Time-Sensitive Tuesday

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Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:37 am

Is there some area of your household in which you'd like to be more sensitive to time?

Do you suspect :? that a chore may really take less time than you assume? Maybe today you can find out. :idea:

Could a timer help? ("Just the facts, Ma'am.")

I wonder if I'm being held back from some efficiency because I think I need to "wait until I have time".

Or maybe I'm beating myself up over something that really takes more time than I knew. Hmmm... ..

Trusty timer, check this out.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:08 am

Today's theme is perfect for me!

Before coming here I drew up a timed schedule for me today. With paperwork, everything is backed up so I have to just jump in with a loose plan and just do it rather than wait for a muse.

I'm under the light now and have a plan that hits the emergency points for me.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:44 am

Today I need to work on the checkbook and budget. I recently realized that the grocery budget and the money I save each month towards house insurance and property taxes, both need a raise. Dh has now been retired 4 years and the budget suddenly needs tweeked.

Today dgs13 has a basketball game. We love to watch him play. He is really good at football and baseball but he loves basketball and you can see his passion for the sport, while he is playing.

Dh is not sure if he feels better or not. I reminded him that I had went through a spell in November and early December where I experienced the back and forth feeling of nausea and puny. I was beginning to wonder if I had something serious going on.

Dd2 will be home with the girls today. They both have a respiratory thing going on, with a barky cough, fever and they have both thrown up.

Last night we had a heavy fog but it is clear and very cold this morning. We had 10 1/2 inches of snow Friday through Saturday. They are predicting more snow this weekend.

Guess I better eat breakfast and hit the paperwork. It will be 4:15 and game time before I know it, the way the days rush by anymore.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:21 am

Now I know. Have been meaning to time how long it takes me to cook favorite breakfast from start to table and found out today - 17 minutes. Quite efficient. I think there were days I was more interrupted than I thought and was believing it took longer.

Have already set the other timer (my honeybee one) out for timing a Desk Day chore later.

Our working girl is out the door and I was able to give her a little help. Her lunch box (like tupper ware in cloth) was clean and ready for her to fill early this a.m. - thanks, Mom.

And I did some weather research, lol. She won't have a tough weather day after all, but this is a long one with an 8:30 p.m. meeting scheduled.

Gratitude, btw, for a heating system without problems. Bill still hasn't arrived, so I'm still conscious. ;) thinking of all who may not have heat (or air/fans if that's what's needed).

Kathryn, that's me so often - I need to be sure I hit the emergency points.

Lilac, is it possible he has what the girls have and just has some different symptoms?

I like that way of thinking about a budget item "needing a raise".

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby helia » Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:56 am

Popping in today as I have a low-key day.
I'm curious, what is your 17 minutes favorite breakfast, Harriet?
That's a lot of snow, Lilac. We've had negligible snow so far this year, and none is on the ground now, a bit unusual for us this time of year. Temps have generally been on the balmy side. However, I took a peek at the forecast and we're projected to get some serious snow this weekend and a high on Sunday of 8*. I guess winter is coming after all, just a month late.

I threw my back out yesterday -- while going for a jog, of all things. It was beautiful weather - sunny and in the 30s, and I was so looking forward to enjoying the day this way. One minute into my jog -- there was the spasm and pain. Not sure why that happened as I've been doing my back exercises quite consistently. The only thing I have done different recently is I have tried adding some super-rigorous stomach exercises that dh does for his back issue. I did 5 reps of them on Sunday -- and my stomach was so sore on Monday. I could only sort of do 2 reps yesterday. I wonder if I wasn't doing them quite correctly and ended up straining my back in the process? My back did feel more sore than usual when I started my jog, and I should have paid attention to that. I keep forgetting I'm no spring chicken anymore. It's improved after a night of sleep, but regular morning activities are exacerbating it. So I do a bit and then rest it. And I'll be doing my regular back exercises multiple times throughout the day. I'll be moving slowly today. But at least I'll be moving! :)

I think more rigorous exercise (jogging, elliptical) will be out for the week. I don't know whether to feel sad or elated.

My evenings this week are full, except for Wednesday. My days are generally more low-key. I'd prefer it the other way round. Oh, well.
M - home from work late at 6:10; left at 6:45 for deacon meeting. Home for good at 10:10 pm
T - Circles meeting, out 5:45 - 8:20. Skype with ds around 9 - 10 pm
Th. - host Th dinner, starting around 6:45; Book club, out 7:45 - 10-ish (dh will host alone after I leave)
F. - dinner out with church leader friends; meet at restaurant at 6:30. Home by 9?? Not too bad.
Saturday - Small Group, out 5 - 9-ish
Sunday - just R here for dinner, so basically free.

Main Goals for today:
1. Grocery store, from menu planning and list making to putting everything away
2. Vacuum -- if my back can stand this activity
3. Clean sheets on bed
4. Progress on going through piles of payroll, hebrew class, moms group, plus miscellaneous files, binders and papers. 4 piles are now down to 2.
5. Order 3 marriage certificates -- we lost the one copy I ordered last fall. Kids need new (less than 1 year) copies for Dutch citizenship applications.
6. Circles, out 5:45 - 8:20-ish
7. Skype with ds 2 9pm-ish

I'm off to finish the a.m. routine now that it is 10 a.m.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby helia » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:05 am

Hi Kitty!! I see your light on. Are you the same UK Kitty from the other site? Do you come here too?

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:23 am

Harriet won't be pleased but I underestimated my time requirements by about 75 minutes. Dinner is in the crockpot now but that recipe took me 50 minutes (no distractions) to finish. That didn't include defrost time (that I had started while I was doing my light therapy.)

I should be in my break but I've just started the 9 -10 hour of work. I did apply for dh's government pension. So that months-old to-do has been done. You can apply any time after 60 but get a reduced amount. You can wait until 70. Breakeven point for early vs age 65 is about 73 and dh's parents and grandparents didn't live that long so we decided to go early since some money now is better than the survivor's benefit later.

Now to go back to my planner and see what I was supposed to be doing.

And put my dishes in the dishwasher (I ate my breakfast at my computer while reading through the steps to apply for the pension.)

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:54 am

Up on TIME today! Yea!
It only got up to 31* here yesterday br-r, it is another cold grey day out,
glad I do no have hen chores anymore.
H is some better & went to work today.
Got in the shower last night and washed & dried my hair.

I enjoyed a history of church music on pbs last nite & slept well after it was done.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:29 pm

hello dear ones.

I was supposed to start my morning at 10 but dh wanted to have a good chat. I am running so far behind. I have to leave at 1:15 so I have to hustle my bustle.

d harriet - i love the beginning!
I truly love (more like accept that I need, lol 8-) ) my timer. (I put it on 5 minutes when I can't focus and 15 when I can!)

wishing you all a wonderful day

hello d harriet, d nancy, d helia, d kathryn, d kitty, d lilac - so happy you are here!, and d everyone! sprinkling you all with love and blessings - see the sparkles coming down. I am being the house fairy today!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:31 pm

Taking a pause from homeschool while DS10 goes with DH to do the heavy lifting for the ladies at the clothes closet.

DD was a no show this morning. DGD7 was in tears about it. I gave DGD7 hugs then got her dressed, hair brushed, fed and to school. Then I texted DD a message that left no doubt how I felt about her doing this to DGD7.

Homeschool has been good so far this morning. We have shared several laughs while working through lessons together. I am very pleased with the Faber curriculum for piano. I thought I might be going overboard by going with curriculum that is spread across 6 books when most beginning students use 1 book. But it is exactly what DS10 needs and suits his learning style. **big sigh of relief**

I am symptom-free today so am going to return to my full schedule. I am excited about this!

I am tired of spending time dealing with being sick so I have made the decision to start wearing gloves when I am out of the house. I have watched my DBro and DMom do this with great success over the past 2 winters. I have a pair of nice gloves that are the same color as my skin. I don't think they will be THAT noticeable. The purpose of wearing gloves is to eliminate contact with germs. I know that I am in different circumstances than most older people because I have little ones in my lap daily and hugging. Little ones will bring home germs with them from school and other places. I can't eliminate all the germs but at least I can feel like I tried by wearing the gloves outside of our home. I don't want to become a germ-a-phobia but at least I can feel like I increased my effort a little.

Thinking of Cathys & her DH today. Hope the doc appointment went okay.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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