Finding your mind Friday

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Re: Finding your mind Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:08 pm

((LadyM)) I bet it hurt, though! I hope it was a flat or at least rounded part your head hit. If you have more aches and pains elsewhere tomorrow, because of landing on concrete, PLEASE take it easy. I don't like to hear about your feet flying - yipes.

HRH felt well today and went on 3 errands. He did not fire the specialist. He did tell him that he doesn't believe he has paid attention to the info HRH is supposed to keep track of and bring to him each time, and that HRH feels he gets no direction from him. So maybe they came to an understanding.

After that appt he went in a different direction to the kidney office for his regular blood work. Then he felt well enough to stop off at grocery before coming home, so all in all, he had a good day, almost a busy one, and helped out around here.

There are still a lot of gaps in our list, because the grocery store that was on the way doesn't carry everything. Dd also went to a grocery on her way home, but she concentrated completely on ddil's household's needs. We are not "hitting on all cylinders", but we are making people the priority and caring for each other, so it's okay!

Interested in the kitchen corners discussion. Folding or hinged doors that are designed for the "reach" directly into a corner sound great. Here, both upper and lower cabinet space simply extends beside/beyond the side walls of the adjoining cabinetry, which creates dead-end areas. Each are accessed by a door that is beside the space, but not opening directly onto it. That part of the cabinetry is original to the initial build of the house. Not what would be designed now.

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Re: Finding your mind Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:59 pm

I've finally finished the craft supplies.

I moved most of them into a plastic drawer unit in the office. It is on wheels so I could move it to the kitchen if working with grandchildren.

The bubble mixture stuff and chalkboard paint remained in the kitchen cupboard.

I got rid of the 3rd Scrabble set's board and kept the pieces to play the Alphabet Game with dgs.

I have an almost empty drawer in my desk in the office and still 2 empty drawers in a little chest of drawers in the kitchen. Plus there's still room for more things in the kitchen cupboard once I get better boxes.

That task took almost all day.

I have a sympathy headache with LadyM. I hope you truly are just sore from a fall and not concussed. Stay as quiet as you can, just in case. No screens, dim light and a good sleep.

Off to bed now.

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Re: Finding your mind Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:00 pm

OH -- LadyM -- Ouch! (((HUGS))) --- do take care of yourself!

Kathryn, thank you for pointing out the value of what I am doing. It is not just vanity in writing MY life story for generations to come -- I am looking at it as preserving so much of DS's life story. And, as you said, Harriet, it is a way of remembering my dad, and others who were important in our lives and who are no longer with us.
Now.... when I get into those folders with the sad Rod McKuen-style poetry of the 14-yr-old suffering from unrequited love... or the 16-yr-old in a somewhat "forbidden" romance... yeah... I gotta get rid of some stuff around here.

I have one cabinet in my kitchen like Harmony described, with the L-shaped door and the lazy Susan. I like it -- but I don't really use it for much except popcorn oil, Crisco, etc.

How do I find my mind? Well, obviously, by coming here! :D You ladies ALWAYS help me find a better perspective and calming me down.
Talking with ds and dh always helps, as well, and a long nap is usually a good solution, too.
Bible reading and prayer, yes, LadyM. I should certainly use that as my FIRST step more often.

I have three shows I want to watch at 9:00 pm -- Dateline, 20/20, and Blue Bloods. If I tape two, I have to watch one in ds's room, LOL. So I'm treating myself and indulging tonight. BBL...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Finding your mind Friday

Postby RunKitty » Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:37 am

Our kitchen has no upper cabinets and just three under the counters. The rest of the space under the counters is filled with small, medium, large, and extra-large drawers. Everything in the drawers is easy to see and easily within reach. If we ever have to move and don't build the new house again ourselves, I would have a hard time getting used to a traditional kitchen with "normal" cabinets.

After such a nice mild winter, we now have about eight inches of snow. It is not fun trying to run on snow and ice, but I am managing......with lots of slipping and sliding. Hopefully, the snow, ice, and cold temperatures will be gone soon.

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Re: Finding your mind Friday

Postby Lilac » Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:58 am

(((LadyM))) that is so scary. I hope you continue to feel better.

Dm told me that one of her sisters had taken a fall today. Someone who doesn't attend their church, called and asked that food be delivered to them from the church food bank. The one who received the call asked the other sister to go with her, since they don't know these people. Daunt fell on ice in her own driveway. She fell flat on her back and managed to keep from hitting her head but hurt three fingers while opening the door and falling. So they decided to call the people and tell them that they wouldn't be delivering anything today. They know that the front entry to the church would be icy and decided not to chance it. These aunts are 70 and 74. Their area received rain, lightening, thunder, sleet, hail and then snow. School was cancelled there for 3 days, which is probably a first.

Tuesday we woke up to fog. The temp was below freezing and soon it was freezing fog and frost started covering the trees, roofs, grass, etc. It really looked like a white wonderland and was pretty but made for some major black ice. Many car accidents reported. When it frosts like that it is called Hoar frost. We have had this happen over the years but no one remembers it lasting into the morning of the 3rd day. Wednesday night they decided to call our school off for Thursday because of wind and low temps along with the icy streets. Dd2 was disappointed that her country school 30 miles from here just settled for a 2 hour delay. By late morning the sun came out and the wind was blowing the frozen frost everywhere.

Yesterday I finally decided to tackle getting the income stuff ready, so we could file our taxes. We use T urbo T ax and decided to file today. We have never received this much of a refund, so were happy with that. When it was time to pay, it asked if you wanted to pay T urbo T ax from your refund instead of a credit card. Dh thought that sounded like the thing to do. But they charged us $39.99 for them to do that plus the charges for filing the federal and state taxes. No where did it say there was a charge and once you agreed, we could not get back out of it to change to a credit card. That really left a nasty taste in my mouth, but I guarantee them, we won't be doing that again.

Dgs14 had a ballgame tonight and I went with dd2. Dh is still coughing, so he stayed home. Dgs14 has one more home game, Dgs13 has 2 plus the division tournament is here. Basketball season has flew by.

Tomorrow the 2 girls have games. This time there is a game between each of their 2 games. So instead of it being a total of 90 minutes for 2 games, with the 45 minute game between, that's 2 hours and 15 minutes and not much time to even leave between the games. So we start at 10 and probably won't be done until 1:15 at the earliest. Dgd7s games are at the small town 6 miles from here. If dsil can't help, then I will be taking her or staying in town with the other one.

So I guess on that note, I better head to bed, so I can be ready for whatever, I need to do. I don't mind helping at all. But I marvel at how well LadyM handles the 2 kids, plus homeschooling, etc. LadyM, you and your dh are definitely a special blessing to those 2 children and I know there are many people here and IRL that see this, also.

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