Sunday Smiles

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:43 pm

Dh just arrived in Toronto. Flight time was 5:46. Plus had to be at the airport 2 hours early. One can drive to Toronto airport in 5 hours.

His next flight is delayed 40 minutes so he stands a chance of making it. He has his marching orders from me (identify himself to the gate agent before going to get food in case he's been bumped off the flight.)

Now I just wait for more texts. He seriously doubts he can make it.

I've just started my dinner in the oven. It will be ready in 30 minutes. I'm not hungry because I'm so worried about dh.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:56 pm

It has stopped raining tonite we are to get more. I have readied to soup to cook in a bit. Got the sheets washed and dried and back on the bed in the master bedroom.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:46 pm

We ended up having another one of dh's home made soups. I'm sorry, but I just don't "love" them. Potato, onion, chicken broth and Italian bacon and thyme. We also had nachos, which dh said he didn't enjoy. He usually loves them. He's watching a second football game. The first one ended just as we finished eating.

Tomorrow night is cabbage roll casserole. I just need to take out hamburger meat in the morning. It stopped snowing, but it is still blowing and very cold here.
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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:41 pm

I was decorating a box this morning

kinda odd - black duct tape - but decorating a box is cool no matter what.

Dee, I hope you are breathing easy from now on.

part can't wait to be home to dh and dog.

Awwwww. Be safe.

Lynlee, do you mean you didn't find out until otd time that you didn't have a ride? Yipes.

I managed to do everything I had to do today, wearing lots of hats at church. I was okay with my treasurer's report, but forgot the short statement, "I won't comment on the line items that were as-expected." So a friend tells me I confused her, at least, as she tried to follow. :roll: But I think all my info was clear. One of the deacons spoke very well then, suggesting ending a subscription that's expensive. That was met with appreciation, and by vote time it was cut. Then it was time for the new chair of deacons to speak but he hardly said a word - stage fright maybe - when of course we needed his info for 2019 much more than any other. Double sigh. He shouldn't have been made chair as soon as he came on the board, with every other person very experienced, but that is another story.

Afterward, the elders met and one lady, who is a new wife of one of them, had no one to stay with her as she waited, so I waited with her. She was crocheting a baby blanket, which was fun to talk about. I'm so glad I didn't leave her, as no one else realized she would be in a strange-to-her place, and alone.

And yes I napped. lol. HRH felt well enough to go to the healthy foods store while I was zonked.

This evening the wind is whistling still (the day was bad enough) and it's getting cold fast, fast. Wow, what a quick drop in temp. I went out to put up the chickens and had intended to do more outside, but rushed inside again with the wind at my back.

btw, thank goodness for plastic hair bonnet of my dmother's, which served her well for years and is now my best friend on a church day like today. Without it I would have either had crushed hair or the Phillis Diller windswept look.

Have made HRH a stir-fry and made myself an avocado smoothie with a muffin. That was comforting. Ready for the new week. We have a dr's appt for HRH Wed, with so much to say and ask. Otherwise, maybe this can be a calm January week, with time for neglected projects.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:02 pm

Dee, I hope you are breathing easy from now on.
Not completely, Harriet. It flits in and out of my mind. Copies of the report were to be handed out in church today for perusal over the week in preparation for next week's meeting. That didn't happen as church was cancelled yesterday. So I'll really breathe easy once next Sunday's Annual meeting is over. I need to call our Moderator to see what the plan is for me to be present. It worked well when we used Face Time, but now they're talking 'conference call' and it's hard to take everything in from a large room. Be different if they were sitting around 1 table.

They're still getting very blustery, cold and snowy weather. Thankfully I don't think our fire department up home had calls overnight -or if they did, they didn't come through on dh's phone. Know DS-A was trying to get some crew(s) to spend the night at the fire hall. There's no beds but several recliners in one room.

Hoping Ken-in-Canada can make his connections, Kathryn!
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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:05 pm

Dh made his flight. He got to the gate agent 20 minutes after the flight had 'closed' but they had held his seat for him and he was allowed to board. They didn't actually push back from the gate for at least another 40 minutes which means dh would have had a time to pick up some food but didn't have a chance to. He's at the back of the plane which means he'll be served last. Hopefully there will be food still available for purchase from the "on-board cafe".

He had middle seat but the person assigned the window seat never showed up so that part is lucky for dh. I envision the other guy standing at the gate arguing that he understands the flight is closed but the plane is still there and why can't he get on it? If one's flight is 30 minutes late arriving but your next flight is 30 minutes late leaving, one should still be able to get onto the flight, even if one arrives late to the gate.

Despite all the delays, dh'll likely land only 20 minutes later than he would have had weather not turned this day upside down.

I've eaten my dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. I need to try and do pens before going to bed because currently there are no pens anywhere except in two large boxes in the office, plus in my bullet journal's pocket.

The pen mugs are in the dishwasher.

I read somewhere you should not need a pen mug because pens belong in drawers but I love having pens to grab. On my desk, plus, in my bedroom, I have a mug on my bureau with a couple of pens, a pencil, a Sharpie (for coloring in dings in my shoes or labeling boxes), nail file and shoe horn. There's one in the kitchen with a selection as well, including Sharpies for labeling leftovers before they go into the freezer. It's right next to the phone, and there's a pad of paper there. Sometimes, it is obvious to me that I don't think like people who write organizer books.

Anyway, I'm avoiding that task because I'm bored of it. But it must be done so off I go!

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:53 pm

The pens and pencils are sorted into pen, marker, gel pen, pencil, highlighter piles.

The highlighters have been tested and sorted and put in their final rooms.

The pens have been sorted into style and some tested. About a dozen didn't work, a dozen are being given away and a 4 - 5 dozen will be looked at in the bright light of day when I'm not so tired.

One of the pieces of wisdom I picked up from the KonMari subreddit is to not hang onto something because you spent money on it. I just put a pen in the giveaway pile that I did spend money on because I thought it would bring me joy (it has an inspirational message on it.) Instead, I never use it because I like other styles of pens better. So yes, I wasted my money. But keeping the pen doesn't change that fact so giving it away is the right thing to do.

Off to bed now. I'm exhausted and am only about 1/3 done office supplies. This is a big project.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:56 am

Yes Harriet - you did get the gist of my truncated msg - Its true the text was sent 15min earlier, but I hadn't looked at my ph in that 15min.
Anyway. decided to eat bfst then walk. It takes about 30min to walk, and to catch the bus I need to leave 45 min before church.
Today I had 5 min to be otd to the bus to yoga, and my teacher rang offering me a lift. I needed to leave straight away to get to the corner to wait there. It saves her a few minutes rather than into my street, and back out again.

I got a lift home from church.
Chopped some trees trying to infiltrate, growing beside my driveway. I have enough trouble with the ones I planted (in error)
I cleaned the kitchen window.
Walked the 2k version of my block.

rdg and response.
dishes washed after bfst :mrgreen:
Load of washing onto the line. beware the moth lava on the clothes line. They stain.... :cry:
bought a folder for the Thursday handouts; coloured pens, as I've taken to responding to each different book with a different pen; old style mechanical scales for people without batteries. I know. I have no batteries.
I decided the electronic scales that told me all I needed to know about my composition were more smoke and mirrors than science, especially when they refused to acknowledge fresh batteries. And also, when my bones were heavier when I was accidently cast as a male, I thought - its all just a formula.
I passed on the chocolate.
Lunch. I bought a meal - chicken and mango salad. I rarely eat out, and take away is a thing of the past.
support group. New person has ne of my dx , though all have a unique experience with the dx.
Looked in discount store for a thermometer - not there.
bus home
washing in. spot washed stain again, with limited success.

Next - make a list for the remainder of the day.

Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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