Health and Fitness, February, 2019

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:32 am

I’ve decided not to do Keto for several reasons. I need fiber for my stomach issues and I am missing fruit.

Growing up my mom somehow knew abt nutrition. Breakfast was either an egg, piece of toast, milk and fresh oj or hot/cold cereal, grapefruit and milk. Lunch was a sandwich or yogurt... prune because that was all that was made back then. Dinner was meat, veggies, and a starch and always a dessert, but everything was portion controlled. My dad was old world so he filled our plates and pass them to us.

My brother could have seconds but I couldn’t because I had a thyroid problem. If I was hungry after school I could have an apple. My father was very stricken abt all of this and the results were I became a closet eater. I bought and ate candy most days either during lunch or on my way home. Good thing I was an outside kid who loved to ride my bike.

As an adult my weight fluctuated due to the freedom to choose my own food. Took me a while to come back to a more balanced way of eating.

Twice I have lost large amounts of weight..once 20lbs and another 40. Both were accomplished by eating
From the Diet Center program and walking.

In thinking abt my body and how it responds to food, I have decided to go back to the Diet center program and have just reordered the book. I actually worked as a counselor for the company and know that it works for older women.

It simple and easy to follow and I can eat wasa bread and fruit. When I lost my 40lbs i did IF without knowing what it was. I didn’t eat breakfast because I was busy, and sometimes I only ate one meal a day because I was going to college full time 8-11 and working 11:30-4:00 as a server.

Although I don’t have my book yet, I remember much of the program. I am doing IF with my window from 12-6 though most nights we eat by 5. I’ve never been much of a night eater but my hernia has changed some of that. I’ve found I needed to eat a larger salad at night to counter that.

When I went to amazon to buy my book, I was amazed to see in the comments how many women had been successful in the pass using the diet and are repurchasing the book like I am.

Question... who is this woman who walked 6 miles in her house without ever leaving. I can do that with my gazelle.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:53 pm

third perfect 24-habits day of February

Harriet - Congratulations! I am absolutely thrilled for your success!

Diet center program

YGG!! I'm glad you have a plan you know will be successful with. I was curious about it because I don't recall hearing about this program. I did a quick search and it reminds me of the FOF WOE I did last year. I did like that WOE very much and still have some of the habits I learned from it. I stopped doing it because of all the other daily requirements in that program that took so much effort and time.

Here is a video where she tells how she walks 6 miles indoors.

I experimented on myself today with doing IF while pushing my body doing hours of manual labor (gardening). I didn't eat today until 3:30pm when I finally became hungry. I monitored my BSugar and it stayed in the normal range. My energy level was high and I didn't have any desire to stop and rest. I think this will be my only meal of the day so I made sure to get as many nutrients in as I could. I fixed a huge green salad (baby spring mix) with avocado. I had a good helping of sauteed cabbage. I also had 4 oz of baby back ribs. It took me almost an hour to eat all of that and I am feeling stuffed. I haven't put it into an app to see my macros but I'm okay with my food selection regardless of what the macros show.

If my blood sugar continues to improve and stay stable I am most definitely going to implement some sort of IF as a lifestyle. I am thinking about doing OMAD on the days that it works with my schedule. On the days that I need to eat 2 meals for social reasons then I'll do 16:8.

But I'm not ready to make this commitment because I still can't believe my blood sugar will continue to be okay eating this way. I have too many years of experiencing blackouts from having hypoglycemia experiences that have made me very leery and untrusting. I have never had a problem with my fasting blood sugar going high until the last few months. At the beginning of February, my morning blood sugar got my attention because it had rose enough to put me firmly into a diabetic level. I knew the moment that # showed up on a doctor lab test that he would diagnose me as diabetic and want to put me on medication.

Eating Keto did lower my blood sugar some but not enough to stay in the normal range consistently. But what I am liking about Keto WOE is my hunger level has dropped and my insane desire to binge eat has mostly disappeared. For this reason, I have no desire to eat any carbs other than those that come from fresh vegetables. Someday I'm sure I will have a desire to eat other carby things, but for now it isn't worth it to me. I like not having to fight that out-of-control eating desire.

So far, Intermittent Fasting WOE has solved my blood sugar problems. When I do IF, they stay in normal range all the time. Even after I eat a meal my blood sugar doesn't spike. At the beginning of February before I started experimenting with Keto & IF, my Blood sugar was bumping against 200 but now it stays in the 80-100 level. It is hard for me to find fault with that!
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Lynlee » Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:15 pm

I'm glad you have found what works for you LM and RR.

I can easily lose a heap of weight without trying at times (think morning sickness, flu, guardia etc)
so I would be concerned about myself getting too used to not eating regularly.
With guardia and nothing staying inside me even when I could eat I reached 31.3k, and top note of the keto test with my body taking from organs to for nutrition. Beware of extremes as they can be deadly, and leave life lasting difficulties. The women I've met who had anorexia or bulimia have told me the same, that digestive problems continue long after they have themselves back on track.
Perhaps, without it and other damaging insults hurled at my digestive tract I would be able to follow a less restrictive diet now.

Btw - I regard to word diet to refer to whatever someone eats. It is not a specific program of eating, unless the person chooses one someone has 'proclaimed' and is totally determined to follow it.
The cave man diet was whatever they had grown or could find on the day. Fast forward 6 months and it would still be whatever they could find or had stored, most likely different from 6 months earlier.

edit for typo
Last edited by Lynlee on Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:22 pm

LadyM... mine is easy too . Protein, fruit wasa bread for breakfast. Protein, large salad with 7 veggies for lunch. Protein, veggies, salad for dinner.

If I don’t eat breakfast I add my fruit or I eat the fruit for a snack. It doesn’t shoot my blood augers up. I check mine first thing in the morning and thru the day.

I learned to do that when I joined the Type two diabetic Rebels FB Page that Emptynester spoke abt and helped her loose 90lbs. They are an amazing group. Many people have lowered their. Alc from 15 to 5.1-6.0 by doing 20 carbs or less and some have even gotten off their meds.

I don’t have type 2, but wanted to see if by cutting my sugars it might effect my migraines. Talk abt a supportive, informational, intelligent group.

I learned so much abt how sugar effects my organs and one of the adm guys has become a great friend.

So far the small bit of fruit has not effected my sugar numbers. I keep mine between 85-90 when I first get up in the morning. Unfortunately low blood sugars don’t seem to effect my migraines with the exception that they don’t seem to be as intense.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:35 pm

Lynnlee... I’ve had gardia three times a n my life and it’s sure not fun. I believe in the cave man thing. I only eat 7 ozs of protein each day and only fruit that is in season like the cave men did. I don’t eat dairy either with the exception of skim milk cause it messes with my bowels which messes with my stomach.

I have to eat fiber now so apples, veggies and my wasa bread which is a vey hard cracker with only 35 calories. My stomach did not like the low carb diet and since this hernia thing is a life long issue I must deal with I need to watch what I eat. High fats, even good ones cause me problems. I seldom eat process foods, haven’t for many years and it’s usually very easy for me to eat out by following my plan.

I no longer drink diet soda, can’t cause of my stomach. I can drink decaf coffee or tea and an occasional glass of wine. And now with my new meds I can finally drink water again.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Lynlee » Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:43 pm

RR - agreeing - finding helpful ideas and listing to how one's body, mind and energy respond is key to finding what works for you.
goatmilk products work for me where the casein in cattle /dairy does not. Butter occasionally seems ok.
Protein with meals/ snacks, unless it is a portion sized fruit serve.
Protein - animal normally once per day, plant based mostly at others. Sometimes goat cheese.
I haven't tried potato in a long while as I'd hate to have a repeat of last time I tried, or the time I bought a curry without realising potato was in there, then thinking I could eat around those bits. :cry: :? delete my comment.
Fruit - I can have some variety if I don't push it to too often. Otherwise headaches set in from neck muscle tension. Inflammation too I guess as somehow antihistamine help, which could also be allergy to a small degree.
There was the old anti allergy advice that said to not repeat any food for 3 days. I met someone a couple of years ago who was helped by that method. I try not to repeat the one thing twice in the one day, though goat products would deny that as true some days.

Also some 'expert' on nutritian who suggested rying to get maximum exposure to different food sources in a day (not huge quantities of each) to better ensure a wide range of vitamins and minerals. 20 odd was his target.

I can easily not eat until 2.30pm, though I don't think it is particularly good for me as a headache lands in the end. My history has been towards low bs, so I keep that in mind.
Paavo Airola's book " Hypoglycemia: a better approach" taught me much, and like LM is finding, he felt that diet improvements could reduce the needs for diebetic meds for some / many? people.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby RunKitty » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:01 am

My dh was able to get my car up the driveway to the gate, so he got the groceries we needed. The main roads are clear, but there is so much snow piled on the shoulders that it wouldn't be a good idea to run on the roads yet. The trail I usually run on won't be melted enough to run on for days. Guess I will have to keep running up and down the hall and up and down the stairs for awhile longer. the app on my phone is quite accurate in recording miles and steps. I mapped all my local routes years ago on Map My Run, so I know those distances and the app agrees with the maps. I am so grateful that this much snow and cold is a very rare event here..

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:13 pm

Been able to stay on my plan for the last four days. My IF window is from 12-6 but I usually have my dinner around 5.

Am gradually cutting back on all artificial sugars. Made a huge dent on that. Need to drink more water though.

Yesterday I had an In-an-Out burger protein style which means a hamburger with lettuce for a bun. Cam home and added my wasa bread and was very happy with the results. Cut my apple into small pieces, added a pack of artificial sugar, cinnamon and spray butter with a tad bit of water and zapped it in the microwave. It was delish. Sometimes I crumble up a half of a wasa cracker to give my desert some crunch but not this time.

No cheese allowed but I’m ok with that cause my body doesn’t do well with a lot of fat in dairy. I am only using two tbsps of skim milk in my coffee. Tonight is grilled tuna and veggies. Trying to eat less chicken and more fish which I enjoy more.

Next up is adding more steps into my day, plus water. I don’t drink as much of it in the winter as I do in the summer.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:43 pm

I made a big blunder and have paid the price with MASSIVE PAIN.

Thursday I working outside for hours, lifting, bending, squatting, pulling, pushing, etc. I was having so much fun doing something that I love (gardening) and enjoying the beautiful sunshine. I didn't realize how much physical effort I was doing. It felt good.

Friday, it didn't feel so good. My muscles were complaining. By Friday night I was in pain even when I was sleeping. The pain would wake me up when I tried to move to shift my position in bed. I had to take OTC pain meds in order to dull the pain so I could sleep.

Saturday I was willingly seeking OTC pain meds full time. My muscles were hurting on multiple layers. Even my bones seemed to hurt. Take a step hurt. Sitting down/getting up hurt. Even with pain meds, it was everything I could do to not curl up in a ball and cry. I would probably done that but the pain made it too unthinkable to do.

Today my muscles are just achy. Thankfully the horrible deep muscle pain is becoming a bad memory.

I do not recommend this way of building muscles.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2019

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Feb 17, 2019 7:32 pm

Lady.... buy some Dr Teals epsom salt and use it to soak in your tub. That will help ease your muscles. You can increase your magnesium as well. And try to drink as much water as you need. Gentle stretching even though it hurts will help as well.

You can buy Dr Teals most anywhere now. They sell it here at Wally World, drug and grocery stores. I have several different ones of his here. You can use just plain epson salts, but dr Teals is lightly scented and there are natural moisturizers in it.

I’m not a big tub soaker but I swear by this stuff.
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