Sunday PWYC

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Re: Sunday PWYC

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:05 pm

My Sunday
Lift to church
Volunteered to help in serving tea after the service so a friend could go home.
Got a lift home with another volunteer.

Mostly, has a slow rest day.
In the afternoon I took a slow walk twice around my yard, just looking.
I counted that as 'go outside and do something.

The heat here is still on. I'm thankful its not continuing over 45C as some parts,
Nor floods in the far north with the 3rd low system following the 2 others that each double crossed the cape in recent times. (Hoping the rain gets this far south. It is so needed.
Nor Tasmania that got done to a crisp with desert heat, and now has fires.
Nor the snow and ice of many parts of North America.

And the monsoon is finally a feature in the north
We so need the rain to come south this far, eventually.
Forecast says not to hold our breath for that. OK not in those words.

Sleep was slow coming so after a half hour I read, until 3. :roll:
Woke after 8.
Somehow, it was an hour later I was up and moving. Its a public holiday today, so usual activities are 'off'.
Reading and response took 80 min, but that is good. It gives me a sense of direction, and highlights my need to 'step away from' a time sucking site, which will remain nameless.

Breakfast happened late, while reading your news.

Bulldozer? Ambulance? Really? !!!!

I have my scratch paper here to begin listing some tadas and todos.

Sending prayers to all in need.

Those grieving.
Needing healing.
Needing spouses or grown children to 'see the light' of reality.
For relationships.
Those challenged in any way.
For babies and children, and their parents growing together, doing the best they can.
For house moving: happened, planned, or being considered.
For paper taming,both mine and others, that all is worked out in the end.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Sunday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:12 pm

Feel better, Dee and family!

Lynlee, when you say "serve tea", I envision a church fellowship hall in hot summertime. Big plastic cold pitchers (or jugs, for that matter) of the sweet-tea (one or two unsweetened, maybe some "half and half" sweet/unsweet) and also a big plastic pitcher of lemonade, for children and other people who enjoy it. Table can be pressed to a wall on one side - it won't require tending. A big cooler full of ice on the floor beside, with a 16-ounce brightly colored plastic cup in it. Lots more plastic cups for everyone to serve themselves. A haphazard line of folks filing by, talking non-stop, moving on. Is that the picture in any way, or are you formally pouring tea in a more genteel manner I don't know?

Dd and friends got minor food poisoning yesterday evening at the local Taco Bell. She was pretty miserable as calls started coming in from friends also sick. She was up until at least 1:00 with this (according to HRH, who stayed up with her), is better now, but obviously her Sunday was skewed. I was asked about her at church and I explained. Friend said, " I hope this is all out of her system now." I replied, "Oh, I think everything went out of her system." :|

So with dd down and out, and HRH similarly zonked, there was very little activity in the house this early morning. My Sunday morning prep and routine went beautifully according to plan. No fuss, no frantic moments. That was seriously nice. I've always known it was possible in theory. :idea: Church was relatively calm, but of course very social.

I got home and pretty soon was asleep on the couch. No one was surprised. It's become my signature move - if I see lots of people, I fall asleep. I feel like one of those fainting goats :? , only my reaction is not immediate. The way I figure it, my brain has found a way to recuperate and likes it. Maybe it is protective.

Visited with dstepson and dstepdil and my granddog. Precious bitsy granddog must now take "these giant horse-pills" as dstepdil calls them, and is quite disgusted about it. Dstepdil has a video she's watched about doing this well. I reassured her that at least she can know dogs have a proportionally much larger esophagus than humans and are capable of gulping food right down, no chewing. So it's probably not as potentially scary as she thinks. Still, she has learned the Heimlich for dogs. HRH says there could be no better caregivers than those two. True.

Tomorrow is another day of HRH's monthly treatment. When we finish it, we will be halfway through the full course. Something to put up with - this too will pass. We'll leave at 6-something again, and have no idea when we'll get home. Last time 9 p.m., but I firmly believe that many delays should never happen again - that was ridiculous.

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Re: Sunday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:31 am

Oh, hoping you have a better day tomorrow, Harriet! You are right, surely you will not run into crazy delays again! A day that lasts from 6:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. should surely not happen often!

Serving tea at my church would be much like Harriet described... unless it were a bridal tea/shower where things would be much more formal, dipping sherbet punch, not actually tea, from a glass punch bowl to little dainty glass cups.

(((HUGS))) for all who are feeling poorly... Harriet's dd & friends, Dee & family,

Sending prayers to all in need.
Those grieving.
Needing healing.
Needing spouses or grown children to 'see the light' of reality.
For relationships.
Those challenged in any way.
For babies and children, and their parents growing together, doing the best they can.
For house moving: happened, planned, or being considered.
For paper taming,both mine and others, that all is worked out in the end.

Yes... such wise words, Lynlee... yes...

I haven't been posting much because I haven't been doing much. I intend to get back on track tomorrow! After all, tomorrow is another day! :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:33 am

Skippable /
I was frustrated .... deleting this ....part pm routine after my show I was cross bc I had forgotten to cook up the eggs. I have now boiled eggs and they are cooling now. I got a load of laundry done after dinner. .. I think we are going to have this discussion again, about an earlier bed time for Sun. Nite. Ya think lol! Note to self put that in my planner.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sunday PWYC

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:25 am

It was interesting reading your fellowship hall scenarios Harriet.

No fellowship hall for starters. I think sweet iced tea is an American invention, so none of that either.

About 20 years ago our church had a make over. Way prior to that the old parish priest residence became a parish center, with offices and meeting rooms. During the church reno it's main entry move to the center of the side closest to the parish center. That outdoor area became a gathering area, a breeze way, with tall timber slatted gates at either side, high roof covering atm, large font, tables and chairs. The parish center gained a kitchen, with large hinged windows opening to a servery.
After service fellowship refreshments is rostered between those attending each service.
Food is brought by those rostered - cakes/bun/ dry biscuits/cookies etc. Damper for Australia day w/e.
Large pots are made of tea and hot water ready for coffee - instant.
Servers pour the tea/ hot water, and put the coffee in the plastic mugs, as required.
Milk and sugar is provided. People help themselves to those, and the food.
There is a jug of water, chilled, or not, and plastic glasses.
The pebblecrete underfoot is unforgiving for glass and china.
Volunteers take care of the setting out, pouring from the hot pots, and the cleanup. And dealing with the left overs, if its the last service of the weekend.

Inside the church the raised alter area moved to the opposite side from the entry. Seating is around 3 sides of the alter with an extension bringing extra seating and central aisle from entry towards the alter area. Seating is facing the alter in an arc of 5 different lines. You do get a fair view of other attendees.

During the 'make over' we used the parish school hall for services. The school has taken that back for its own purposes, putting its offices in there. (The hall used to be the downstairs level below classrooms.)
The historic old nunnery has been handed back to the parish, for its own use. I'm not sure that all worked out, with renovations needed there to change it again from classrooms and school offices.
The parish primary school has its own new hall built.

I know. Clear as mud.

I went to the movies this afternoon. Green Book. Its based on a true story, I recommend it.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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