Time-Sensitive Tuesday

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:45 am

Dear Lucylee
You are looking at others with rose tinted glasses.
On your check list you need some versatility to check extra items unexpectedly done - imo.
the mtg
ph call w ddil
store for supplies
dgd care
dgs care
trips for others

You spent hours taking care of family today.

Maybe the change would be to get the dgc on side to 'help' you take 10 minutes to get something else done while they are visiting. That would be a triple points for difficulty addition to your self scoring system
Is there a way to convert something into a game?

That said
Else where in this country temps have topped at 49C, that's 120.2F.
No its not so hot here, not at all, though tomorrow is forecast to be our worst day.

Last night instead of persevering with attempting to switch my brain off, I listened to radio for an hour, then read the whole night through.Today I have indulged in naps, though I'm up now.
Breakfast and lunch have happened, and I've missed getting a bus to somewhere cooler.
I could still do that I suppose.

A one liner from ri says to lower your standards and watch your performance rise.
I've made a list of 4 possibilities. None of them involved walking to the bus stop.
I just added 2 more and threw a dice.
bins in is next.pooof

Nodding to Harriet on people taking turns to be on watch.
I think dog watches were 4 hours then off, rinse and repeat.
And a reminder siestas are a reality / were a reality in much of the world, before folk got up again to get back out there and into whatever they had to do. and before the 9-5 ideal gained an upper hand. an expectation.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:20 am

Thank you, also, Lynlee! Oh yes — sometimes I do get a lot done with the dgrands here — dgd LOVES to help with laundry, putting stuff in the dryer, handing me stuff to put in the washer, etc.

And I am going to look at that list of mine again, LOL... and I just thought of something else — I often try to do a daily gratitude list — I should add a daily at-da list!

I’ve been looking up famous night owls, too.
Winston Churchill.... hmmm... not bad company....
Tomorrow is another day.

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