Thankful Thursday

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Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:11 am

What are you thankful for today?

People mock the KonMari system for the specific folding, emptying your purse each time you come home, and other odd-ball parts outlined in the system.

But most of all it is mocked for thanking the items you are decluttering.

Yet both that and the sparks joy concept encourage you to focus on thankfulness and gratitude.

What in your life makes you happy and will be part of the life you envision going forward? When sorting and you come across something that makes you feel joy, of course you are going to feel gratitude. Yet even things we are letting go deserve our gratitude, if only for teaching us "Thank you shirt for teaching me this colour doesn't make me feel good" or, as I said two days ago, "thank you printing supplies for letting me believe I could be the sort of person who sent out custom printed invitations."

As you go through your day, look for moments of thankfulness. If you are doing the Declutter 365 challenge and going through your freezer, be thankful for the food that is there, the meals it can become, and the nourishment it will provide. Or, if there are things to be tossed, give thanks for the money you had to buy them, the original meals that sparked the leftovers, the people in the food production chain who worked to bring you such abundance.

Many in our village have been facing challenges lately.

Gratitude is the foundation of happiness. Gratitude is the path out of despair. Gratitude is a medicine for healing.

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:23 am

I'm thankful dh is asleep in his bed at the moment. He got in at 3:00 a.m.

I'm thankful ds worked an overnight so he has to sleep today before driving out to get his keys. The driving is terrible at the moment.

I'm thankful that I have a full day today (originally I thought this was moving day.) I have a number of deadline items to get accomplished.

I'm thankful for my understanding of the KonMari system and how the TV series resparked that interest. I'm also thankful for the timing:

- falling between panicked prep for the baby's early arrival and her actual delivery date, a time when I had nothing I absolutely had to do
- falling when dh could help me with the kitchen
- falling when my brain had recovered to the point I could take on a new project and still handle the other things happening (new baby, AGMs, preaching prep., bookkeeping.)

The stars certainly aligned for me in this case and I'm discovering the joy of tidying up, in that the bits I've already done are helping me maintain that progress when things get busy (like yesterday.)

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:01 am

The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Eat cake.

I saw this a couple minutes ago and it made me smile. I am thankful that I have no need to eat cake.

DD called in tears this morning. Her car won't start. I went and picked DD up and she got DGD7 ready for school then took her in my vehicle. I reminded DD that these are frustrating but usually simple challenges to solve. DH is going to look at DD jeep now.

Next up = Homeschool
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:48 am

I'm now s2s for the day (and had breakfast.)

I had put my outfit for today in the spare room so I wouldn't disturb dh sleeping in but he got up when he heard me in the bathroom. At least I gave him until 9 before I started to make noise in the bedroom wing.

First up, church annual report contribution. My deadline for that is tomorrow.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:53 am

Assuming Ken got home, Kathryn? See that is now a 'mute' point. Glad he got home okay.

I'm sitting here at the computer, not because I want to, but so I can see when the replacement newspaper is delivered. Dh's was very wet this morning. Sitting here because I can see the driveway from this window and I'm not bustling around doing things -which is what I really planned to do this morning. (Yes, we're getting all that rain too, Harmony).

Need to get started on our taxes I guess. Our investment papers came through on the computer Tuesday night. Yesterday dh got his W-2 from the campground, along with the figures for his disability. Have our Social Security forms. Know I have to be forgetting something. I'll figure it out later. Would be nice to get it sent off, albeit who knows when we'll see the return? One item that is always late, late, late is our 1099 for dh's annuity. It should be going to DS-R's this year and I told him just to hang onto it. The amount is the same year after year. So, I know what to put on the tax form. Have no idea what effect the newer tax laws will have on our return. Dh asked me the other day how much would be getting back -have absolutely no idea.

Oh, I wish this guy would deliver the paper so I can be about other things!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:56 am

hope your dd's truck starts. praying she breaths in... knowing that it's okay d lady.
wishing you d lady a good day
wishing d kathryn and d dee a good day as well.

today is errand day. I hadn't planned on going to the grocery store again but we have below 0 weather next week so I want to make sure we have some things we normally use.

wishing you the best!!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:16 am


Garbage and recycling are out. Thankful for getting them picked up almost every week. We have a new company that has the contract. They missed a few houses last week. There are constant notices on FB stating that if your stuff didn't get picked up on your regular day, bring it in and put it out the next day. I hope they get better. The last company lost the contract because they had so many complaints against them.

Supper is in the crockpot. Thankful for a full freezer and a well stocked pantry and having a crock pot. Tonight we are having chicken cacciatore. I don't put mushrooms or wine in mine. I also made custard this morning. Dh has been asking for it so much lately. Last night he said he prefers his to be cold. I am going to put it in the fridge in the garage so it's a total surprise to him after supper.

Floors don't really need to be vacuumed, but they do need to be spot mopped. Thankful for vacuums and mops.

Roads are bad this morning according to the news. I saw a school bus go by earlier, but I didn't see any kids in it.

I don't think I am going to the craft guild. Dh called to tell me that the drive through at Tim Hortons was too icy, so he had to go inside. That was before 7 a.m. He wanted me to know that it was bad out there and not to go out if I didn't have to. Thankful for a loving and thoughtful husband.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:32 am

LadyM, "people who need people are the luckiest people in the world". Dd is slowed, her attention turned, and she's a little more dependent than she intended today. Dh is surprised to find his life experience and skill is needed more than he thought today. Some interdependence is good for everybody. (of course, it's especially appreciated "someday", as in, "someday we'll laugh about this") Hugs

Think cozy thoughts and make warm plans, blessed, Cathy and Kathryn.

I'm thankful for a calmer day, since yesterday was pretty frustrating. HRH couldn't sleep last night - probably a result of med changes. This dark, rainy day will be perfect for a nap for him, and maybe he can get back on a better schedule.

Any cooking and cleaning I can manage to do today will be a help, and I will just try to go along with my focus schedule and declutter card. I haven't planned the day well and I know better. But I'm going to remember the quote lucylee gave us the other night and forgive myself.

Remember my foot and hand photo modeling? Well, I was evidently faaabulous. 8-) The 4-in-1 sketch project (also sketching what the muscles and bones would look like) was judged, and dd got the highest scores from every judge, the highest overall score in her class. No doubt it was the spider veins and wrinkles that made her sketch of a more mature foot so interesting! ;)

Thankful I can be the agreeable helper my family needs, whether it means I look silly or not.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:28 pm

Congratulations on being such an exceptional model, Harriet! Dd is lucky to have such clever and supportive parents!

I'm working on the financial report. It is coming together nicely except I'm a wreck because I'm working with numbers. This is not complicated and I have an exception spreadsheet that covers everything and has a checksum (so I can tell when I make a mistake.) It was complete to November first so only needed 4 items added, plus I set up the 2019 spreadsheet. I printed off the missing bank statements (after 16 months you can no longer access them from the bank so this is an example of having to not rely on institutions to keep paperwork for you.) I missed one from Sept 19 (height of concussion) and then hadn't printed Nov 19 and Dec. 19. I did the latter twice by accident but realized that is helpful since it spans the year end. I'll include one with the papers I give to the church for 2018 and still have one on file for 2019 paperwork.

Anyway, I'm finding I have to get up and walk away and then come back to this. I've also paid the support for February and printed off more membership forms for the residents' association. So stuff on my to-do list is getting done, just not one item at a time.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:14 pm

I have mixed up some cream cheese with ranch seasoning.
I have done 30 on the stat bike.
Grateful the sun has made an appearance.
Dug around a bush , pruned some on the vine that is coming out also got 30 more min. Of exercise.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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