Sunday Sweet Memories

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Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:50 am

Lynlee's comment last night reminded me of the grocery store and sitting there visiting.

What sweet memories were twigged for you today? What sweet memories did you create today?

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:55 am

I'm awake. My ear and head are fine. By the time I crawled into bed last night I had a gravelly voice but whatever it was has passed or hidden itself until night time.

I'm sad to read how bad the pain level is for Twins at times. I hope the CBD oil will help. I remember with my back before I went to the doctor, I was using back spasm meds which didn't take the pain away but made me not care. So it was some form of relief. Even if the CBD doesn't reduce the pain, maybe it will adjust your mental reaction to it.

I'm slow moving today for no apparent reason. Tea/Choc/light are done so I need to either s2s, eat breakfast, and then head out to church or get on the treadmill. If I stay home, I could work on all the things I didn't get done yesterday and then spend some hours on the filing system. My goal for the week was organizing the business files. I haven't even started on that.

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:49 am

I was awake last night around 3 with pain, woke up with dry throat and cough and that started pain. This was pretty high, maybe 6-7? I wonder if I'm getting more used to "grading" the pain so I'm downgrading it? Swallowing without major pain is hard right now.

I'm writing notes to dh. He will go to the store for me and I can make chili later when the meds have kicked in.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:50 am


Well yesterday started one way and ended another. Began by cleaning my self cleaning oven. Then I noticed some grease buildup on my microwave. That lead me to deep cleaning which meant I had to take it apart. Sweetie helped with that. Since we were working in the kitchen I asked him to move the refrigerator so I clean behind it.

Knew it would be gross but surprisingly the dirt wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We worked together. Sweetie vacuum the vents and the floor while I washed the top of the refrigerator. Then I mopped behind the refrigerator.

Since Sweetie was working with me, I asked if he would move the washer and dryer so we could do the same thing. After that I went back to my oven to wipe it out, and since I had my mop out I mopped my kitchen.

I also did 3 loads of wash and put everything away. Today I will finish doing the rest of my house blessing.

Question: what do you call the machine that washes your clothes? I call it a washing machine and Sweetie calls it a clothes washer.
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:07 am

I love sunday sweet memories.

sweet twins. it's horrible. I am so sorry. I know these flairs are beyond the pain level that anyone can imagine. I am praying for relief.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:34 am

Success yea bs is in target range.
H. Got the first part of farm stuff signed it will go on market tomorrow.
Rinse later & repeat for the other part in another county and diff. State.
Liking the Janome 2012 sewing maching, today's pick. Yesterday decided against the Jade Viking bc it has a drop in bobbin.
Enjoying the research part of this. Visions of seaming up pjs bottoms in my head lol!

Planning done.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Feb 17, 2019 7:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby BookSaver » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:38 am

Good morning, villagers,
When I saw the title of today's thread, it immediately took me back to being a little girl waking up on Sunday mornings and hearing DMom singing with the radio. We had a tiny house so the radio in the kitchen was easily heard in the bedrooms. DMom loved an AM station that played old time country music and she would sing along while she fixed breakfast before church. It was a sweet, gentle time.

I'm glad you are feeling better, Nancy. :)

Anyway, checking in: I don't remember when I posted last, therefore I'll just start where I am now.

I worked at the library yesterday. Business was steady all day with patrons coming in ahead of the next snowstorm.
I got home around 2:30ish and DH took me out to eat at the local diner. He had a pork tenderloin sandwich with fried breaded mushrooms, and I had an old-fashioned meatloaf dinner with green beans and mashed potatoes with gravy. Comfort food for a long winter.

The weather was sunny and beautiful for most of yesterday. These are the days when even though the temperature is well below freezing, being able to see bright sunshine makes everyone feel warmer. The roads were almost all clear and dry so DH decided to go for a drive over to the state park to check out the river. No running water visible, totally frozen and covered with snow. The snowmobile owners are loving this winter. Then when we got to the park, it was interesting to see the whole big lake frozen as well, and lots of ice fishermen out there. DH and I agreed that ice fishing has never, ever appealed to us.

It was good to get out and go for that drive. Now we are forecast for another 6-7 inches of snow to come today, so we probably won't go anywhere. Just hope they get the roads cleared again by tomorrow morning. Someone at the library yesterday said that the school had planned for only 2 snow days this year but they've already had 10 so far and there is still a lot of winter left to get through. They'll be in school well into June.

Today I want to clear out and clean our front entry and hall. I've been trying to get to that zone for a year but every time I start, I'm interrupted and don't get back to it. We never use our front door, which makes that entry area a much lower priority for cleaning than other rooms, so it usually is left for last. It has started to really get me down, though, every time I walk past it and see the clutter, dust, and dirty carpet. (Some day I'm going to rip out that carpet! Sorry, decorators, but I think carpet in any entry is a stupid, unnecessary dirt trap.) I know for sure that I will feel much, much better when that area is finally clean because it will be easy to KEEP it clean once it's done.

I have the impression that there is a certain tipping point in the cleaning process, a point of no return, in any awful, yucky cleaning job that needs several hours of hard work. If I can ever make it to that point with the front entry, then it will be easier to continue the yucky awful cleaning job than to put it on pause again and have to start over another day. Maybe today I can get to that point -- no hope of finishing the whole project in 1 day, but might reach the state that continuing the job won't take such a major effort.

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:30 pm

Rosie: I call it a clothes washer (as opposed to dishwasher), washing machine and washer. And at this moment, there are clothes to be removed from it and hung up to dry!

I ended up not going to church.

I have paid all the outstanding bills, but two (those need to be mailed) and I have reconciled all the credit cards and bank accounts. Keeping up with this is easier when I know it won't take too long although the 'big' credit card did take a while to find my typo amounting to 5 cents. That never happens with the account that has 3 transactions a month, but does with the 40+ transaction account.

One nice thing about keeping up with things is that dh's travel charges are easy to categorize since the trip is fresh in my mind too. Although looking at the "on-board Cafe" charges for meals reminded me about how tough that travel was last month!

Today's goals, finish the tasks from yesterday so I can move on to redoing the business file system.

But first, lunch!

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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:35 pm

My home is clean, dinner is planned and I only have one more load to fold.

My feet are up while I eat my lunch. Next is to make a cup of tea and enjoy the rest of the day.
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Re: Sunday Sweet Memories

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:42 pm

I'm having a good day so far. We went and got me a new cell phone. Oh my goodness, Verizon is so crazy. For $xx more you can get twice this or that, and if you add another line you save $xx, no that special is only on Thursdays when the moon is full. The other special you can only get this unless you upgrade and get that. Dh was at the end of his patience with it all.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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