Health and Fitness, February, 2019

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:55 pm

I was doing so good for over a week and then.......


I fell off the wagon. DH brought freshly baked bread and potato chips into the house late last night. My resistant level wasn't up to the challenge. I ate some bread and chips.

Okay. Putting that into perspective. This doesn't make me a bad person. It was not something that I planned or wanted to do. It did raise my blood sugar back into the pre-diabetic level. It did knock me out of ketosis. But it isn't the end of the world. Thankfully I am healthy enough to easily recover. I will have to start again.

My H&F plan for today is more of the same. I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater because I messed up......
** Continue with previously establish healthy habits (hydration, vitamins, checking Blood sugar, etc)
** IF 16:8. That means fast for 16 hours and eat in an 8-hour window. My eating window today is 9am to 5pm
** Keto WOE. Today's menu is a green salad, creamed spinach, sauteed cabbage
** Go to YMCA for a couple hours of exercise.
** Log food into MFP.
I am going to focus on learning more about fasting by watching these videos today. In particular about Autophagy (Nobel Prize in 2016)
Autophagy and Fasting: The Mystery Explained
What Is Autophagy and Why Did It Win the Nobel Prize?
AUTOPHAGY FASTING - How Long Should You Fast to Maximize Your Health Benefits?
Which Type of Fast is Best for Perimenopausal & Menopausal Women
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:40 pm

I have done 30 min. On the exercise bike.

I have done 30 on the stat bike today. (Fri.)
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:14 pm

I made DH a new patient appointment with the local doctor. Our family doctor who has treated 4 generations is doing less practice and more teaching at medical school. He is at retirement age so we can see "the writing on the wall" and know we need to find a new family doctor. DH and I both like this new doctor. Over a dozen members of both of our family have switched to him. ANYway, DH had his first appointment this afternoon with the new doc. DH and I have spent some time discussing the doctor's recommendations from this visit. He has set up several tests over the next month. He is putting DH into diabetic shoes and starting him on a weight reduction medication (1 shot weekly). Eeek! I'm concerned about that. I have been busy researching it since DH told me about it. DH is all for it so I guess we will see how it goes.

DH has been mostly ignoring my new WOE and doing his normal thing. Now he is interested in learning more about what I've learned doing this WOE. Double EEEK! This is like the blind leading the blind. The biggest thing that I have discovered with this WOE is that my blood sugar has dropped into a normal level and has been stable. Also, my hunger level has greatly reduced. But I am not ready to give recommendation or advice about this WOE to DH (or anyone else).
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Lynlee » Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:43 pm

wtg LadyM and DH. Good going getting your bs in better range.
You can both get this under control.
Maybe - print out one of those charts of what to eat (I looked up online to find out what keto was) and let him be the one making his own decisions.
The children will still need bread and stuff in the house, So good luck with getting it 'better' as you both look after your own eating choices.

I thought the keto thing was similar to a diet I was shown for fibromyalgia I was given perhaps 2 decades ago.
The FM one was a no for tea, coffee and chocolate as well.
Personally - I've kept 1/4 cup of rice, or seedy bread as ok.

Doing the 'other' eating can make you feel so ill its a relief to go back what is helpful.
(ummmmm. Is current headache related to giving in and getting nut bars to eat? There is something for me to test out.)

I'm trying to get some walking in each day, Mowing counts in that checkbox.

Well done Nancy. Your posting reminds me to keep on keeping on each day with some action for exercise and the yard.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:19 pm

It is a huge challenge to keep cooking & serving "normal" food while I am not eating that way. Most of the time I'm okay with it but it makes it harder than it should be if I could just stay away from that food.

Today I fixed waffles for Dkids breakfast (I didn't eat anything). For lunch, I bought DKids hamburgers on freshly baked bread and french fries. Meanwhile, I watched them eat that while eating a hamburger patty surrounded by a lettuce leaf. For dinner, I fixed the DKids Ham & cheese sandwich with chips. I had a green salad with avocado. Today I didn't do good on feeding the kids healthy food. I usually cook from scratch and they have more vegetables and fruit.

After doing research on the new med DH was prescribed this conversation happened.
Me: Did you tell the new doctor that you had pancreatitis a few years ago?
DH: No, I forgot to tell him that.
Me: The #1 precaution on this new med is for people who have had pancreatitis.
DH: Really? Okay. I won't take this med until I talk with the doctor.

Sometimes I get frustrated because I am a bit OCD in researching things. This is one time when I'm glad I have that tendency. I'm pretty sure DH won't be taking this med and it has already been filled and bought. We have really great insurance so a month of the meds "only" cost us $24. Insurance paid $825. I'm pretty sure this is wasted money once DH tells the new doc about his pancreatitis experience.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Harmony » Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:58 pm

LadyM, I wish you luck on your new diet.

I did watch That Sugar Film and found it very entertaining along with very smart. I'm wondering if I can get DH to watch it. Doesn't everybody think it's easier to do any type of dieting if you're making all the food / cooking / shopping choices? DH goes to the store almost every day. He brings home all sorts of stuff I shouldn't eat and wouldn't buy... and that make me want to eat too much. I have ways of hiding that, but that just makes the problem 10X worse.

Both he and I are pre-diabetic. Our numbers are of the ah-oh range now. You'd think that would motivate us both to do something about it. What I do is worry a lot. That doesn't help. What would motivation look like for me? I don't know.

Figuring it all out is the problem. Only way diets seem to work for me is with a whole lot of record keeping. I've made peace with all the everyday paperwork I have to do around here but adding another layer to it is just hard. When I get started I do ok for a bit, but once I fall off the wagon, am rarely able to get back on. Like a seesaw up and down.

I tend to blame this on the level of work around here. If I only had my health to keep track of, I could make it a priority. I see others who manage hugely busy lives and responsibilities while able to take their health in hand. I wonder how they do it.

Lots to think about.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:12 am

LadyM, I am trying to follow the "Always Hungry" WOE, not keto but "slow" carbs. Slow carbs = beans and fruit are allowed. There's a Facebook group but they recommend that people buy the book (of course!) You can eventually reintroduce carbs if you want and determine how you feel when you eat them. It's a very sustainable WOE that can become a way of life, not a diet. Not that I'm anywhere close to following it. The author of the book is Dr David Ludwig - has been quoted in several online articles lately.

I am continuing with my 8K steps daily and have made up the deficit from the day I felt terrible and only did 5K. Not losing much weight but that's okay.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:10 pm

Twins - Thanks for the info about "Always Hungry" WOE. I read some of that book and like several aspects of the WOE. I think it would be good for me to transition into once I am finished doing Keto.

Not denying it was TOUGH at first, but now I am enjoying the time away from carbs and only getting them from green vegetables. I don't intend to do this long term and will add in more healthy carbs in the future, but I'm not interested in doing it now. Once I got past that first week of doing minimum carbs my energy level has zoomed up. Almost scary so. I find myself thinking I need to sit down and take a break because I haven't stopped for hours. But I immediately find myself arguing with myself because I don't want to sit down and take a break. I'm not tired and my energy level doesn't tank like it used to. I mostly stay energized and ready to tackle something else all through the day.

I am enjoying the challenge of learning how to do Intermittent Fasting. I'm not very good at it but I'm okay with that. They say to not do IF until you've transitioned from carbs because of the hunger level that carbs cause. Now that my body has switched to burning fat I think I can proceed with experimenting with IF. I am using a blood sugar monitor to observe what my BS is doing as I fast longer periods each day. I have always been leary and almost scared of fasting, but once I got past that mental block I am discovering it isn't scary. The health benefits are very real.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:15 am

Snow removal was my exercise today. & Mon.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:59 pm

Just writing this down to document it. My energy level is so HIGH that it is weird. I have been up and going for over 6 hours and I find myself needing to sit down an do some update on the computer. However, I don't want to sit down so I took laptop to a higher place so I can stand and use it. I have so much energy that the thought of sitting down is uncomfortable. The way I feel reminds me of the kids and how they love to move instead of sitting still. I am fascinated that I have that energy just by reducing my carbs and processed food. Will it last? Time will tell.

Fyi.....I am not taking anything new (no drugs) or drinking anything different. This energy is not coming from that type of thing. I do drink coffee and tea but those are things I have done for decades. The only change I have done is to start eating Keto (high fat, medium protein, low carb). I have dabbled in IFasting but I'm not there yet. I am waiting until I am hungry to eat and watching my BSugar to make sure it stays in a stable range. Once I start eating then I try to do all my eating for the day within a short time. Today I'm shooting for an eating window of Noon to 8pm. If I wait until noon tomorrow to eat again that would give my body 16 hours of rest from processing food. As long as my blood sugar stays stable I'm enjoying this challenge. So far I have not experienced even one blood sugar low which I find somewhat astonishing. I thought if I went without eating that my blood sugar would drop. In the past when I ate carbs it did, but with Keto WOE my blood sugar is staying stable. This is a bit weird to me but also wonderful. Will it last? Time will tell.
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