First Friday of the Week

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Re: First Friday of the Week

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:50 pm

hello d kathryn have a lovely evening. , d lynlee have a wonderful Saturday!, d lucy (have fun)
have a lovely evening everyone.

I made spanakopita and enough for the freezer
meatballs are in the oven finishing off - we are going out tomorrow for dinner and maybe dd older will be here.
dishes are washing themselves
I have a few left in the sink

next freeze the chicken, freeze the spanakopita, freeze the enchilada soup, freeze the wendy's chili
do the few dishes 2 pots.
then clean the sink
clean the stove top
clean the counters
vacuum the floor

so exciting 8-)

I have 4 smart points left - hoping i don't get hungry :shock: 8-) :lol:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: First Friday of the Week

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:18 pm

Dh didn't start dinner in a timely manner. To be fair, I hadn't asked him to start it but I did confirm what was for dinner and it is something he usually cooks, not one of 'my' recipes. So I suggested going out. We went and had Beyond Beef burgers. They were very good. My tummy is a bit wobbly but that could be the onion rings.

We're home now and I'm having tea because I got very cold just walking from the restaurant to the car.

We're working on going to a movie tomorrow afternoon. Will visit with dd if we can before hand.

Before dinner I got two months of the 7 done. The first of them, dh was in Africa, so that was simple. The second one was way harder and included trip expenses from cities. I can't tell you where he went last year, let along when he was in other places. I'll be able to piece it together but right now my spreadsheet is blank, just tracking the expense as belonging to the business.

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Re: First Friday of the Week

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:45 pm

I realized I have only one picture of dgdJ0 on my phone so I moved some of the FB pictures into a google photo album.

I'll put the link up over in Members Only.

Done: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6045

Now to download the album onto my phone.

Edited to add: That was painful, I can see the album when I'm online but had to download each picture separately. Not instinctive at all for people who don't have a data package on their phone so need off-line access.

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Re: First Friday of the Week

Postby Harriet » Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:36 pm

lucylee, I wondered, what if you started talking about interesting facts as well, but always ending with "alright?". Maybe it would change something. I am not trying to be silly - just genuinely wondering if any question of agreement at the end of sentences would be as good as another to satisfy him in conversation, or if he will ignore your choice because it's not a conversation requirement he's trying to satisfy.

I feel put-upon this evening by a friend of dd20's and her family, who allowed (?) a rabbit to be bought on impulse. She called dd20 out of the blue saying, "oh my, rabbit has no cage, no bedding... .." And so tonight for the sake of the animal, dd took over a not-ideal cage she owns, along with a bag of bedding that will work. I realize the father, who had only just arrived home from work shortly before, did not buy the rabbit or even agree to it, and is probably still putting two-and-two together about why these supplies had to come from dd. I'm just irritated at a household atmosphere that would let the daughter think she could bring in a living creature without a clue of how to provide for its needs from the beginning. Wondering what the mother will say, or if she already knew - not my circus, not my monkeys.

There were moments today in which I felt super efficient. Had several appliances going at once, listening for beeps while handling the rest of kitchen and extra laundry.

Because of deciding on a large quantity of the mixed rices to last for several days, I had several packages out and took the opportunity to organize the grains cabinet. I now have packages sorted by time required for cooking. :idea: I consolidated 5 small leftover amounts into 2 larger containers, after sealing each well in their bag packaging. I'd been disappointed in the square plastic see-into jar packaging for some rices, that takes up so much space even as the rice amount dwindles. Now the containers are earning their keep (although those rices themselves don't earn my favorite status).

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Re: First Friday of the Week

Postby Harriet » Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:37 pm

especially Twins' Mom... what to do, what to do?
Our tax preparer has switched to a new firm from the firm that has employed her for many years. Just got the news by letter, on the same day our usual firm sent us their annual mailing of suggestions for getting ready. We have a history (15-20 yrs?) with that firm that is even longer than her employment there (she's done ours for 6 years or so), but the ownership expanded in the meantime, and the old main owner who used to be "ours" is retired, anyway. So our relationship there is pretty much with the receptionist and secretary now that this tax preparer has gone to another firm. So do we stay with the firm we know, which would have all our records, or go with the preparer we know, who would have memory of us and our needs? The same decision has to be made for my late aunt's bequest/preservation property, but I would only advise on that decision.

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Re: First Friday of the Week

Postby Lilac » Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:06 am

It was cold and cloudy all day with the wind howling. I had to force myself to go to the store for the few groceries and the RX.

Later I picked up dgs13. He gets out of school at 2:53 and doesn't have practice until 4:30. I thought he might want to go home but he asked to come to my house. At 4:20 I dropped him off at school. By then it had started snowing. Then I went to their house and left his backpack and a bag of clothes that his dad had dropped off here today. I turned up the furnace because dd2 turns it down when they are going to be at the farm. Her and the girls stopped at the farm to get the dog and whatever else they would need for the week. It wasn't snowing there yet but I told her it was in town. By the time they left it was heavily snowing there, too.

At dd1s school today they had a potluck. She had taken a large crockpot full of a Southwestern chicken soup. You can add corn chips and cheese to your bowl. There was also potato soup, chili and broccoli cheese soups to choose from. So not much of hers got eaten. She called to see if I wanted some. She said she would swing by and get a bowl for it. I sent a second bowl so that would lower the level and she wouldn't have soup sloshed all over car. We went ahead and had it for supper and it was delicious. I sent her a text telling her that her coworkers loss was our gain and thanked her again. After that first phone call today, when she calls I can hear her and she can't hear me. We don't know what is going on, I can talk to other people and they hear me and she could talk to other people and hear them. Very strange......

I talked to dsisil tonight who had the heart cath procedure done yesterday. She said after the surgeon had removed the heart cath, he noticed something and reinserted it. Her veins to her heart are spasm-ing and keeping the blood from flowing to her heart. It just happened to happen as he removed it and he caught it. Anyway he changed her blood pressure med to one with nitroglycerin and once it builds up in her system, it should take care of that. She was released and went home last night. Today her heart rate was up to 168 and she was sitting still. She went to her local dr. because when this happens she struggles to breathe even on oxygen. He prescribed steroids and told her to go to the ER this weekend if she continues to have trouble. She had an appt today with her pulmonary dr. but had to cancel due to the heart cath procedure. It is rescheduled for Feb. 1. I hope he can get to the bottom of this issue for her.

We had planned to either paint our kitchen cabinets or buy new doors and paint the frames around the cabinets, after Christmas. But that isn't happening this winter. I wish dh would do it in the heat of the summer when it is too hot to camp but he thinks it's a winter project. He told me that once he has recuperated from the hernia surgery, he wants to redo the basement bathroom. It won't be a total gut job like the 2 upstairs bathrooms were. The vinyl flooring is in excellent shape and is exactly like what his parents had in their kitchen. So we are sentimental about it and will keep it. He will take out the tub and surround. It will be replaced with a new tub and either a surround or tile walls. The short, round seated toilet will be replaced with a taller, oval shaped toilet. We will replace the top of the vanity. Then we will paint the walls and bathroom door. He wants to replace the trim and it and the door will be white. I think after my dm's recent eye scare, he decided he better get the basement bath redone in case she needs to stay or move in. If that was the case, we would need to put her in our room and move us to the basement guestroom. If she can't live on her own for any reason, she sure doesn't need to be using the stairs. We do have a 2nd bedroom upstairs but that is the R aggedy Ann room. Also, if she is living here, it would be better for her to have the master bath and bedroom for a sense of privacy, for her and us.

Guess I better think about heading to bed.

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