'.
DH had a mustache when we married. I am glad he no longer does. :P
I need to go catch up on my exercise... and Blue Bloods. :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Soul Satisfying Sunday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:48 am

Update on keys they tuned up a couple days later they were actually hubbys keys went through the wash and the next time he wore them he found the missing keys that were gone about a week.

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