Satisfying Saturday

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Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:58 am

Satisfying definition = producing pleasure or contentment by providing what is needed or wanted: enjoyable, gratifying.

What will you be doing today that is satisfying?
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:14 am

My plans for today are all about ME ME ME. This is an unusual day that I'm doing 3 things that revolve around me and the things that excite me. Thankfully DH has told me "Go enjoy yourself! I've got the kids". That guy deserves a medal.

This morning I'm attending a 3-hour gardening class. I get excited just thinking of spring and getting my hands into the dirt. The guy who is teaching this class is local and has years of success. I have watched his vegetable garden for decades because it is amazing. I know what he will be teaching is the truth learned through years of hands-on experience. Oh ....and a bonus is he gardens organically.

Then I'm going to the Y and spend time with no time constraint. I can stay there for hours if I want. Usually I am watching the clock because I have to limit my time there, but not today!

This afternoon/evening I'm going to team teach a Dave Ramsey class. This is something that I am passionate about. We followed DR program a couple of decades ago to learn how to get out of debt (and stay out of debt). It totally changed our lives. I want to share that knowledge with others.

I am sooooooo thankful to wake up this morning with no problems from hitting the concrete so hard yesterday. I'm not even sore. I can touch my head where it was swollen yesterday and it doesn't hurt. I AM SOOO THANKFUL!
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:28 am

I'm thankful too, LadyM, that you're feeling okay!

Dh and dd have gone to the farm market downtown to walk the puppy in training (to be a therapy dog) around people. I hadn't planned to go with them and am glad of that as I awoke with a pretty good migraine. WAIT! Can that be "good"? Trying to stay as still as I can till the migraine meds kick in. Need to eat breakfast but dsonil is still sleeping in the living room! May have to just go ahead and do it though.

Lilac, I found the same thing - T urbo charging the $39.99 to take it from our refund. Then I remembered we encountered that last year but, I was able to go back and use my CC. So, I've made a note in my tax notes to be sure to pay it up front next year.

Our ds-R had shoulder surgery yesterday. He'd wanted to put it off till fall -so he could referee Lacrosse for the season. Dr. didn't want him to wait as there was too much damage already. But, actually he ended up being able to do arthroscopic surgery so perhaps his recovery will be faster. DDIL-R had shoulder surgery just about a month ago (an injury from her position as a court deputy -Sargent I think). She just got cleared to drive the day before dson's surgery. So they're both home recuperating for the next few weeks.

Okay, think I'll venture into the kitchen. Feel a little more guilty now that dsonil is finally working again. His starting time for a spell is 5am. Makes for a mighty early morning and I know he's tired.
Editing: not to feel guilty -dsonil was already out in his work shed.
Editing again. Wow! That was a surprise! Checked our bank account & our federal refund was already in there. Not even a week.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:53 am

I am actually feeling pretty energetic this morning. Drinking breakfast smoothie and about to get into shower. Need to pick up dog meds before they close today so need to get moving too. "Energetic" for me lately is getting out of pajamas by 10 a.m.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby CathyS » Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:19 am


I have a fire going in the barrel outside. I love the smell of a nice wood fire, so that is satisfying to me. It's really windy here, so I don't know if the new neighbours are happy about it, but I didn't know they were going to be bringing another SUV load of stuff over.

We have had breakfast. I have emptied the dishwasher of all the glass and crystal stuff and it was so sparkly, and that made me happy. I don't think I've ever run all of them through the dishwasher before. First time I've had one since the late 80's was when we moved in here. If there wasn't one here, we were planning on installing one.

Saturday load of laundry is finished in the washing machine.

Dh is working in the garage.

I am going to knitting later.

Supper tonight is a cottage roll.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:39 am

hello good morning! I have been having headaches this week so I have been missing most of the time but I am cheering everyone on!!!!

today is dumb my brain on paper day as I have been finding myself (yesterday) looking at the things I haven't done instead of celebrating what I have done. So choosing the positive road and dumping my thoughts on paper. I usually can look at things and think "I have a plan for you" but yesterday I kept seeing what I haven't done. so silly. (so today is choosing to celebrate instead of looking to regret)

wishing you all a great day!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:58 am

No snow here this morning 27*
I had coffee breakfast and a m meds.

Planning is done. I still need to journal.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:11 pm

This has been a satisfying Saturday around here so far.

Heard DH running his turbo sweeper. It is top heavy with the hand sweeper detachable at the top and it swivels really easy at the base so I find it hard to keep going where I want. Anyway, since it has no cord and a detachable rechargeable battery, just like his cordless tools, he thinks it's the best sweeper in the world. Actually, it sounds like a jet engine and I have to plug my ears. So I don't use it and since he's been running it in the main areas I haven't dragged out the big Miele sweeper.

So, I ran around in front of him and picked up throw rugs, moved things out of the way, and with the 2 of us working we got the whole house vacuumed even under the beds etc. I wiped and swiped bathrooms and emptied most of the garbage bins too. WhooHoo! I could keep up with the house if we continued to do this together!

Helped him in the shop put some tools away (too high for him). Reminded him that things we do with a struggle we probably won't be able to do at all in a couple years. Offered again to help him organize that shop...

Been reading a diet book that is a bit outdated, but I'm finding it helpful. Baby steps!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:08 pm

This has been a very satisfying Saturday for me.

First: the good news from LadyM.

Second: I got distracted. Badly. But in a good way.

I'm just turning on the computer now, so it wasn't that. I haven't s2s or had breakfast yet and boy do I have to pee!

BUT, I opened the mail while having tea and chocolate and went to pile it on my desk with everything else when I decided I'd set up the filing system for my desk. So I pulled out the filing labels, emptied my filing drawer and rebuilt it with 10 sections for taxes (one of the pieces of mail was the first investment tax receipt.)

After doing the tax section, I couldn't walk away so I set up the "Active" section and put all the papers on my desk into the appropriate places. "To-Do", "Reconcile" and "Entry" are the most full of the folders!

After watching several of the videos I think I have an understanding of how this section of the system works. I'm still terrified about putting undone items into folders. Worse, multiple folders. I've vertical filed before (I have multiple hanging folder frames) and have not had success with them (aside from keeping the undone items organized.) I'm hoping the difference is these files are right beside me at my desk, not tucked away in a cabinet. The cabinet is right next to my desk but I have to stand up to reach into it and I don't have a good place to put the frame (because there's no room on my desktop!) so it is on the floor and, and, and.....

The downside is that I haven't put the current business stuff in here, nor the investment backlog (that gets it own filing frame!) so the business stuff (just 2 file folders) is still on my desk top. As I progress with the paperwork decluttering, I'm hoping a solution for the business stuff will become obvious.

At the moment, I keep opening up my desk drawers to look at them because they are so pretty! I spent $30 on the preprinted labels for this system but for now at least, they bring me joy.

Removing papers off my desk top gave me access to the sorting shelves on it (literally things were piled up in front of the shelves) and I've sorted through them, tossed a lot, tidied up so the inaccessible one doesn't have anything I'd be reaching for unless I was standing, and tossed a lot of things I had kept rather than dealt with. Time took care of most of those. The items I still need to deal with are in the the to-do folder.

I need a solution for the chits to be entered into Quicken. Dh has a habit of dumping chits on my desk so I set up two envelopes for them, clearly labeled and clipped together. Now that the desk is cleared off, they look awful on it! But I don't want to put them into my drawer because I want to make sure they don't get mixed in with the chits already entered. So I will think more on this as the Konmari goes on, hoping I find some sort of coupon sorter folder or wallet that will work for this.

Now to go pee, shower, dress and have breakfast.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:11 pm

Like your energy gauge, Twins :D

I awoke early with a migraine and finally took 2 migraine pills about 8:30. Just never went away. At 12:30 I came in for 2 more and pretty well decided I had taken plain acetaminophen instead of the e xcedrin migraine. Took 2 of those and it is somewhat better but I can still feel it.

Dbil called and asked a favor of me. Wanted me to ask dgd23 if they'd received a wedding gift from them. Sent a text to dgd to call me so I can ask her. He said they'd discussed what to give them for a wedding gift and disisil told him she sent money to her. But he says there's no check record of it and he's wondering if she really sent any. He thinks not. So, that got me wondering as we've not received a thank you either. Not really like her. So I went in search of the check and didn't see one cleared in 2 of our accounts. Wasn't sure which account I used. Backtracked and found I'd written one on December 7th AND mailed it that day. They were married on the 15th and went on a cruise the next day. I remember asking her if someone was getting their mail as we sent a package for Christmas. They cashed their Christmas check but their wedding check was never cashed. So it's been 2 months. We'd sent them a box of cookies and dd had made them a First Christmas Ornament so evidently they got that box. Waiting for her to call me. Chances are she's either working or sleeping in preparation of working the night shift.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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