Weird or Wonderful Wednesday Thoughts

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Re: Weird or Wonderful Wednesday Thoughts

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:27 pm

I have finally gotten around to some of my daily stuff. Main bathroom looks better.
I rinsed the dishes. Made hubby's sandwich for his lunch so I could clean up a bit on there.
Laundry is in the dryer.
Got to a stopping point on the crocheting project.
Rinsed the dishes put them in the dishwasher.
Then cleaned the sinks and treated the drains with a boiling water rinse!
Got both of the bathrooms spiffed today.
It is supposed to be 6* warmer tomorrow.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:15 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Weird or Wonderful Wednesday Thoughts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:00 pm

The dessert party went really well. We had 29 which is excellent turnout for us. Lots of food.

The group home is made up of 4 apartments and the girls were to have swimming tonight but they chose to come to our party instead and share their remembrances. They also baked an apple crisp for the potluck. Only one of the guys came down. The rest are still too sad. But R came and gave hugs for anyone who voice was cracking and spoke about his friend.

All in all it was a wonderful evening. John would have loved it.

I've cleaned up the things I took over and had washed up the dinner dishes before I went out so I've just taken an hour on reddit checking out a new thread I started today. The events around the failure of the crypto currency exchange has turned weird on the dedicated subreddits (think Boston Marathon Bomber weird) so I gathered the media coverage up into a tidy summary for people on the personal finance thread. There are many of us there who have lost a few $$$ to $$$$. The big losers were not the sort of people to post on the personal finance thread since the general feeling there is that crypto is gambling and it will all fail at some point. Anyway, this is raising my reddit karma as my post gets upvoted.

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Re: Weird or Wonderful Wednesday Thoughts

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:07 am

Dee, I'm so happy for Mr. DeeClutter that his experience can help younger people.

((Twins')) feel better!

I had weird but wonderful thoughts today when I sought out the easiest copy of my Corn Chowder recipe to photocopy, so I could magnet it to the fridge while I worked and get all the herbs right. :) I decided to copy from a spiral-bound cookbook page that would lie flat in the copier, and noticed the (church) cookbook was published 28 years ago! Goodness. And I still love the recipe after probably more than 30 years. That's a good track record for a favorite. Comforting and healthy. I remember that at that time I had invested in a vitamix and was saving up for a juicer, looking up veggie-juice recipes that would be good for the children as soon as I had the money, lol. I also put two carrot recipes in the book and another on how to make your own almond milk at home since ready-made was only available in big-city groceries then.

I made a good sized batch of chowder today and we still have a quart in the fridge and 2 servings in a freezer container for some other time.

Fielded a phone call today from the head of women's ministries at our church who was at the study yesterday and was concerned about the change in format, and so much discussion that had little to do with the study. She had noticed some hurt feelings (yipes) while we got off onto a trail of opinion. I told her I had already decided I wouldn't recommend the new format further and was planning ways to stay on track from now on, and get back to congenial time together.

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Re: Weird or Wonderful Wednesday Thoughts

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:31 am

Well, y'all know... MOST of my thoughts are weird... BUT... for the WONDERFUL part --
I have a HUGE TA-DA!!!

I have finally taken some of your advice (Harriet, specifically, I believe) suggesting I cull journals and compile the parts I thought would be worth saving for ds. I can't just tear out pages, b/c I write back and front and may have 3 days on one side of a page, depending on how "wordy" I was a the time. (Writing helps me think, as y'all may have noticed.) :oops:
SOOOO... I began that sort of half-heartedly a while back, but TODAY, I have typed up neatly the gratitude and meaningful Bible verses from TWO YEARS... and hand-shredded and tossed those two years into the garbage. I have already hole-punched and will put them into a binder or folder, also.

I think seeing the many, many, times that my "gratitude/blessing/thankful for" list includes him, ddil, and the dgrands will certainly "spark joy" for them... and I hope the Bible passages that were meaningful to me at various times will likewise be encouraging to them. I am also sharing some of the "journal" type entries to give some context to what was going on at the time, but definitely not leaving them with notebook after notebook filled with my repeated attempts at weight loss, etc. Over and over and over and over... "Day One: Weight: ____ etc etc etc"
Ha! I can agree with Harmony! My WOE is WOE is me...

I do not write EVERY day, so doing a year at time is manageable. Of course, this is two years out of 40??? But it's a start.

I haven't done much otherwise today (but the culling/typing didn't take much more than an hour.) Dh was so late getting home last night that he and I both slept a lot today... then ds and I took the dgrands to church and went to Bible study ourselves -- ddil wasn't feeling too great and needed to study, I think. Dgrands were the ONLY children there -- I guess everyone else is staying in and avoiding the flu.
I also talked to dh's doctor's office today in prep for tomorrow's appt, and talked to our tax man -- we're taking our stuff to him tomorrow also.
Tried to call dmom; apparently she has left her phone off the hook??? Grrrr....
Cooked supper but have NOT cleaned the kitchen yet. That is a Must Do before bed.
Played Headache and Battleship w/dgs...

Hope you feel better soon, Twins!

Elizabeth, I need a new peephole in our front door. Ours is really too high for dh or myself, I think. I don't know what I was thinking when I told the man where to put it -- and I do remember telling him... and him QUESTIONING me re: whether or not that was too high. * sheesh *

So glad Mr. Sunny wasn't hurt in the fall!

Sounds like a nice party, Kathryn. I must admit, when I hear someone talk about bitcoin, I am as lost as if it were currency on another planet.

Glad to see you and the lady at your church were of the same mind, Harriet. Sorry some had hurt feelings, but I know you will have everyone back in good thinking at the next meeting.

I must see what Mr. Dee is up to...

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Weird or Wonderful Wednesday Thoughts

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:36 am

Oh wow -- Dee! That sounds very exciting -- I just looked * very briefly * at the Corona Project. Was Mr. Dee working for the government, or was he independently working for Kodak? I saw those initials that start with a C and end with an A and I was instantly fascinated. We have a family friend who passed away * suddenly * in 2001 that we suspect worked for that initial agency... so I am always intrigued with anything that leads to that topic.
Tomorrow is another day.

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